At this time of crisis, when Hatake was planning to sacrifice a group of Anbu people and dragged Niutou Tianwang to sacrifice, a flat but majestic voice came from Uchimura.

"You all stand back, this monster is being cleaned up..."

Hearing this sound, all the ninjas immediately began to retreat without any hesitation.

Even some ninjas had expressions of excitement on their faces.

Hatake Shoda shook his head helplessly. After Senju Naoki spoke just now, even his subordinates started to retreat without his permission.

Although part of this is due to dangerous reasons, more of it is the admiration and trust for that person.

At the same time, after Hatake left, he found a yellow light suddenly flying out of the inner village.

When the light approached, Hatake found that it was actually a huge monster.

It's just that after the monster Hatake lost his mind, he immediately opened his mouth in surprise.

Because the monster has nine tails behind it.

"It's a tailed beast, and it's still Kyuubi. It turns out that Kyuubi has been in Ninja Village all along, and it hasn't disappeared at all..."

It wasn't just Hatake who came up with this idea, all the elders of Ninja Village Kazukage who were paying attention here were taken aback.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ninja Village 351 years.

Jun Hinata defeated the bullhead king who came to attack.

At the same time, the strength of Ninja Village shocked the four major countries.

The reason why it is not the five major countries is because the country of fire surrendered.

Yes, on the battlefield between the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Thunder sent a decapitation team to infiltrate the Kingdom of Fire.

The daimyo who ordered the Fire Nation made a wrong attack order, which almost wiped out the entire army of the Fire Nation.

At the same time, the daimyo of the Land of Fire surrendered.

This makes the Kingdom of Thunder one of the strongest forces in the remaining four major countries.

The reason for saying this is because of the powerful strength exposed by Ninja Village, the Kingdom of Thunder has to be cautious.

However, the defeated Minotaur didn't explode, because Jun Hinata needed to control the Minotaur to stop causing damage to the village, which made the Minotaur's Jinchuriki escape in the process.

It's just that even if he escaped, Chongtian's injuries and the bull-headed king in his body would also consume a lot.

After Ohashi found out that the Nation of Fire had surrendered, he felt as if he had lost his soul.

At this moment, a mysterious voice appeared in Daqiao's mind.

"If you want to fulfill your wish, go to Muye Village, there is a chance to realize it..."

In the next few months, it will be all discussions between the country of Thunder and Ninja Village.

Phantom, who has become the daimyo of the Land of Thunder this time, looks at the younger sister in front of him with deep emotion.

"You want to restore the previous system of one village and one ninja village. Brother, you are too naive. Now it is not our era at all. Even Naoki-sama will not agree!"

"Yes, but I need to meet in person before I can..."

The kaleidoscope Sharingan has already appeared in the eyes of the phantom, and it has evolved even more.

"Sister, you don't have to resist in front of me, my eyes are already eternal kaleidoscope eyes..."

Ying almost jumped up when he heard his brother's words.

"Impossible you have to get my eyes to..."

"Hehe, don't you know that I have the most powerful ninjutsu researcher Dashemaru senior three hundred years ago by my side. He has been able to use your cells to clone a new pair of Sharingan, although he can't share with you. Compared with others, but it is still sure to make me an eternal kaleidoscope, especially I can fail countless times..."

Speaking of this, Phantom also took out a pair of eyes.

"This is my clone. As long as you agree to my conditions, your eyes will be fine too. I need to meet the ancestor of Zhishu in person!"

Hearing this, Ying asked incomprehensibly, "Why?"

"Because I want to ask him one thing, is he ever guiding me to betray Ninja Village in my mind!"

Having said this, Phantom's entire face began to turn hideous.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Phantom's words almost made Ying almost scream.

"I'm talking nonsense, I'll know when I see our ancestor!"

Finally, three days later, the phantom reappeared in Uchimura.

This time, he is the name of the country of thunder, and he has mastered two countries.

So even though he is rebellious, he still makes many children in inner village worship him.

In particular, his methods and ninjutsu were repeated by adults when they were young.

It's just that while educating them, it also made them understand the power of the phantom.

In front of the sacred tree, Jun Hinata was waiting for the phantom.

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