When the flesh and blood tentacles stopped waving and stopped functioning, except for Chaldea and his party, Jack began to open his eyes to look at the surrounding environment, and then looked at Abby in the sky with those dark red pupils.

"Abby...?" The magic power provided to him gradually began to decrease, and his mother's input of magic power gradually weakened his control over himself. While he was awake, Jack's strength began to decline.

However, Jack, who only has his mother in his heart, only feels bad about it.

Because, Abigail will definitely do something bad to her mother!Might do what to make my own mom disappear forever!

Just as he was about to jump with all his strength to stop Abigail, the sharp blade didn't show any mercy at all, and slashed directly at Jack the Ripper's vitals.

It also made Jack react instantly, and directly dodged the evil sword that was slashing at him.


"Damn brat! I'm going to beat your ass so that it can be used as a vase for a cactus!!!" The extremely angry voice with vulgar words began to sound.

While Mordred was carrying the evil sword on his shoulder, his other hand kept covering his abdomen, which was in severe pain, and his face had been distorted to the point that it looked like a ghost from hell had appeared.

"It's annoying, don't stop me from saving my mother!" The girl with white hair and red eyes tried to disappear into the magic mist, but Mordred didn't seem to give the chance at all.

I saw a burst of catapults on the feet start to come to Jack in an instant, and the sharp blades began to confront each other.

The silver key in the hands of the witch who was chanting in the air was the one given to Yu Shengming back then.

At that time, the moment Abigail handed over the silver key to Yu Shengming, Abigail probably had a little hope in her heart, looking forward to the fact that Yu Shengming, who held the silver key, would get the ability that the key bestows on the holder.

Become a partner on your side——

However, the result was also disappointing. In the failed ending where he died and only half of his body was left, Yu Shengming simply held the silver key and didn't want to use it in the past, nor did he trigger the real power of the key. .

Maybe it was because he didn't meet the conditions for using the silver key, so he died simply in the end...

Or maybe Yu Shengming has no fate with Silver Key.

In other words, there is no suitable time to use it.

It was also because of this that Abigail gave up the idea of ​​handing over the silver key to Yu Shengming.

But now, the silver key finally ushered in the right time to use it.

So the witch continued to chant in the void as if she knew something.

"I am holding the forbidden silver secret key, and I emerged from nothingness—" The nine seals drawn from the void have begun to sink and dive into the flesh and blood.

Followed by.

"Ah! Great Father God! Please, please, please listen to my voice!"

The flesh and blood began to squirm, as if struggling for something, and from the center, a pair of huge flesh and blood hands that were tens of meters high began to appear.

It's like a huge tower appearing out of thin air on the flat ground.

"Awaken the crazy flesh and blood parasitized by thousands of thoughts, and degenerate into the existence of the stupid "God" here, wake up." Then, the hand that accumulated a lot of flesh and blood began to insert the largest giant mouth of itself.

As if trying his best, the giant hand began to tear the giant mouth open.

A large amount of flesh and blood began to tear, leaving a large amount of pus like a tide.

Then, when it was finally pulled open, from within, the heterogeneous existence started from its own giant mouth, and the whole body almost turned into a door of flesh and blood, and that empty door seemed to be sucked into the nothingness of the door.

Immediately afterwards, like a starry sky, countless stars began to appear from the door of nothingness.

Along with more billions of lights appearing from the door, a huge eyeball is watching all this from the door.

However, all of this seemed to be normal, Abigail Williams, the Witch of Salem's voice became sharper.

"Ah! Great Father God! Great Lord of the Door! Great One who lives and returns all things to one!" At the same time, the silver key in his hand began to twist in the void, and then appeared a wave that seemed to be caused by disturbing the water surface. fluctuations.

Under such actions.

The huge eyeballs of the door of flesh and blood began to close, and while everything inside the door turned into darkness, a silvery white light gradually appeared on the flesh and blood.

At the same time, a huge suction force began to appear from the silver-white door of flesh and blood, not absorbing everything around, but the door of flesh and blood itself.

(took a while...)

Chapter 6 Waiting, the coming existence

"Gah...ga! Hisshhhhhhhh!!!" The flesh and blood turned into a door filled with silver light, and the moment it was forced to become the door and opened, countless mouths full of sharp teeth began to squirm , and began to let out an ugly scream as if trying to break free from the door.

The pupils of the countless demonic eyes on the skin of flesh and blood finally began to show a hint of timidity, as if they were afraid of something they glimpsed when they turned into nothingness inside the door.

That is the long corridor of dreams, and the end of that destination is the door of extremes.

Just looking directly at the door, the seemingly powerful but actually extremely fragile self formed from countless cognitions and thoughts began to collapse.

What's more, in front of that door, there is an indescribable being waiting for him that is higher and more powerful than him.

Words alone simply cannot describe that existence.

However, that kind of existence is definitely not a talkative person. Instinct tells the heterogeneous existence that as long as it reaches the door, it will disappear by itself.

So countless magic eyes began to close, or a large number of small arms grew out of the flesh and blood, digging out all the eyeballs alive.

Everything is to avoid looking directly at the door. At the same time, the heterogeneous existence is wriggling its own flesh and blood with all its strength, and began to transfer its own consciousness to other flesh and blood.

When the remaining magic eyes saw the corroded and alienated flesh and blood family members, they began to stretch out flesh and blood tentacles. As long as they touched them, their consciousness could be transferred and they could escape from the silver door.

Then, I can still exist here and become the "God" of this flesh and blood world again.

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