But unexpectedly, there was a deviation this time.

"Hurry up, hurry up, Jun Hinata, Hatake and you guys must be fine..."

Ah Hu thought silently in his heart.

Just when Ah Hu and the others rushed to the town, an urgent letter appeared in Ying's office again.

"What, the secret army of the Nation of Fire is involved? An arsenal of thousands of people?"

After reading Sai's second letter after discovering the size of the arsenal, Kage was shocked.

Chapter 87 Ah Hu's Decision

In the small town of the secret base of the four murderers, when Ah Hu arrived, he looked at the ruined town in surprise, and couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

"What's going on here, what about the town, I remember the information said it's a small town, right?"

Ah Hu asked Yamanaka Shizuko behind him.

"That's right, did they destroy the entire town in order to hide the evidence of destruction because of the discovery?"

Shizuko Yamanaka guessed in surprise.

"Wouldn't it be that day to them..."

Qiu Daoming was also unwilling to express his guess.

Ah Hu said with a livid face: "Start searching, we must find clues about them..."

Ah Hu and others first locked the secret base of Si Ji Dao.

Among them, they also passed through the underground, and then saw the huge arsenal.

Seeing this moment, they were already stunned.

"This, this should be a secret factory somewhere in the Nation of Fire. Damn it, could it be that our Shadow Village has been used, and someone wants to make our Shadow Village and the Nation of Fire have a bad relationship?"

Yamanaka Shizuko is the person who thinks calmest here, and also the one who thinks the most.

"No way……"

Although Ahu didn't want to admit it in his heart, he also admitted that what his partner Jingzi said was reasonable.

"Immediately send a letter to Ying to report everything here. We will start to collect evidence now and look at all the physical evidence left behind. If it is really not the Land of Fire, then I really don't know who can have it." So much power to develop so many weapons and find so many manpower..."

Ah Hu also said in shock.

At this moment, Qiu Daoming suddenly pointed to one of the walls in surprise and said, "Look, is that Sai's ninjutsu?"

Yes, on the wall, one of them has a message left by Sai Ninjutsu.

"Could this be a trap?"

Shizuko asked.

"Hmph, in front of the three of us, I want to see who dares to use the trajectory!"

Ah Hu said.

"Hey, it's always better for Hatake to be the captain, your brain is still a little too impulsive!"

Shizuko thought helplessly.

If Hatake was here, it would definitely not be the case, and he would definitely find out before setting off, but Ah Hu had already dispatched after he finished speaking.

"Don't worry, I brought that thing this time, there will be no danger..."

Hearing Akimichi's words, Shizuko was taken aback.

"Have you successfully produced that thing?"

"Hehe, no matter what, it is the secret medicine of our Qiu Taoist family. Although the previous literature has been reduced a lot, after a hundred years of continuous modification by the family, it finally succeeded, and it is the third form..."

"The third type?"

Jingzi was already on the spot. As a member of the Twelve Clans, she also understood the skills of the Akidao Clan. Although the multiplication technique is very powerful, it consumes not only a huge amount of Chakra, but also its own energy.

So if you don't have enough, even if you master the secret technique and blood succession limit, you can't exert your full strength.

"It doesn't matter, I will let you see the true strength of my Qiudao clan..."

Hearing Qiu Dao's words, Jingzi asked seriously: "Qiu Dao, tell me, what strength can you achieve if you take the third one?"

"Penumbra, at least he can deal with three Kaminin!"

Qiu Daoming said confidently.

"So powerful?"

Shizuko stayed on the spot.

It was Qiudao who reminded: "Hurry up and keep up, otherwise why do you think Ying made Ah Hu the captain..."

"It turns out that the second strongest person in Shadow Village is Qiu Dao!"

Knowing Akimichi's strength, Shizuko felt relieved.

"Hmph, let me see what's going on..."

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