"It stands to reason that I think so too, but recently I always feel that something is going to happen..."

Just when Ying was talking about this, a peripheral personnel who collected information suddenly ran in.

"What's the panic, don't you know that this is where Ying works?"

The captain of Anbu frowned, and said in distaste for the people who came in suddenly.

"No, it's not good, Mr. Ying, our intelligence department received the information from Sai Ichiro that Kaminoshi Hatake Shota did not rush to the secret base of the four murderous swords as agreed..."


Shadow was taken aback.

Even the captain of Anbu said suspiciously: "What's wrong with Hatake-senpai? Although he usually has the habit of being late, it shouldn't be this time. Could it be that he wants to secretly protect these little guys?" '

It's no wonder that the captain of the dark army thinks this way, in fact, Hatake has a precedent for doing this long ago.

It was as if the first time he was on a mission, it was Hatake Shoda who led him.

At that time, Hatake was also hiding in the dark, until he suddenly appeared when he was in danger.

Ying also had this aspect in mind.

But the brows were furrowed even tighter.

"Wang Wang..."

At this moment, Hatake's ninja dog suddenly appeared in Ying's office.

"Huh? Isn't this Master Hatake's ninja dog? Why is it here? What message does it bring us?"

Just when the captain of the dark army was guessing, Ninja Dog suddenly said: "Master Ying is not good, Hatake was defeated and taken away by the mysterious man..."

Ninja Dog's words startled both Shadow and the Captain of the Dark Troops.

You must know that Hatake Shoda was the former captain of the dark army, the jominin of Shadow Village, and his strength is also among the top few, so someone can beat him.

"No, it's definitely not that simple with the four evil spirits, go, quickly call Ah Hu..."

Shadow gave the order immediately.

Chapter 86 S-Class Squad

Ah Hu immediately came to Ying's office.

"Ahu, now you must lead your team to track Hatake immediately, and at the same time support Jun Hyuga and their group. I believe that the so-called private arsenal is definitely not that simple. It can even be said that Jun Hyuga and them are in danger... "

Hearing Ying's words, Ah Hu and the two ninjas behind him were also taken aback.

They are the offspring of pig deer butterfly respectively.

"What about that boy Sai, since the accident in Nara, we don't want the ninjas in the twelve families to be injured..."

One of them stood up, his body was very fat, but his eyes were full of anger.

It is Qiu Daoming, a descendant of the Qiu Dao clan.

"Okay, now let's go!"

Kage didn't talk nonsense, and with the help of Ninja Dog, he believed that as long as he got the clues, he should be able to get Hatake's whereabouts.

It's just that she is really worried about Hinata Zhun's group. Since there are ninjas who can defeat Hatake among the enemies, they must be at the level of jounin, and they may even be descendants of Blood Successor Genkai like her.

Thinking of this, Ying suddenly trembled all over, as if thinking of something impossible.

"No way, did that one make a move?"

The person Ying thinks of is the phantom who competed with her for the position of Shadow back then, and is also her brother.

Originally designated as the shadow of the next generation, but for some reason, she betrayed the shadow village.

"If it's really my brother, I will definitely do it myself. I want to personally ask who is that mysterious ninja who led you astray back then?"

There was a murderous look in Ying's eyes, and at the same time her eyes began to change, and three gouyu appeared in Ying's eyes.

Shadow also has Sharingan.

In Ahu and Qiu Daoming and a female ninja, Shizuko medical ninja, also has the art of heart transfer.

These three people can be said to be one of Ying's trump cards, and together with Hatake Shoda, they are almost the s-level task team of Yingcun, that is, ninjas who perform s-level tasks.

It can be seen that this film attaches great importance to this task.

"Ahu, do you think Big Brother Hatake will be okay?"

"Hatake's life should not be in danger. After all, he is a Jōnin. No matter who falls into his hands, he is of great value. What's more, he is also a ninjutsu master. He has hundreds of ninjutsu. These Enough to make those people jealous, I am now worried that it is the students of the Hatake Ninjutsu class and my students..."

Of course Ah Hu knew that Hyuga Jun was also a member of this mission.

If there is an ordinary C-level mission, led by Ichiro Sai, who has reached the level of Zhongnin and is only short of passing the exam, even if the four murderous swords are very powerful, he can escape unscathed.

Of course, Huang Dao has already been defeated, and the information of the other three murderous swords was obtained from Huang Dao.

The private arsenal is also obtained from him.

However, the mission Huangdao has been performing is on the periphery of the factory, and he didn't even enter it at all.

So there is hardly any useful information. After all, the information is obtained in a special way, and there are certain inaccuracies, but there are almost no mistakes in this interrogation.

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