Sai's words surprised Reiko.

"What do you mean, you mean this person was a ninja from our Shadow Village, or a member of Anbu, why didn't you tell us about such a dangerous mission in advance?"

Reiko asked suspiciously.

After all, the rebels in Anbu are generally led by the Chunin.

Of course Sai understood why Reiko was so angry, and said in a low voice, "Of course I knew before I came, so Shadow Village has already let a Jonin lead the team, but I don't understand why that one hasn't come..."

This was also where Sai was puzzled.

"Guy who pretends to be a ghost, let's go, I want to see how powerful the guy who is on the Anbu traitor list..."

Jun Hinata walked in the direction of the voice first...

Chapter 71 Maze

It's just that it is indeed a maze in front of them.

"Haha, if you want to reach the bottom, this is the only way to go, but can you go there and get out of this maze first..."

The sound of the beast knife came again.

"Be careful, the four murderous knives have created the best battlefield for themselves, and this maze may be his battlefield..."

"Hmph, the so-called battlefield is nothing more than letting him play freely, but these are nothing to me..."

Jun Hinata said disdainfully.

It is true that his white eyes are not afraid of this kind of darkness and maze at all, he can see everything around [-] degrees.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that Shadow Village really recruited members of your Hyuga clan, but you have been surrounded by people from the Senshou clan. It seems that the rumor is true..."

The words of the beast knife came from all around.

"what do you mean?"

The sun line asked a little puzzled.

"Haha, you don't know, right? A hundred years ago, a member of the Hyuga clan became a ninja of Shadow Village, but for some reason, he suddenly went berserk and almost wiped out most of the power of Shadow Village at that time. Everyone has rumored that the Hyuga Clan is here to end the era of ninjas, and they will not allow ninjas to exist in this world, just like what Senior Hyuga Lengtian did back then. The coming of this world..."


What the beast knife said surprised Zhun, his father never told him such a thing.

A hundred years ago, someone from the Hyuga Clan actually became a ninja and almost wiped out the Shadow Village at that time. What happened?

Could this be the reason why the Hyuga clan will no longer become ninjas in the future, and why there are always people from the Senshou clan around him, what does he mean.

"What do you mean, what happened a hundred years ago..."

Just when Hinata Zhun was distracted, a sharp claw suddenly appeared from behind.

"Back to the days!"

Fortunately, Jun Hinata today has already touched the seventh sense. Although he can't freely control the seventh sense like his predecessor Hinata Lengtian, and exert the power beyond ordinary people, but the five senses have been raised to the extreme. , any sneak attack will not work.


The power of Huitian's rebound directly bounced back the beast knife that appeared just now.

"Don't go!"

Seeing the beast knife disappear from the secret passage again, Senju Reiko and Sai Ichiro shouted at the same time.

"Hehe, of course I know the white eyes of your Hyuga clan, but my sneak attack is from the secret path. Although your white eyes have the ability to see through, I also have the ability to hide all auras. This is what I learned from a hundred years ago. I got it from the notes of the strong man of the Hyuga clan, haha..."

"Break breath technique, you actually know how to hold breath?"

As soon as the beast knife finished speaking, Jun Hinata knew what ability the other party was talking about.

"Hehe, I learned this with great difficulty. This ability allows me to escape calmly even if I am on the list of traitors in Shadow Village. I even killed a strong man at the peak of Zhongren. You are not me Opponent, just wait and die, I know that even the white eyes have to rely on Chakra, once the chakra is consumed a lot, the white eyes cannot be kept open..."


Hinata Jun knew that Beast Sword was right, but he was even more surprised why Beast Sword knew so many secrets about the Hyuga Clan.

Thinking of this, he looked at Ichiro Sai.

"In fact, he is not only the traitor of Shadow Village, but also the descendant of the twelve guardian families of Shadow Village, so he can come into contact with these secrets..."

Jun Hinata didn't respond to Sai's words, but Reiko showed an expression of disbelief.

"Senior Sai, are you kidding me? He is actually the descendant of the twelve clans that guard the Shadow Village, and those are the twelve most loyal clans in the Shadow Village..."

"So this is the great shame and shame of Yingcun!"

Chapter 72 The firmness in Sai's eyes

"Yes, it is the great shame of our Shadow Village, so my task is to solve him..."

Saying this, Sai Ichiro took down the scroll behind him.

"Hinata Jun, it should be no problem to break through this maze with your white eyes..."

"Of course, my white eyes have already seen the exit!"

Hinata Jun nodded and said.

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