"Well, not bad, but although the step of making seals has been simplified, it has also lost control of ninjutsu, and it is not clear whether it is progress or regression..."

Miyuki and Zhun are playing charades, which makes Lizi very dissatisfied.

"What are you guys talking about? Why can Miyuki come in despite such a powerful electrical weapon? How did she get in?"

Hearing Lizi's words, Zhun looked back at Miyuki, and said after getting approval: "Actually, Miyuki has mastered the technique of Flying Thunder God, and what's even more powerful is that she no longer needs to seal..."

"What, Flying Thunder God Jutsu, so the legendary S-level ninjutsu is actually performed on a person who hardly has much chakra. This, this is simply nonsense!"

Sai was the first to retort loudly.

You must know that in Anbu, Sai can come into contact with more things, especially the amazing ninjutsu at the end of the ninja era three hundred years ago, and each of them is a ninjutsu that amazes these ninjas now.

Among them, the most mysterious technique of Flying Thunder God is one of them.

This is an extremely mysterious and powerful ninjutsu in the era of ninjas. It is actually used by people in the last generation of ninjas, and it is not Jnin. No, even the chakra of ninjas has not been achieved.

"Miyuki can use it because of some special reasons. I hope that Master Minghu will not announce this invention to the public, otherwise it may cause chaos in the world..."

Quasi-seriously said.

"Don't worry, Minghu succeeded this time, and it's already a miracle. His theory can't be established at all. Even Minghu didn't think that he could establish a formula with this gun and bullets..."

Miyuki said lightly.

If so, those who know what Miyuki said must be amazed again and again, this is really an invention that surpassed the ninja era.

The young master of the Minghu family is actually still working on a secret eye, which is to allow ordinary people to use ninjutsu. It is just to build a chakra formation, collect free chakra in the air through special electrical weapons, and at the same time The chakra in the body resonates, so that as long as the chakra weapon is turned on, ninjutsu can be created through the user's own chakra.

Just like Miyuki, the weapon gun in her hand is a chakra formula. After she activates it, a range will be laid, and this range is the range where the flying thunder god technique is used.

And the ninjutsu she uses passes through bullets, as long as the bullet appears, her body will resonate, and the ninjutsu of Flying Thunder God will be activated instantly.

It's just that the cost is very high, and it can only be used once a day.

Just like Miyuki used in front of Sai before.

"I don't have any strength anymore, you guys go to the second level, but be careful, the murderous knife in the second level is called the beast knife, he is the second only to the thunder knife in my opinion, compared to the barren knife and the wild knife. This beauty knife is not a person of the same level at all..."

Both Sai and Reiko were shocked when they heard Miyuki's words.

"Hmph! No matter what his background is, I must complete the task!"

Only Zhun said that he was not affected at all.


Chapter 70 List of Renegades

On the bottom floor of the tavern.

"Huh, these wandering warriors are all trash. The outskirts of the base were originally in charge of Huang Dao, but this guy actually died outside, and even attracted these ninjas from Shadow Village. It's time for the base to be abandoned..."

The mysterious man with blue hair said angrily looking at the screen on the monitor.

"Thunder Knife, there is no need for this. Fortunately, there are you and me in the base. Just give these little mice to the Beast Knife. The most important thing now is to get the things behind us out as soon as possible, otherwise that person will not let us go lightly." ..."

Another voice came from Lei Dao's side.

"Well, beast knife, I believe you. After all, your strength is the most powerful among us. The beauty knife is only suitable for inquiring about news, but unfortunately she made too many mistakes this time. It is just some outsiders of Shadow Village, and it is nothing but Shadow Village Specialist." The body sent trash to confuse us, I didn't expect Yingcun to be so cunning..."

What they were talking about was Kogoro Mori, and all previous judgments were based on Kogoro Mori's skill and strength.

If Jun Hinata knew that the four murderers were based on Maori, and even mistakenly believed that this guy was from Shadow Village, he would definitely laugh out loud.

"Go and prepare. I will ask the workers to transport these weapons away as soon as possible. In addition, these people must not let these people find out the information of the Earth Group. You go and prepare the beast knife..."

Lei Dao ordered to the beast knife behind him.

"Don't worry, we must have left long before Yingcun sends people for the second time..."

Beast Knife is obviously very confident in his skills.

"Don't be careless, Beast Sword, although you are also from Shadow Village, but since there is a guy from Shadow Village Anbu here, maybe it is for you..."

"Haha, don't be kidding, it's just Sai, when I entered Anbe, this guy couldn't even pass the pass, and I kept him firmly suppressed, just relying on his strength, he didn't need my average strength to kill him. He, you just wait for my news..."

The beast knife finally showed its face, it was actually two people, no, the furry face on the other half of the face didn't look like a human face at all, but a beast face.


The elevator finally stopped.

Jun Hinata, Reiko Senju and Ichiro Sai came out of the elevator.

"Boys of Shadow Village, come here, the gate to hell is slowly opening for you..."

The sound of the beast knife suddenly came from another direction.


Jun Hinata was very disdainful of this voice.

"Are all the four fierce knives so arrogant!"

Hearing Jun Hinata's words, the other person, Ichiro Sai, had a solemn expression on his face.

"Be careful, this person is not talking big. He used to be my senior, and he was also from Shadow Village. He was even in the top three in the film school back then. The reason why I came here was because of this person. People who are on our Anbu traitor list..."

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