Looking at Maori, Aoi said with a pitiful face: "But I am very worried about Mr. Maori. You must know that the four evil spirits are very cruel. Do you really have the strength?"

"Don't worry, I'm not the only one. I forgot to tell you. In fact, my real identity is the ninja of Shadow Village. This time, it's not only me, but also my companions and subordinates. They will definitely defeat the four murderers..."

Mao Lilan felt that her father shouldn't spit out these things so quickly, but she also knew that she couldn't stop her father.

"Hehe, is that so, then I can't let Mr. Maori leave..."

When Aoi said this, there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

Mao Lilan was the first to notice, and asked intently, "Boss Aoi, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean, you are going to deal with our four evil spirits, how can I let the enemy leave?"

Aoi slapped his palm at this time, and a group of people immediately surrounded Mouri and the others.

"I am the beauty knife, one of the four murderous knives you have been looking for..."

Chapter 66 Level [-]

"It's here..."

Mori Kogoro led Hinata Zhun and the others to the tavern.

"Here is a group of organizations secretly resisting the four murderers, and we all gather here..."

Hearing Kogoro's words, Hinata did not speak, but Sai Ichiro said pleasantly: "I didn't expect Mr. Mori to connect with these people. It's great to have your help in this mission..."

"Hey, you're welcome!"

"Moori Kogoro" waved his hands repeatedly and said.

"Then please go in..."

Hearing Mori's words, Sai was about to walk in.

But at this moment, Jun Hinata and Miyuki stopped Sai and Reiko at the same time.

"Hey, Mr. Maori, where's Xiaolan?"

Hinata Jun asked.

"Xiaolan, but she did an investigation..."

"Oh, so that's the case. Mr. Maori really worked hard this trip. By the way, he spent a lot of money. How about I give you some compensation..."

Hinata Jun seemed to say unintentionally.

"Hinata, you are too out of touch, you are all from Shadow Village, why should you be like this, let's talk about it later..."

Mori Kogoro looked very indifferent.

But Reiko's eyes widened, and Miyuki laughed even more.

Only Sai and Mori didn't understand why they were laughing so hard.

"Mr. Maori, you are not sick. I remember that you would disregard everything when it comes to money. Why are you so indifferent today? Could it be that you are seeing a beautiful woman who makes you fall in love with?"

Reiko Senju asked belatedly.

The moment Reiko asked, Mori's expression changed.

"When I was with Huangdao, I heard that there was a beautiful swordsman who was good at disguising. Whether it was the demeanor, words or habits of the learning target, he was second to none. What's more, this disguising skill was not ninjutsu at all, so even The ninja can't even find out, and she often uses it, and her method is very simple, that is, to lead the enemy into the trap..."

At this moment, Miyuki said suddenly.

Hearing Miyuki's words, Mouri, who had been smiling and not saying a word, finally changed his face.

"who are you?"

Hearing Moori's voice changed, Ichiro Sai and Reiko couldn't react.

"You are the beauty knife?"

"Hehe, it's your aunt I..."

After Mao Li finished speaking, he tore off the camouflage on his face, revealing a charming face.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to find me, but it's a pity that you have already entered my trap, come out..."

Following Aoi's order.

Hundreds of people came out of the tavern and the streets on both sides in an instant, and surrounded Jun Hinata and them.

"So that's the case. Sure enough, you have already made arrangements. I don't know what happened to the real Maori father and daughter?"

Jun Hinata asked without seeming surprised at all.

"Boy, I'm actually very curious. How did you know my identity? I asked myself that my disguise is flawless. Don't tell me about the previous temptation. If my disguise was okay, you wouldn't have tried it at all. I!"

Beauty sword Aoi looked curious.

"Hehe, it's actually very simple, that is, I have a pair of white eyes. You really have no flaws. I believe that Mr. Maori has stayed with you for a long time. You have observed very carefully. If I hadn't seen the Naxi people with weapons in the wine house Prepare to ambush us, I will not doubt..."

"So that's it. You are Bai Yan, one of the three major pupils. I didn't expect that Yingcun would finally start to win you over, but it's useless. Let's go through this level first..."

Hundreds of people surrounded Hinata Jun and the four of them, and Aoi couldn't believe that they couldn't be captured...

Facing Kami Aoi's gaze, Jun Hinata smiled disdainfully...

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