Chapter 9 Talking about collapse experts~

Still in the streets filled with a lot of white and dense fog, the concentration of magic power contained in the dense fog has long exceeded the level that ordinary people can bear. It is like a poison to ordinary people without any ability, but it is completely ineffective to followers. .

However, for a magician, the magic mist full of magic power is not ineffective for himself, and it will still be uncomfortable if he is uncomfortable. Moreover, staying in the magic fog for a period of time does not mean that there are no consequences at all.

The smell of chemicals from the nostrils undoubtedly showed that this thick fog was not as simple as a thick fog formed by a lot of magic power.

The industrial revolution in the [-]th century produced a large amount of soot and chemical waste gas, combined with the local influence of the North Atlantic warm current and the westerly wind belt to mix with the cold fog that enveloped London, resulting in strong acid erosion.

In various senses, it is impossible for ordinary people and magicians with flesh and blood to be immune to this kind of chronic poison-like chemical fog.

Therefore, letting my sister and Abigail stay at home is also the safest way.

As long as the proof of my treasure, the book of rites is still in the hands of my sister, and I use the power of that treasure to maintain my immortality, so Yu Shengming can rest assured that he is alone in London full of thick fog roamed the streets.

Moreover, in case something happens, my sister can also use the command spell to summon herself.

Now on the streets of London, only Yu Shengming himself and the giant flesh and blood figures under his control were wandering around.

No, you should still be able to see that in this foggy street, those London residents who are hiding at home because of the dense fog are looking at themselves with fearful eyes through the gaps in the curtains. On the street, moreover, it is clear that the flesh and blood dolls guarding him were once human beings, and at this moment they have turned into this frightening existence.

For human beings living a stable life, the flesh and blood parade on the streets every day is like the demon crawling out of hell described in the Bible. Evil, terrifying, disgusting, and the figure in the center of the flesh and blood queue is dressed like It's like the cultists in the story who want to find, hunt and kill human beings, and then sacrifice their flesh and blood to the evil gods.

The deadly dense fog also made it impossible for residents to escape here, so the surviving London residents could only hide and shiver in the only safe place.

Yu Shengming had no obligation to appease those humans, but after three days of searching for the Holy Grail, he had collected enough information.

"The current information I know is that the Magic Association underground in the British Museum that my sister said has been destroyed by a certain force, and the remaining magicians are also restricted in their actions because of the thick fog, and they don't want to care about such thankless things. matter."

"Sure enough, magicians always look like this no matter what era it is." Probably remembering something bad, Yu Shengming continued to walk on the street and sort out the information after leaving it behind.

"There are more and more servants without masters appearing from the fog. Some servants choose to watch the battle and do nothing, or act for other purposes. However, there are still some servants who join the general The entire city of London has become like this...【Magic Fog Project】."

"You think so? One of the leaders of [Magic Fog Project], Mephistopheles... By the way, your name is too long." Someone began to appear in the thick fog in Yu Shengming's eyes, It was in the dense fog where the fingers could not be stretched out, and the clothes were still extremely conspicuous, like a clown showing off his funnyness to the audience in a circus.

However, Yu Shengming knew the funny clown in front of him, he knew this ridiculous clown who was nearly [-] meters tall.

Mephistopheles, in a book he read when he had no friends, described a demon who tempted Faust.

However, the clown in front of him is not a demon in the sense of magic, it should be right to say that he is a mentally abnormal person. Similarly, like Yu Shengming, he is also a servant of the Caster class.

Just because there are servants of the same class, this Holy Grail War is destined to be different from the Holy Grail War I know.

"Hey hey hey~ I'm so sorry for the long name! This young gentleman just needs to call me Mephisto." The clown known as Mephisto can break the neck of a human by turning his head at [-] degrees He said to Yu Shengming with a loud laugh from the angle.

"My companion, the second day has passed since the melancholy alchemist gave you the time to think about it. I think it's time to think about it, so." The clown saluted Yu Shengming with exaggerated gestures. , then rubbed his hands and grinned, and extended an invitation to Yu Shengming in a natural tone.

"Want to join our [Magic Mist Project]?" As if expecting Yu Shengming to join directly, it would save him a lot of trouble.

Unfortunately, the clown doing exaggerated movements in the dense fog is the type who likes to make others worry and make himself worry.

The moment Yu Shengming's lips were about to open, the clown answered instead of Yu Shengming.

"Okay, I received the result! You won't join! Because, I want to cut off your limbs and take them away like a toy! Maybe they will think you are useless, and then give you How about I play?" It was like performing a one-man show, while performing perfectly.

A pair of large sharp scissors began to appear in Mephisto's hands, and they made a clicking sound.

The clown expects to bring funny and ridiculous despair to the interesting person in front of him.

"So, why do there always exist mentally abnormal people who don't listen well to others?" After shaking his head and sighing, he sighed because Mephisto didn't listen well to others.

"Wow~ Then you are very boring and want to join us?" Mephisto directly wrote these two words of disappointment on his face, and the scissors in his hands were still rattling restlessly.

If you really want to join, you can't do it. Obviously, that power can create a very interesting world!

As for, is Yu Shengming really going to join the [Magic Mist Project]?After thinking about it for two days, Yu Shengming was almost tired of wandering around for the past few days without any results.

Regarding the invitation to the [Magic Fog Project] launched a few days ago, I may have a slight idea of ​​wanting to join, because it may allow me to find the location of the Holy Grail in this organization.


Mephisto's words all subtly hit Yu Shengming's mines.

Therefore, the pair of magic eyes under the hood opened slightly, and the eyeballs with countless pupils began to look at the clown in front of him, and then the guards guarding Yu Shengming began to move.

Wielding the bony sharp claws on the growing and swollen flesh, Na rushed towards Mephisto.

That is the answer!

"Wow! That's right! That's right! This Holy Grail War is not considered a Holy Grail War at all. When we meet, we will go to war with all our strength!" The clown yelled, avoiding the attack from the flesh and blood humanoid, as well as Yu Shengming's demon. Some movements began to deviate under the action of the eyes.

However, no matter how life-threatening the attack was, Mephisto was able to dodge it, as if he was teasing himself.

Even though he is a servant of the Caster class, his movements are surprisingly quick.

"But it's too treacherous for a group of people to beat one! So, go! Little Jack!" Immediately afterwards, the clown took advantage of the free time and started shouting towards the sky towards the thick fog around him, under the voice.

The bony claws of the flesh and blood humanoid that rushed up were about to tear the noisy clown apart, and then the next second.

A blood flower exploded, and at that moment, the flesh and blood figure that attacked Mephisto first turned into a piece of flesh covered with cut marks, slowly absorbing the magic power brought by a large amount of magic mist, and recovering. en route.

Yu Sheng could vaguely see it under the voice of Mephisto.

From the mist, one could faintly see a short man covered under a rag and holding a pair of daggers. His figure was so petite that he seemed to be a child no older than 10 years old.

Immediately afterwards, the young voice was full of confusion, as if it was impossible to tell who the person who covered his whole body under the robe was, not because of his appearance, but because of a deeper sense of gender ambiguity.

"Are you... Mom?" So, the short man named Jack opened his mouth to speak young and inarticulate words that fit his body type, and said to Yu Shengming.

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