It's just that as soon as Hinata Jun finished speaking, he appeared beside Toneri.


Sheren was startled, and immediately used Tenseikan's ability.

Since he absorbed the eyes of his tribe, he has been able to use more abilities, especially since he also obtained the eyes of reincarnation.

But Zhun's speed just now was too fast, it simply surpassed the instant body technique, even space ninjutsu couldn't be so fast.

"And there is no slight fluctuation, which makes me unable to react..."

Fortunately, Sheren used Shenluo Tianzheng.

But with a wave of Ri Xiangzhun's long arm, it seemed that the barrier in the middle was waved by him, breaking the Shenluo Tianzheng of Sheren.

This made Sheren dumbfounded. You must know that this is not as simple as ninjutsu, it is the ability of reincarnation eye.

But the next moment, Jun Hinata caught Toneri.

"You've lost your mind!"


Sheren wanted to break free, but the feeling of his wrist felt like it was sealed.

Facing the sudden change, Sheren didn't panic at all. The only good thing in the past three hundred years is that he has been fighting with Datong Mutao constantly, which has enriched his combat experience.

The next moment, the reincarnation eye on Sheren's head was activated here, and his body began to fade. This is space ninjutsu. When Sheren was about to attack several times, he was dodged by Datong Mutaoshi with this move.

This is his own space, and it also belongs to the space created by Samsara Eye. No one can defeat him in this space.

He is a person in this space, who can change the time, environment, space and environment at will.

If you are pulled in, you can only fall into a passive position. Fortunately, Sheren has Tenseisan, who can always see through the nodes of the space and escape from it. Even he dare not fight Taoshi inside.

But now that Jun Hinata is here, it doesn't seem to be affected at all.

"Fighting to the stars!"

At the sound of a familiar name, the Tenseigan of Hinata Zhun's eyes suddenly turned, piercing the space, and appearing directly behind the person again. The difference this time is that the person does not have any pit time.

"This, this is not ninjutsu, it's taijutsu, and it's the ultimate expression of taijutsu. You, are you Hinata Lengtian?"

It's a pity that Shinero didn't get an answer. The answer was Jun Hinata's supernatural powers.

After being hit, Sheren immediately felt a different energy eroding wantonly along his arm.


Sheren came out of the space in pain, but his arm started to turn black. Just when Sheren didn't know what to do, a thread suddenly wrapped around his arm.

"Time Barrier..."

Another strange voice came from behind Sheren.

Sheren even found that he was actually stopped now.

"It's strange, I can feel the aura of a big tube of wood peach from a long distance, but it's not him, who are you?"

"Hee hee, you don't have to worry about who I am, but the first thing you have to answer is where is the big wooden peach pose?"

A mysterious man suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and then he used a magical ability to freeze Sheren's arm.

Looking at the black breath and lines on Sheren's arm, the mysterious man said coldly: "You'd better answer my question, if it wasn't for my time freezing ability, you would soon be eroded by this wedge force and finally Fading to death..."

Sheren forgot to glance at his arm, and asked again: "Who are you? Is the person who controls Hinata Zhun Hinata Lengtian?"

"Okay, let me answer your question first, my name is Datong can also call me Datong Mokura!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Are you from the Otsutsuki clan?"

Sheren asked solemnly.

"Why don't I look like that?"

It is true that the breath of Urawa is not very similar to the Otsutsuki clan, and the appearance is the same.

The only thing that can be believed is the eyes, which are all features of white eyes.

However, in the introduction of the Datong Mutao style, the characteristics of the Datongmu clan are also present in several other major races in this world.

So Sheren has this question.

"Jie Jie, you really deserve to be someone who has absorbed the Datong Peach Style and Jin. Compared with what you get, I can tell you that my eyes can see your past, and you can also determine my past through my eyes. As for my identity, don’t you know if I’m from the Otsutsuki clan at a glance?”

Tenseikan can see through the future and see people's hearts.

This is something that Sharingan and Samsarayan cannot do. They are better at controlling people's hearts.

"Yes, you are indeed from the Otsutsuki clan, but what I see from you is sorrow and curse and more hatred..."

"Hehe, it depends on how you understand..."

Datong Mokura said indifferently.

Although the Hyuga Clan's blood successor limit boundary is also supercilious, but the Otsutsuki Clan's supercilious level is not known to be much higher, and this is also a standard configuration for all members of the Otsutsuki Clan.

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