Chapter 0 Clowns, Murderers, Cultists

The children who emerged from the fog were not even ten years old, and the gender ambiguity brought about by being too young also made Yu Sheng, who still had mild face blindness, clearly unable to distinguish the children who appeared in front of him. Is it male or female.

But the strength is unquestionable. The huge flesh and blood dolls who are used to protect themselves have been eroded by part of the power of the Noble Phantasm, and their strength is at least an existence that ordinary humans cannot defeat.

However, this child who is not even ten years old has done it. If he can have such power, then he is a Servant, and, judging from his appearance and other characteristics, he is a Servant of the Assassin class.

Yu Shengming recalled that Mephisto yelled the name of Jack, which should be the servant's real name.

Speaking of Jack, although there are generally many people named Jack abroad, there are actually only a few famous Jacks in history.

Combined with the various books I have read, Britain, the nineteenth century, and killing women, the answer is ready to come out.

That is the legendary killer who became famous for killing women and dismembering them in the late nineteenth century in London, England.

【Jack the Ripper】

But if that is really [Jack the Ripper], he is still too young, and he has a naive look in his eyes, as if he can't tell whether the person in front of him is a man or a woman, and he is starting to worry about something .

Yu Shengming's bottom line as a human being was once again challenged.

"I'm not your mother, and I'm a man." Facing the presence of two servants from the enemy, his tone of voice became gloomy in an instant.

Do you have to kill this kid who looks less than ten years old again?Even knowing that the other party is not a real child at all, but a follower.

"It's okay! It doesn't matter if it's not [Mom]! Servants have more magic power than ordinary people. If we have a lot of magic power... we can go back to [Mom]'s body!" After hearing the answer, Jack was innocent that day. Hungry eyes have already begun to appear in his eyes, and even more so are the hungry eyes that want to eat himself up.

After saying this, he took a step back and disappeared into the white fog.

Can't even feel the breath at all.

Sure enough, it was Assassin, and, with the dense fog, combined with the story of Jack the Ripper, this environment was no different from Jack the Ripper's home field, plus the existence of Mephisto.

If Yu Shengming wants to defeat these two servants, the only thing he can rely on is his own treasure, but, should he use the treasure in front of Assassin?

If the Noble Phantasm is not released directly at the right time, it will only cause easy-to-see flaws and lead to complete defeat.

So, without even a moment's time to think, Jack the Ripper had already launched a surprise attack on Yu Shengming in the dense fog.

With his petite and agile body, the dense fog that blocked his vision, and his hands that were as sharp as scalpels, several of the flesh and blood guards guarding Yu Shengming's side had already fallen down within a short while.

During the period before absorbing the magical power of the dense fog and reviving, the defenses that protected him became weaker and weaker, and Jack's movements were so agile that at this very moment, without noticing, the assassination was completed.

At this moment, the clown who was doing funny and exaggerated movements was Mephisto.

Taking advantage of the spare time when no one noticed him, the clown leaped lightly, jumping directly onto the roof like a circus performer, and then sat on the roof, looking down at the center of the street.

The cultist who was constantly being attacked by Jack the Ripper under the cover of dense fog, and the cultist who was guarding against Jack the Ripper's surprise attack, seemed to have no intention of managing himself.

That's why the clown was able to watch leisurely on the side, and started to laugh out loud, just short of a bucket of popcorn, no, it really took out the popcorn like a magic trick.

While eating popcorn, he watched everything in front of him as a wonderful movie, and said to himself.

Those words seemed to be addressed to Yu Shengming.

"Hey hey hey hey! To be honest, I'm not used to fulfilling other people's orders, plans, etc. Even so, I want to make orders, plans, etc. interesting and happy."

"I've also worked hard—"

The murderer hiding in the mist once again cut the flesh and blood figures who guarded him into a pile of rotten flesh. As a result, the defense became weaker again, and his magic eyes were blocked because of the line of sight. It cannot function normally, and can only maintain the lowest usefulness within a few meters.

The voice of the clown in the fog was still coming, and Yu Shengming also subconsciously looked at the clown standing on the roof of the street, with a little concern, where did he get the popcorn in his hand.

Then, the battle situation brought Yu Shengming back to reality in an instant, and he couldn't release the treasure at all, because as long as he started to concentrate on releasing the treasure, Jack's assassination would follow.

"Chew—I've been sneaking around since I heard about you, and I've been carefully observing you for two days. It's obvious that you're a crazier and more evil existence than me just by looking at your appearance and strength~ ~It just seems like a good old man, still maintaining the so-called [normal]." Eating popcorn, Mephisto began to express so-called criticism.

"Please! I don't believe that any power can be used correctly. It's just a one-sided statement for those who benefit. Even if there is, most human beings will only see your power and the results of your magic, and they will only come from their hearts. It’s creepy, I don’t think there are many humans who can get along with you normally.”

Jack the Ripper's killing speed in the dense fog was faster than he expected, and there were fewer and fewer flesh and blood figures around him, which were no longer enough to protect him.

Yu Shengming had to make a certain choice. Under the hood, it seemed as if something was wriggling and expanding.

"Why don't you give me your interesting power, it's obviously the power to do whatever you want in this city~~ It can also drag the timid and shivering cute humans out of the house and turn them into those beside you A cute toy like a pile of meat."

"Nah~~~Why don't you turn all of this into a very interesting world that belongs to you?" The unfinished popcorn in his hand was like seeing some vulgar plot of a movie, Mephisto was very excited. Dissatisfied, he threw the popcorn in Yu Shengming's direction directly, and then questioned his soul and laughed even louder.

Yu Shengming completely ignored the ridicule from the clown, and now that he was left alone, the surroundings were surrounded by thick white fog.

And Jack the Ripper, who was hiding in the fog, launched another attack. The attack trajectory of the two daggers was towards Yu Shengming's neck. Even if he would not die, there was absolutely no doubt that Jack would cut off his head. .

When the head is cut off, one will naturally be unable to speak, nor can one move the body, and what one can do is limited to one head.

Facing Jack's intention to attack Yu Shengming's back corner at the same time.

Yu Shengming had already taken off his hood by himself, and in this short period of time, self-reform could only be done in this way.

At the same time as the surprise attack, after seeing the delicate face under the hood and the black hair, Jack's small face showed a true expression, and then the double blades in his hands began to deviate direction, and stab the center of the back, opposite the abdomen, trying to disembowel it.

In fact, it did. The little murderer stabbed the sharp knife into Yu Shengming's back without hesitation.

"Mom~" Accompanied by the innocent voice, there was a strong stabbing pain from behind, that disgusting pain, should it be a feeling that I have not seen for a long time, or that I am used to it.

The pain sensation is also gradually numb.

Therefore, Yu Shengming finally found the opportunity to release the treasure.

"Noble Phantasm, Cognitive Change · Flesh and Blood—" While reading the Noble Phantasm, the arms and legs made a ticking sound, like the countdown to a bomb.

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