The reason why Otsutsuki Tonero determined Urashi, that is, Urawa, although he did not understand how Otsutsuki Urawa knew Momoshi was absorbed by them, but he had a guess in his mind, it should also be through Baiyan, Baiyan's powerful perception He felt the breath of peach style on him.

Not only that, when Toneri and Hinata Jun were fighting before, before Sherin was controlled by Jun, Hinata relied on his powerful white eyes to see all of Toneri's attack methods clearly. Through this advantage, he was able to avoid the attack. all attacks.

This is also the last Toneri and Jun Hinata originally thought that the outcome could only be decided through consumption, but it was completely different after Jun Hyuga was possessed.

Not only that, after Jun Hinata was possessed, Toneri was completely unable to see through Jun Hinata's attack, no, it should be said that he was unable to react, even if he saw through it, it was useless.

And what's more, this person can actually make himself unable to react.

"Hehe, I know what you are thinking. My reincarnation eye ability is a bit special. Not only can I absorb other people's skills, but I can also absorb other people's skills without restriction, and then copy them."

Having said that, Otsutsu Mokura Shiki showed off his red chakra condensed weapon, a mysterious fishing rod.

"This is the skill I got from him when I ran away from the most powerful enemy of the Otsutsuki clan in the past, that is, um, it should be called Bamen Dunjia, no, it should be Jiumen Dunjia, that's right. , but I can only maintain it for a short time, but this kind of skill can already make the supercilious eyes of our Otsutsuki clan unable to keep up."

Speaking of this level, Otsutsuki Pushi glanced at Tonerin and said: "I have cast Huangquan Hirasaka, which can open the gate of time and space at will, enter a different space, and don't leave again. Wait until the kid recovers from the Nine Gate Dunjia, you But it's hard to escape..."

"I have one last question. Is the enemy you are talking about cold and cold?"

"Oh, so you are also his enemy?"

Hearing Otsutsu Mokura's answer, Toneri already fully understood, especially since his arm hadn't recovered after such a while.

"It seems that you have also discovered that if I hadn't even used Time Freeze, I'm afraid not only your arm, but even you would have died..."

When Datong Mokura said this, he looked at the black rune with fear and hatred in his eyes.


Scheeren didn't ask Datong Mokpowa if he could do anything, just tore off his arm and threw it on the ground.

Appreciation flashed in Datong Mokura's eyes, he shook his arm, and left directly with his family.

How could this state appear in your body? "

At this time, Jun Hinata, who was exuding purple chakra, finally recovered, but it was already a step too late.

"It's really disappointing, your body is so poor, and you can only use the ninjutsu of Nine Gates Dunjia for a while..."

"Nine-door dunjia, I only know eight-door dunjia, who are you?"

"Who am I, hehe, I am Hinata Lengtian!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At this time, Naoki and others who had been watching the battle just ran over.

And Hinata Jun was still on the spot at the moment.

"Hyuga Lengtian, the legend who once stood at the pinnacle of the ninja world for three hundred years and ended the ninja era, is it actually his ancestor who controlled him just now?"

Others didn't notice the difference in Hinata Jun's aura, but both Nakoki and Orochimaru sensed a familiar aura.

"How about it, have you rescued Senior Naruto?"

Phantom asked.

Although he didn't understand why Sheren's strength could suddenly explode so powerfully.

"That master, I was indeed controlled just now, and the person who controlled me was actually me..."

Hinata Jun hadn't finished speaking, Naoki blurted out and asked, "Is it teacher?"

Zhun heard Naoki's words and nodded.


Phantom was taken aback when he heard this answer.

"Hehe, Rope Tree, I have already imprinted the coordinates in this child's mind. I didn't expect you to come here. Come on..."

Then Hinata Jun woke up with a start.

"Just now……"

"Okay, let's go. I believe that the teacher is still alive. I have already sensed a trace under the sacred tree before. I didn't expect it to be true..."

Hinata was the most perplexed when he heard Nakoki's words.

"Teacher, that sacred tree?"

Seeing Hinata's longing gaze, Nasuki knew what he wanted to ask.

"You've always wanted to know about the origin of the sacred tree, right? It's true that your perception in the sacred tree was correct. That sacred tree is indeed the sacred tree left by Otsutsuki Kaguya, but the sacred tree in Uchimura is just some wreckage Forget it, it’s not the real sacred tree, otherwise Kyuubi wouldn’t dare to be in it with me, of course it can revive the sacred tree, and the nutrients provided by my grandfather’s tree between the pillars are indispensable, plus I became the alternative ten of the sacred tree. Only then can the tail be able to control it, allowing it to prop up the entire space..."

"I see……"

Hearing Nawaki's words, Jun Hinata nodded in a sudden realization.

It's just that Phantom's face has changed.

"Grandpa Naoki, may I ask you if you really don't know the origin of the sacred tree? Is it really the sacred tree that Otsutsuki Kaguya brought to the ninja world?"

Hearing Phantom's words, Zhishu certainly knew what he meant.

After all, no matter what Hei Jue said back then, they were all legends, and no one had ever seen the divine tree with their own eyes.

But the sacred tree that the teacher gave to Konoha and to himself was absolutely true.

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