In the end, I thought that after defeating the four murderers, the mission could be considered complete, but the last step, intercepting the evidence was too difficult.

I didn't expect that there was an army in the base. Although I don't know if it is the secret army of the Fire Nation or a private armed force of a force, there are too many of these people.

Their ninjutsu may be able to deal with dozens of them, or even hundreds of them, but once these people unite, it is impossible for the ninja like Saii to defeat them.

Although these people can't pose a threat to Sai and Lizi at all, the important thing is that they can't stop these people from transporting these weapons.

At the beginning, Sai and Reiko also discussed several plans, such as ambush on the road, and then give Yingcun as much information as possible, so that Yingcun can send more people to support.

But every time the opponent transports, they lose a lot of troops, even in the base, and it is impossible to start.

They have been monitoring several times today, and if they can't do it, they will bite the bullet and attack.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to make such a decision, another accident suddenly occurred, and a stone monster appeared.

"What a huge monster, is this a tailed beast?"

Reiko said in surprise.

"What nonsense, there are tailed beasts now, even if there are eight tails or nine tails, and you see, this stone monster has no tail at all, this is a summoning technique, someone must have summoned it..."

Sai glared at Reiko and said seriously.

"Could it be our support, the Jonin who hasn't shown up all this time?"

Reiko said excitedly, she was not angry at all when she was taught by Sai.

It's just that none of them noticed the weakness on Jun Hinata's face at the moment.

"This is one of my ninjutsu abilities, but it just consumes a little more chakra. As long as your chakra is not exhausted, or you stop sending chakra to it, it will always exist, even if you are defeated. Will be back again…”

It's just that Hinata Junzao is no longer excited at this moment, but is suffering. Who would have thought that the other party would suddenly give him such a big gift.

This is indeed a powerful ninjutsu, the key is whether you can master it.

"Hehe... why are you afraid that you won't be able to master it? Naruto Hyuga, your ancestor, can already master the power of Nine-Tails at your age..."

Seemingly knowing Hinata Jun's thoughts, Tonero imposed his will on Hinata Jun through a contract.

"You don't seem to know how much potential you hide in your body, it's just because you don't have Chakra, I'll give you..."

Accompanied by this mysterious voice, and a reincarnation eye that did not belong to him gradually formed in Hinata Zhun's eyes, a powerful chakra appeared on him again.

Just like when he was dueling with the Continental Group's wandering ninjas before.

At this moment, the changes in Jun Hinata finally attracted the attention of Ichiro Sai and Reiko Senju.

"How could it be, could it be that this monster was summoned by Hinata Jun?"

Sai and Reiko looked at Jun Hinata in disbelief as if they had seen a ghost, but they couldn't get an answer, because everything that appeared in front of them was beyond their comprehension...

Chapter 85 Premonition of Shadow Village

Shadow Village.

Since Ying sent Hinata Zhun and others to carry out the task of the four murderers, in fact, he only paid attention to this matter.

Although the intelligence shows that the strength of these four people is actually hovering between Genin and Chunin.

Especially one of them was Konoha Renren, who had previously avoided chasing and fleeing.

For this reason, in addition to sending Sai, the ninja who specializes in restricting rebellious ninja, he also sent Hatake, the jonin, to follow.

"With Hatake here, these students shouldn't have any problems, right?"

Shadow murmured.

I just don't know why, but there is always a bad premonition in Ying's heart.

It seems like something has been overlooked.

It doesn't feel good.

Ying's work has been affected by this emotion in recent days.

Even Ying had given an order to put the information about the four murderers that Anbu had inquired about before on her desktop.

"My lord, you seem to be a little concerned about this small arsenal?"

Anbu's captain asked respectfully.

"Don't worry about it..."

Ying said lightly, glanced at the captain of the dark troop and said: "In the past few days, I have always felt that something is wrong, as if something has been neglected. You know, some of my talents are very (sensitive) to good and bad fortune. , so I have to be serious..."

Hearing Ying's words, the captain of the dark army was startled.

Others don't know about Ying's ability, but as a leader of the dark army who is by Ying's side to protect her, he knows very well that Ying does have some special abilities, as if he can see through the future.

"Could something have happened over there, but with Hatake around, there should be no problem, right?


Regarding the strength of Hatake Shoda, the guard of the shadow, the captain of Anbu, is very clear.

After all, the last captain of Anbe was this Hatake Shota.

In terms of his strength, even the Shadow Village species can be counted.

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