So Lizi felt that Zhun's evasion just now was simply a coincidence.

It's just that all the wood escape ninjutsu that followed were all avoided by Jun Hinata in advance.

Jun Hinata didn't even open your eyes.

"This this……"

Not to mention Lizi, Minghu Xiangcheng, who was always beside her, also opened her mouth in surprise.

"Is this the ability of the seventh sense?"

Compared to the surprised Reiko, Minghu Yucheng somewhat understood why Hinata was so powerful.

Now when Jun Hinata is facing Reiko's ninjutsu, he no longer needs to look at Reiko's knot seal to judge what kind of ninjutsu the opponent is using.

Instead, relying directly on the perception of the surrounding space, one can predict in advance that there will be chakra fluctuations there, and even the intensity and range of the fluctuations.

It was as if I suddenly had a chakra sensor.


"No, it's impossible, unless it is the Uchiha clan with Sharingan!"

After confirming that Hinata was definitely not a coincidence, Reiko finally gave up.

But the surprise in her heart was even more shocking.

What ability is this.

For Jun Hinata to be able to dodge so early, Reiko only thought of the legendary Sharingan.

It is rumored that after the eyes of the Sharingan are opened, any ninjutsu performed by ninjas will be seen through.

In the film school this year, Lizi saw a lot of secret records.

Among them is the Sharingan about the Uchiha clan.

It is rumored that after the Sharingan is opened, the time in the Sharingan will be different from the outside world, and will be infinitely slowed down, so that the enemy's ninjutsu can be seen in advance.

Is it the same for Jun Hinata...

Chapter 62 Sharingan Appears

Just when Reiko was guessing, Jun Hinata had already sealed Reiko's acupuncture points.

"This this……"

Reiko couldn't believe it.

Zhun came to his side quietly just now, but he didn't react.

"Breakdown technique?"

Minghu Shazhi next to her was shocked.

The reason why Hyuga Lengtian was feared by the shadows of the major ninja villages back then was because his invisibility technique had reached its peak.

Even the shadow-level ninjas couldn't detect his existence.

And what Hinata Jun used just now must be the breath-holding technique mentioned in Minghu Saori's notes.

It's just that this breath holding technique was only mentioned in the notes, and it didn't explain how to do it.

Can the seventh sense do this?

"Okay, Reiko is over!"

When Jun Hinata opened his mouth at this moment, the aura on his body suddenly became apparent.

Both Lizi and Minghu Orange felt a little unreal before.

It’s like standing in front of you, but it feels like it doesn’t exist, but the eyes can see it, but the body feels that there is nothing in front of you.

This feeling sucks.

"Certainly, have you mastered Senior Leng Tian's breathing technique?"

Minghu Orange asked urgently.

"That's right, but compared to the one recorded in Senior Saori's diary, I'm just a bit more tricky, and it can't be regarded as a real grasp..."

Zhun looked at himself, he had actually opened his eyes just now.

Although he doesn't understand why he can get another change of Baiyan, but he can feel that the help Jingyan brings him is to manipulate the surrounding space to enter the space of gossip.

To put it simply, the moment he was actually fighting Lizi just now, Lizi had already fallen into the range of Soft Fist.

Within this range, Lizi's every move, even if he does not roll his eyes, he can still detect with his seventh sense.

And to react in advance, as well as his own aura, within the range of Soft Fist, his seventh sense is completely out of the range that Li Zi can perceive by ordinary people.

It's as if you can't feel it at all.

It's like the breath holding technique in cold weather.

But the accurate one has a weakness, that is, once it is out of the range of his soft fist, this perception will disappear immediately.

After all, he couldn't control the Qi and blood in his whole body to be in a nearly static state like Leng Tian.

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