
Asakura Tong asked incomprehensibly.

"I said you shut your breath!"

Seeing that Tong Asakura still didn't understand, Jun Hinata suddenly made up his mind.

"excuse me!"

Jun Hinata suddenly put a kiss on Tong Asakura's mouth.

This made Asakura Tong completely confused.

This guy, this guy actually dared to do such a thing to himself at this time.

Even at this moment Asakura Tong didn't know how he should react.

Yes, I should push him away.

Don't say that Asakura Tong was startled, he didn't know why, even the chasing soldiers were the same.

"Could it be that this kid sees that he can't escape, so why don't he just have a last flair?"

Neither side understood why Jun Hinata did this.

But Luo's subordinate would not give up the attack. The next moment he was about to kill Hinata Jun and Asakura Tong together, the figures of Hinata Jun and Asakura Tong disappeared...

"how come?"


Maybe others didn't see what was going on, but Luo who was behind was extremely surprised.

Because just now, when his men were about to stab Hinata Jun and Asakura Tong, they disappeared.

"Instant Body Technique!"

Only the instant body technique has such an effect.

It's just that it's no surprise that Hinata Jun can do it, but what about Asakura Tong, is she an ordinary person?

In fact, Asakura Tong's eyes were full of stars at this time, his head was dizzy, and he even felt short of breath inside his body.

In fact, it was because of the high-speed exercise, her body couldn't support it at all...

In the era of ninjas, every ninja who knows the teleportation technique is almost a jounin. They not only have excellent chakra in their bodies, but also their physical fitness has become better than ordinary people under the improvement of chakra, so even in The instant body technique under the body technique will also not cause discomfort to the body.

But ordinary people can't.

This is because ordinary people's bodies can't stand it, let alone the instant body jutsu under ninjutsu.

Therefore, when performing tasks, generally ninjas rarely use the blink technique to take the protector away. Even when encountering a crisis, they still hug the protection target and use Chakra to concentrate on their feet to tell them to run.

Using the faster instant body technique may not require the enemy to chase, the target person will be suffocated to death because he cannot use the instant telltale, even if he does not suffocate, his consciousness and body will not be able to adapt to the final body damage.

That's why no one did it even in the ninja era.

Even though Asakura Tong is a trained outsider, she has never learned Chakra Ninjutsu, her body has not been improved at all, and she cannot bear the consequences of the high-speed teleportation technique.

But what about now?

Asakura Tong was only temporarily unfit, but there were no other injuries.

"Isn't it the instant body technique?"

Only Asakura Tong can know ninjutsu, Luo is sure she can't, otherwise, she can't get close to Mr. Dabu at all, you know, they have a chakra perception master here.

"Perhaps her quality is better than others?"

In fact, they didn't know the situation of Asakura Tong in front of them at all.

At this moment, apart from feeling like fire burning all over Asakura Tong, there is also a coolness, and the pleasant feeling is constantly spreading in the body.

"This, what does this feel like..."

Under this force, her uncomfortable body seemed to be healed in an instant, and even she was a little reluctant to leave the lips kissed by Jun Hinata...

This thought even made Asakura Tong shy...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Of course Hinata Jun knows that ordinary people can't bear the teleportation technique...

Especially this kind of teleportation technique at high speed, if there is no protection of Chakra in the body, it is even more unbearable. I am afraid that even a ninja cannot bear it without Chakra in the body.

But it was too dangerous just now, he had no choice but to use this method, and after considering this situation, he had already input a lot of chakra with Tong Tong's hand.

Because the Chakra of the Hyuga Clan rejects any power, even if it enters any ninja.

Of course, it's the same for ordinary people, but in the family's notes, he remembered that his ancestor, Hyuga Lengtian, used Chakra to help his companions detoxify.

When Chakra entered someone else's body, it didn't cause any harm. Of course, Chakra didn't exist in the other person's body in the end.

If it is someone else's chakra, it will definitely cause physical harm. Of course, if there is a special ninja who absorbs chakra, it may be a big tonic, but there are few ninjas of this type in the notes of the entire Hyuga clan.

In particular, these special types of Chakras that have appeared have one thing in common, that is, they cannot absorb the Chakras of the Hyuga Clan.

Repulsion cannot be absorbed and resolved. Similarly, if among the Hyuga clan with white eyes, finely controlling chakra can help people dispel some internal injuries in the body.

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