The three disappeared into the night and went to the place left by Sai...

Chapter 88 Answers

When Ah Hu and his party walked past the back mountain, their previously confident expression turned serious.

In fact, the damage here is more serious, as if the entire ground has been overturned.

"Qiu Dao, can you feel the Chakra here? It's amazing!"

Jingzi said in panic.

Even Qiu Daoming, who was originally confident, was staring at the ground ahead.

The entire ground there is sunken, even ninjutsu is difficult to cause such a great power.

"This, this kind of strength, I am afraid that unless it is a forbidden technique, it is still an S-level ninjutsu!"

Hearing Qiu Daoming's words, even Ah Hu stopped.

"Should we stop here, ask Mr. Ying for advice, and bring that group along?"


Qiu Daoming and Jingzi said in unison.

It was a group that had mastered a combination of forbidden techniques, and the four of them could use ninjutsu with S-level power together.

But the cost is very high, and ninjutsu may not be able to be used within three years.

This is the power to protect Shadow Village, and you must never leave Shadow Village.

It's just that the destruction in front of them has simply exceeded their expectations.

"Go, keep going, unless the enemy has Nine Tails, I don't believe it's caused by ninjutsu!"

Ah Hu has already advanced alone.


Qiu Daoming also followed.

Jingzi didn't, but took out the camera and began to take pictures of the scene she saw.

The three of them cautiously approached Sai's place, and when they saw Lizi outside nervously, Ah Hu hesitated for a moment and finally walked over.

"Teacher Ahu, you are here!"

Reiko jumped up happily.

Sai also heard Reiko's voice and came out of the cave.

Yes, one of the places Sai found was a cave.


Originally, Ahu and Qiuye were all on guard, whether Lizi and the others were kidnapped, and what happened here.

But before they could ask, after seeing Jingzi, Lizi pulled Jingzi anxiously and said, "Great, Teacher Jingzi, you are here too, come quickly, Jun Hinata has been sleeping all the time, come quickly have a look……"

When entering the cave, Qiu Dao and Jing Zi remained vigilant, and they breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there were no traps.

Then he couldn't wait to ask: "Lizi, tell the teacher, what happened here, what happened in that small town, and why did this place become like this?"

Hearing Teacher Shizuko's words, Reiko and Sai looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

On the contrary, Ah Hu said anxiously: "Why are you so anxious to ask this, Jingzi is my student, and my student is unconscious, so hurry up and see what's going on?"

Ah Hu walked up to Hinata Jun first, and saw that Hinata Jun was just sleeping and was terribly anxious.


Shizuko was also surprised, Hinata Zhun this day, but Ying confessed that no accident should happen.

Although Shizuko knew that Hinata must be a member of the Hinata clan, that's why Kage was anxious to pay attention.

After all, the legend has been circulating in the ninja world until now. Hyuga Lengtian ended the ninja era. If he wants to reopen it, he is also a member of the Hyuga clan.

After seeing Jun Hinata's situation, Shizuko was stunned, and then scolded Ahu angrily: "Ahu, what's the matter with you, how can you do this?"

Hearing Jingzi's question, Ahu asked in confusion: "What's going on, why are you angry at me?"

"Here, there is no trace of chakra in this child's body. Do you think there is any ninjutsu that can do this besides your eight-door Dunjia technique?"

Shizuko asked angrily.

Ordinary ninjas can't do it even if they want to use up the chakra in the body, because the body has a protection mechanism. After all, once the chakra is used up, his life will be in danger.

But Bamen Dunjia can break this protection in the body.

After understanding this situation, Ah Hu said with a serious face: "I have never taught this child Bamen Dunjia!"

Then Ahu swept towards Lizi and Sai, and asked with a serious face: "Tell me, what's going on..."

Chapter 89 Dabu Group

Obviously, the three of them thought of this at the same time, and the only ones who knew the answer were Sai and Reiko in front of them.

Seeing the serious expressions of the three teachers, Reiko and Sai's expressions were gloomy and uncertain.

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