"You boy, I didn't realize you were so skinny when I was in Konoha!"

Asakura Tong did not expect that Hinata Jun could not only laugh at this time, but also make fun of himself.

"Ha ha……"

In fact, Hinata's real idea is that he has some reactions from below, but he wants to prevent Asakura Tong from finding out through these words.

Or just trying to divert attention.

Jun Hinata can't tell the truth...

Beauty, your figure is so good, it fits me too tightly, even I can feel your chest and your back, and your (hip) hand (feel) is also good.

Jun Hinata believed that once he told the truth, maybe Tong Asakura would go berserk on the spot.

It's just that jumping with her on her back is a test for Jun Hinata every time.


"Those people finally slowed down..."

Jun Hinata took a break for a while, he didn't expect that the other party was so strong, not only were they all at the level of Chunin, but even one of them was a ninja who possessed the secret technique of Blood Succession Limit.

Of course, apart from Hinata Zhun's white eyes and soft fist not afraid of the opponent's spider-like ninjutsu, this Asakura Tong is also unambiguous.

The electrical weapon in her hand actually has a bomb.

You must know that this kind of thing is mixed with earth escape technique.

Once thrown, it will cause the ground to shake.

But this weapon is very precious and rare,

"Actually, this is what the Fire Team saved my life..."

Looking at Hinata's suspicious eyes, Asakura Tong patiently explained.

"I don't care about this, I just want to ask about the whereabouts of Mr. Hatake, do you know?"

"Why didn't you receive the message I sent back?"

Asakura Tong asked suspiciously.

"Of course, you disappeared in such a hurry that we couldn't receive your information at all. Even the intelligence department of Yingcun realized that you hadn't contacted within the stipulated time, so they realized that something happened to you, and then sent us here..."

Hearing the correct words, Asakura Tong was even more surprised.

"I sent a distress message, but I have already sent back the message, no, the message from Senior Hatake, but you told me that I didn't receive it?"

Asakura Tong also said incredulously.

After finishing speaking, Jun Hinata and Tong Asakura were both startled at the same time.

"No, there are traitors in Shadow Village!"

At this time, dozens of kunai flew from behind!

Their pursuers came.

"Looks like I'm going to run again!"

But Hinata Jun didn't show any panic at all.

Immediately, he escaped from the underground tunnel with Tong Qiang in his arms, and then ran towards Ah Hu and the others.

Among them, Jun Hinata was most concerned about the pre-arranged traps.

As long as they are introduced into it, I believe that even if they cannot be eliminated, they will not be able to pursue.

"Put me down quickly and run away alone. Senior Hatake is in Dabu's secret base. Not only that, he also has a group of ninjas loyal to him. I still don't know who these ninjas are behind the scenes. Or he recruited Dabu himself, but one of Dabu's identities is very important, he is from the Kingdom of Clouds!"

"Why is he from the Kingdom of Clouds, the former Kingdom of Thunder?"

Hinata Jun asked.

"That's right, among the five great nations, the only one is that Yunnin Village seized the final political power and changed the country of Thunder to the country of Clouds. They also have many ninjas left behind, but they no longer return to Shadow Village, but Allegiance to the entire country can be said to be one of the strongest countries today, Dabu's identity is definitely suspicious, I suspect that the arsenal he secretly built in the Fire Country must have a close relationship with the Cloud Country!"

The news brought by Tong Asakura surprised Jun Hinata.

If this news gets out, it is very likely that the two countries of Fire Kingdom and Cloud Kingdom will go to war.

In particular, it is very likely that the Kingdom of Clouds has long been eyeing the Kingdom of Fire.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"They are there, boy, let me see where you are going!"

Just when Jun Hyuga and Tong Asakura were surprised, Luo who was behind had sent his fastest men to intercept them.

"Be careful, I have seen this person once before. Once someone wanted to assassinate Dabu, but he appeared in front of Dabu in an instant, blocked the bullet of an electric weapon, disappeared in front of his eyes, and reappeared behind the assassin. Already!"

Hearing Asakura Tong's prompt, Jun Hinata already knew that the person in front of him was a speed ninja.

This kind of ninja's general teleportation technique is very good.

"You shut your breath!"

At this moment Hinata Jun said suddenly.

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