"What else could it be? That should be the "innocent monster" that the poisonous writer said. Although I saw him change his posture for a short time when we met for the first time, I really didn't expect to become like this .”

"Mordred..." Fujimaru Tateka started to turn her head, and there was a hint of asking for help in her tone.

"Give up. It's not a question of whether you can save it or not. It's just that it has become like that. If you want to save it, you will have to pay a huge price." Doctor Roman also persuaded appropriately.

"Similarly, even if it is rescued at a great price, it is impossible to determine whether it is an enemy or a friend."

"Although it is a pity, as the coward said, that thing is hopeless, and the surrounding magic power is gathering towards that thing to repair itself. However, the magic power is limited. It is estimated that after a few minutes, wait until the surrounding magic power is exhausted. After that, he really died..."

"No, for us followers, although that kind of death is considered tragic, in fact, the final result is nothing more than returning to the Seat of Heroes."


"So it's better to give it a good time now. I don't have such bad tastes that I like to watch scenes of being tortured. No matter who it is, they should simply die." The knight girl looked at the huge monster in the huge pit, and the original The flesh-and-blood dolls of human beings seemed to have no idea what they were thinking in their eyes. After their eyes drifted to the "Brilliant and Radiant King Sword" that originally belonged to their father, after they took it away, the king sword had turned into an evil sword. .

Now that it has turned into an evil sword, its power decline is not as good as the "Oath of Gold Sword" in the hands of the father. However, it is still very easy to wipe out this sad monster on the spot.

"I'm going to release the treasure." Ignoring everyone, Mordred has already started the pre-release action of the treasure.

Therefore, when the silver-white evil sword in his hand began to be poured with magic power, the silver-white blade gradually began to turn red and black, and it was full of ominous magic power.

The magic power of the evil sword in his hand is also getting bigger and bigger.

Just at this time.

"Be careful!" Mash instinctively sensed something, and as soon as the giant shield in his hand moved, it directly protected the unsuspecting Mordred behind him.

There was a sound of gold and iron clanging, and the petite sneak attacker couldn't break through the defense of the giant shield at all, so he started to jump back. Now that the magic fog was dispelled, he couldn't escape into the magic fog.

Nowadays, the petite attacker can only face Chaldea and his party alone in an upright manner. Even if he knows that he cannot win, he has a reason why he must not back down.

"I won't let you guys kill Mom!" At this moment, Jack the Ripper's eyes were full of anger.

Chapter 0 The Witch Comes

During this period of time, Chaldea and his party did not come into contact with the white-haired girl in front of them, nor did they know that the girl in front of them was the night murderer, Jack the Ripper.

But with that kind of physical ability, no matter how you look at it, they are all followers like Mordred and Yu Shengming.

However, who is the so-called mother?The only women present were Tachika Fujimaru, and besides Mash and Mordred, there were no other women.

Combining the situation at the scene, his innate intuition, and his not-so-stupid mind, Mordred probably guessed who the so-called "mother" was.

Then, the magic power that was about to release the Noble Phantasm in his hand stopped.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, sending it on the road a few minutes earlier and burning it alive a few minutes later, and dying, are all borne by this servant, and he can save a lot of mana.

"Although I don't know which side you belong to, but do you call this hopeless monster mother? That should be called father, right?" Mordred held the evil sword in his hand on his shoulder. The words in his mouth seemed to arouse Jack's dissatisfaction.

"Wait a minute?! Mom is referring to him?" When Fujimaru Tachika realized something, he began to recall Yu Shengming's appearance. Although he looked very handsome, he was indeed a boy.

Because of that, Fujimaru Tatsuka showed an incredible expression.

"Mom is mother!" Just like a child, when a certain matter is determined by fate, no one can resist that pure child's heart.

Then, after the dissatisfaction was over, Jack could hear the wailing of [Mother], and he showed a worried expression like a child. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the body that was tearing and burning, making his body smaller and smaller.

That look also made Jack's tears start to flicker.

In Fujimaru Tachika's eyes, this expression would be if the sharp dagger in his hand was removed.

In his own eyes, his too petite body and his small and pitiful face could not be regarded as an enemy. However, since he knew that Jack was on Yu Shengming's side.

Then there is room for things.

"Let me explain first, we are going to cooperate with your [mother], but she has become like that..." And at the end of these words, it is the decision to kill Yu Shengming and let him go discourse.

As a result, even Fujimaru Tachika couldn't say the words to kill important people in front of the children.

Jack knew better than anyone what Chaldea was trying to do.

"I don't care, you just want to kill mom!" So Jack launched an attack.

Even if the young girl was not covered by the magic mist, the instinct-like ability in her spirit foundation disappeared from the spot in an instant and turned into an afterimage. The subconsciousness also made herself avoid confronting the armored swordsman head-on. And Shield Maiden.

Because that can't be won.

Then there is only one person who is the best opponent, although it may not be possible to kill, but as long as you sacrifice yourself to delay time, let mother survive!

My own mother is an immortal existence!Be the mom who never goes away!Absolutely will not lose to this mere flame!

So Jack stabbed the sharp dagger in his hand at Fujimaru Tachika who looked innocent.

"Tsk, I can't help it." The moment Jack disappeared in an instant, it was natural to know what to do.

So Mordred just clicked his tongue secretly, and the evil sword that had calmed down in his hand directly slashed at Jack without hesitation.

In the heroic face, there is not much indecision in the expression. He does not regard Jack as a child like other people in Chaldea, but he is an enemy.

The battle between servants is extremely cruel. Even if it is a child, since it can become a servant, it is definitely not as simple as the surface, but may be the most unrelenting enemy.

When the red and black evil sword was about to touch Jack, it seemed to be sticking to the sword and turning around to dodge. At the same time, he stepped hard, using his light body to instantly change direction and dodge.

However, in this high-speed head-to-head battle, the judgment of both sides and the next move are the key to determine the outcome.

So at the most critical moment.

Mordred's innate intuition judged the direction of Jack's dodge. As if instinctively, the sword in his hand changed directly, and he launched a pursuit in the direction of Jack's dodge.

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