This is the first time Jun Hinata has observed the phantom so closely.

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The pattern of the world today is already evident.

With the power of the Kingdom of Thunder with one village and one country three hundred years ago, the whole world will submit to the Kingdom of Thunder.

Of course, this is not without the fear of the Kingdom of Thunder.

That is Ninja Village.

Phantom will not feel that he is comparable to the original Konoha Hokage Senju Hashirama.

But the ancestor was always on his mind.

It can be said that in this era, he, Phantom is the Senju Bashirama that ended the Warring States Period.

"I originally hoped that you would inherit my will, but I didn't expect you to defect in the end..."

In the sacred tree, Rope looked at Phantom, who was almost the most talented descendant after the end of the ninja era.

"Humph, hum, you said it lightly, didn't you tell me these instructions, didn't you let me betray Ninja Village?"

Hearing Phantom's words, Nakoki frowned and said, "What's this called? Although I mentioned something to you, I definitely didn't make you betray Ninja Village. On the contrary, some ninjutsu you experimented with are no longer good. The ninjutsu of the Thousand Hands family, I always thought that you have a mind that embraces all rivers and rivers, and can let ninjutsu take a new development like my teacher..."

While Phantom and Naoki were arguing endlessly, people from Muye Village suddenly brought someone here.

The person who came was Hinata Jun's father.

"The scroll was stolen?"

Jun Hinata was surprised when he heard his father's report.

The teammates behind them all looked nervous, and it must be because the Hyuga family had lost something to get Konoha's village head here.

"Father, are you sure you didn't forget, or were gnawed by a mouse, otherwise, who would have nothing to steal the family tree of our Hyuga clan?"

Jun Hinata didn't feel nervous at all.

"Bastard boy, the family tree of our Hyuga clan is lost, shouldn't you be nervous, this is the most important thing of our clan, and I'm sure it's not lost, it was stolen, and I still think it's a very powerful ninja, because I put a lot of traps where I placed them!"

Hinata Jun's father said angrily.

"Okay, Dad, I have more important things to do now. This is the Nation of Ninja, that is, the most tense time for negotiations between the Nation of Thunder and our Ninja Village. It is impossible for me to go back with you to find such a boring thing. !"

Hearing Zhun's words, Hinata Zhun's father blushed with anger.

"You, you don't understand at all. Three hundred years ago, the ancestor of Hyuga Naruto once said that this thing is very important, and every member of the Hyuga clan must protect it with their lives!"

Although the name that the old man said was very powerful, everyone was in awe.

After all, the Fourth World War three hundred years ago brought earth-shattering changes to the entire world.

It can be said that the end of the ninja era began at that time.

"Father, the ancestors of Naruto said that we should use a clan to protect it. This is for sure. After all, this is the genealogy of our Hyuga clan!"

"No, there must be something more important. It's just that the thirteenth generation, that is, your great-great-great-grandfather didn't have time to say it, but it is absolutely important, because I remember that the scroll that my father gave me before must be put away. Because it is related to the safety of the entire ninja world, no, it is the safety of the entire world!"

Although Naoki didn't care about the outside things, he was still surprised to hear a familiar name.

"Strange, at the beginning Naruto also said that this scroll is also very important, but he didn't say how important it was, and then disappeared. Could it be that there is really a big secret in it?"

In Uchimura, nothing can be concealed from Nakoki's eyes and ears.

Phantom, who had always been hostile to Naoki, was taken aback.

"The scroll of the Hyuga Clan, I remember that you also let me get it in my mind, and the same is true for Senior Orochimaru!"


Hearing Phantom's words, Senju Nawaki was even more puzzled.

Is there really any secret in this scroll?

Phantom doesn't bother to tell lies.

But the rope tree is the same, so after the two confronted each other, they both found that things were not simple.

"To be able to avoid me, and to be able to communicate with you in Neicun, this person is really powerful, hehehe..."

Suddenly Nakoki's eyes changed.

Turned into a samsara eye!

"Let me see who dares to be so presumptuous without my knowledge!"

"Hehe, little guy, did you just find out?"

Similarly, after Shengshu used the wheel to protect his eyes, a pair of eyes like him suddenly appeared in the whole space, watching them.

"who are you?"

"Hehe, I am the Otsutsuki clan who was imprisoned on the moon by Hinata Lengtian three hundred years ago. Hello Senju Nawaki, we will meet soon. I will replace the bullying that your teacher gave us back then. you……"

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