"Doctor, where is the direction of the explosion?" After experiencing the shock wave, Fujimaru Tachika's whole body was also covered with dust and turned gray, but her bright orange eyes seemed to be able to speak, and she directly expressed her determination to go to the scene A look of understanding.

"It's almost in the urban area a few kilometers away, but since the shock wave is so strong, you don't have to think about the center point. If you continue to go to the center of the explosion now, it will be extremely dangerous." Dr. Roman understands what Fujimaru Tachika wants do, but that's too dangerous.

"Even if this is the case, I will go." Fujimaru Tatsuka still firmly expressed his position.

"I agree with Fujimaru Tachika's idea. In the Holy Grail War in the magic mist, most of the followers have no reason to go all out to self-destruct the Noble Phantasm, even if they are captured as servants of the side of the magic mist plan, that is to say , Someone blocked the magic mist plan, and because of this, they sent followers." Although Mordred was reckless, he was not stupid, and he only needed to use his brain to think about it.

It’s because you don’t use your brain, why use your brain when you can directly chop it to death?

"Then, no matter which side it is, the follower who obstructed the magic mist plan is very dangerous?!" Matthew found out that, in this case, no matter what the reason is, he must go to the center of the explosion of the treasure.

"That's right, so I'm going, Mash, I'll trouble you." Fujimaru Tachika knew that as a human being, he couldn't run as fast as the servant, and it became easy to delay the timing.

Therefore, the girl is skillfully hugging Matthew's neck from behind, and Matthew is also skillfully carrying herself on her back.

Now that the two sides have experienced three singularities, and have also repaired three singularities, the tacit understanding cultivated can be said to be far beyond anyone.

"Yes, Master!" So Mash began to carry his Master on his back, and ran to the center of the Noble Phantasm explosion together with Mordred, who looked at him with a subtle expression on his face.


Sitting on the sofa in the living room of the small mansion arranged by the family of this era, Yu Shenglianhua can only wait in this magical fog-filled London.

Even after learning magic for several years, in the life-and-death battle of the servants, and the harm caused by the magic mist to the human body, as Yu Shengming's master, his own safety is put first.

Therefore, Yusheng Lianhua could only look at the magic book in his hand.

At the same time, from time to time, the corner of his eyes noticed part of the power of the inherent enchantment possessed by his younger brother, the book of rituals.

It was the ritual book that my younger brother entrusted to me for safekeeping.

Although it looks like an evil book made by cultists with the flesh and blood of living people, but according to my younger brother, that book was originally a ritual magic book found in the warehouse of Yu Sheng's house, but under the rules of the inherent barrier, It's just distorted and alienated.

However, the book itself can be said to be very harmless. Except for Abigail, people with normal three views and ordinary thinking should not read the words on it. Therefore, Yu Shenglianhua obeyed her brother's words very much and did not go Read the text above.

However, the book of rituals began to react.

It started to shake as if it was alive, and at the same time, the flesh and blood envelope on it gradually turned into charcoal and burned out of thin air. At the same time, the whole living room was filled with the stench of burnt protein.

"Abby!?" For a moment, Lianhua could rely on the Salem Witch, but even the Salem Witch, Abigail's reaction to seeing the book of rituals, said solemnly.

"problem occurs!"

(... guilty conscience)

Chapter 9 Combustion and Regeneration

If you run with the footpower of a servant, the center of the explosion seems far away, but in fact it only takes a few minutes to reach it, but let's not mention that.

Now the closer the Chaldean group is to the center of the explosion, the more tragic the surrounding environment will be. At the same time, the explosion shock wave also dissipates the magic fog that can kill people within a few kilometers around, making the Chaldean group With the clearest and most intuitive feeling, looking at the surrounding environment that has already turned into a fiery hell, the scene seems to be exactly the same as the original singularity, the burning Fuyuki City.

However, it is different from the deserted Fuyuki City.

The London buildings made of cement and bricks can still protect the residents living in them even in the magic fog, but the shock waves generated by the explosion are enough to destroy everything, instead turning the safest refuge into their own grave.

