Hearing Miyuki's words, Zhun shook his head, he could discover in advance not only by rolling his eyes, but also by that mysterious seventh sense.

At that time, he immediately felt a sense of danger, and at the same time, he immediately discovered the existence of Chakra in his eyes.

That's why she discovered Miyuki the first time.

"By the way, why didn't I see the Maoli father and daughter, why have they left..."

Hearing Miyuki's words, Jun Hinata shook his head diligently.

When he was in Konoha, he couldn't bear these two critters, and finally thought that they would stay in Konoha obediently. Unexpectedly, after hearing this mission, Mori Kogoro was so excited that he volunteered to come join.

"If you complete this task, you will be paid, we can also participate, and we also have a role..."

Remembering the vision of money in the eyes of Mori and Xiao Ran, Hinata Zhun felt helpless for a while.

"Then what do you mean, they have entered the town to inquire now?"

Miyuki asked.

"Well, I hope they can get some useful information. In fact, they have already set off here before we set off. We have been waiting to join them. Of course, if we knew you would come back, there is no need to send them... ..."

Later, Reiko Senju stared at Jun Hinata and asked, "What are you talking about with that Miyuki, so energetic!"

Seeing Reiko's expression, Jun Hinata suddenly said, "Reiko, it's not because of jealousy..."

"Stupid, stupid, why do people want to be jealous of you..."

After saying that, Lizi ran away in a hurry.

"I didn't say it was mine either. What I meant was that I was jealous of her because of her beauty, temperament and ability. What is this girl thinking..."

Hinata Jun murmured.

Chapter 65 Beauty Knife

"Master, I'm having a drink..."

Mori Kogoro was surrounded by a group of beauties at the moment.

Xiao Lan, who was looking at her father on the other side, frowned.

"Didn't you accept the mission of Xiangcheng before, to find out the forces behind the four murderers... Now my father has a good idea, one mission charges two money, but I have been here for so many days and nothing has been investigated. On the contrary, I spent a lot of money..."

Thinking of his father's spending time and drinking, Mao Lilan was bitter.

"No, we can't go on like this. Otherwise, our debts will only increase. We must make it clear to my father..."

Xiaolan has already made up her mind that no matter what, she must take her father away, or use force if she can't.

After Maori rewarded another beautiful woman, Xiaolan took the opportunity to say to her father: "Dad, we have to leave here. Today is the time for us to meet with Zhun Hinata and the others, but you haven't investigated the specifics until now." For example, we only know that the four culprits are hiding in this town, but we don’t know exactly where their secret hiding base is, how will we reply to Jun Hinata..."

"Don't worry, everything is under my control..."

Hearing his daughter's words, Mori Kogoro waved his hand indifferently.


Xiaolan was a little angry.

"Shhh, I actually found out that there is something wrong with this mysterious wine house, so I've been staying here all this time. Do you think I really didn't investigate?"

Xiao Ran was taken aback when she heard Mori Kogoro's words.


Xiaolan asked nervously.

"Haha, of course the most suspected one is the beautiful boss Aoi..."

Kogoro Mori had a serious expression before, but when he talked about this beautiful boss, his eyes narrowed and his mouth drooled.

This made Xiaolan finally understand that her father was simply deceiving her.

"I can't take it anymore!"

"You have to leave here with me tonight, we must find Hinata Zhun and them as soon as possible..."

Just when Xiaolan was about to drag her father away, a coquettish beauty stood in front of them.

"Hey, Mr. Kogoro, where are you going?"

Aoi showed a charming smile.

Even as a woman, Mao Lilan had to admit that the woman in front of her was really beautiful.

"Haha, boss, we have something to do, we really have to leave..."

Mao Lilan said apologetically, looked back at her father, and almost exploded with anger.

At this moment Mori Kogoro suddenly dressed in a serious manner, walked up to Aoi pretendingly and said: "Miss Aoi, I deeply know that you are all living under the shadow of the four evils, don't worry, I, Mori Their existence will soon make them disappear, and then I will live happily with the proprietress..."

The latter sentence is the purpose of Maori.

"Thank you, Mr. Maori, since you helped us fight off the men of the four murderers a few days ago, they never came to collect protection money, but once you leave..."

Aoi showed a terrified look.

"Haha, don't worry, we will definitely come back..."

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