The building that has been reduced to ruins, and an unknown number of people were suppressed by the heavy rubble and buried in it.

The one who reacted the most to this was Mordred. When he saw this miserable appearance, he was already out of breath.

"Damn it, no matter who it is, it hurts the residents of my default territory. I must show him a good look!" Whether it is the party that exploded the treasure, or the party that caused the explosion of the treasure, Mordred planned to give him a good beating .

But the pace of running did not stop. Mordred clearly realized that it is impossible to save everyone by his own words. The moment the dispelled magic fog came back, everyone was rescued.

So when it was about to reach the center of the explosion, the destruction scene reflected in the eyes of Fujimaru Tateka was just like the strongest weapon made by human beings, the huge pothole formed by the nuclear bomb, no matter how you look at it, the traces have passed through hundreds of years. All can remain here.

At the same time, there was an extremely hot heat wave oncoming, the temperature was already so high that just breathing could burn people's respiratory tract, and the strong and disgusting smell of meat and burnt protein fused into one and combined in one Together.

Where the surrounding blood-red flame took root, it had turned dark red and gradually turned into charred flesh and blood. The place that was not burned by the blood-red flame was filled with flesh. Withered like a jerky.

But it can still be seen that those are all pieces of meat, so huge, such a large amount of meat, even if all the living residents of London are piled up, it is not enough.

"This... don't touch those flames! The concentration of magic power around is so high that the surrounding flames are also magicalized. In addition, the environment here is extremely abnormal, as if the concept of flame itself has been directly transformed into a magic formula. If it touches it, it will burn and erode." Doctor Roman, who was supporting the front line, issued a warning at this time.

However, Fujimaru Tachika and Mash looked at all this with wide-eyed eyes, and only Mordred looked at the scene in the huge pit with a disgusted expression.

"Even if you already know what your ability is like, in this situation you want to die but you can't die, and you have to be tortured continuously just to survive. It's really a pitiful ability." Mordred commented in this way.

From the huge pothole, it can be seen that the flesh-and-blood figure that was originally a human has turned into a human-shaped fire cabinet. The coke hands that stretched out seemed to ask for help, but they didn't get any help. They just collapsed as if they were finally burned to death. Land, but this is not over yet. Even if they fall to the ground, the power of the inherent barrier still prevents the flesh and blood human figures from dying. At the same time as they regenerate, the vocal cords turned into coke make the wails from most of the human figures' fire cabinets become intermittent. .

As for the center of the explosion, it was more than five meters high, and its whole body was enveloped in blood-red flames.

That appearance did not have the shape that a human figure should have at all, because no matter how tall a human being is, it is absolutely impossible to break through the height of five meters. In that case, he would no longer be a human being, but a legendary giant.

However, now that the mystery is disappearing, most of the giants are either hunted clean, or hiding in unknown places, but that is not important, the important thing is that no one giant will grow into that appearance .

"Then...what the hell is...thing?" Maybe I have read countless legends, but Matthew has never seen such an existence.

In the flames, one could see distortions, as if the flesh had covered a large number of limbs. There were countless burnt and shriveled eye sockets on the skin, and there was a black light circle that was about to dissipate behind the head.

The monster was wailing louder than anyone else, as if the blood-red flame burning in itself was constantly torturing itself, and at the same time, a shocking roar came from its giant mouth.

"Howl!!!!" The monster couldn't stand it anymore, the tentacles and claws that could move in the countless limbs of its body, as if they wanted to take off their clothes, frantically began to tear, peeling off themselves and turned into The charred flesh, and even the blood-red flames attached to him were torn off.

The part of the flesh that fell to the ground burned even more vigorously.

However, it is useless to disassemble one's own body like self-mutilation. It is alienated by the inherent barrier, and the flame with magic power starts to recover itself, and the moment new granulation grows, it covers it again.

It was Mordred who was already holding the evil sword in his hand to answer Mash's doubts.

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