However, all of this was disturbed by a large number of purple-black tentacles summoned by the witch.

The previous equal share was like a joke. The purple-black tentacles suppressed their own flesh and blood tentacles with more powerful force. The devil's eyes saw the witch of Salem, and at this moment he showed a completely serious expression.

Abigail has never been serious about alien beings.

"Hish ah ah ah !!! Don't ... hinder me !!!" The knowledge of heterogeneous existence has not lost his memory, so its language is only replaced with some kind of unknown language.

In other people's ears, they can only understand the sharp and extremely unpleasant roar of anger, however, Abigail is the only roar of a heterogeneous existence that can be understood.

Maybe there was a trace of unbearable in his eyes, but in the following, it seemed that he had made a firm determination.

Therefore, in the following, the witch's expression did not change at all. Now that the door opened, she manipulated the purple-black tentacles to suppress the fleshy tentacles according to her will.

At the same time, the sound of the witch's chant was also transmitted to the organs of the heterogeneous existence that could be used to listen to the sound.

"Go! Go! Go! Crazy flesh and blood, stupid "God"—!" It was like repeating the pronunciation several times, forcing and driving.

The heterogeneous existence that had turned into a door of flesh and blood found that it could not control itself, and began to obey the strong suction in the door.

"Go through! Go through! Go through! Go through the door of the silver key and witness it, my father God!!!" Under Abigail's voice, the suction of the door only for heterogeneous existence is getting bigger and bigger .

Even the ever-expanding inherent enchantment around it, and the world that has been completely turned into a piece of flesh and blood, seemed to be sucked into the door.

At the same time, visible to the naked eye, all scenery has returned to "normal" in the eyes of humans.

The heterogeneous existence kept struggling, but in the end everything was in vain.

The door door glowing with silver light already has an undeniable suction force, sucking the heterogeneous existence into the door leaf bit by bit.

"Mom!" Even Jack, when he witnessed this kind of thing really happened, didn't care about the current situation of fighting Mordred, because the white-haired girl just wanted to rush to his mother.

Therefore, the knight girl had already waited for her chance, and endured the stabbing pain in her abdomen. Mordred didn't know what had become inside her body under such intense exercise.

However, the amount of magic power released by the whole body has far exceeded the previous level. While the physical fitness has been greatly improved, the killing intent that really wants to kill Jack began to overflow.

So Mordred launched an attack on Jack the Ripper, and then, in the next second, the sword in his hand began to sink deep into the tentacles, splashing a lot of blue blood at the same time.

Another purple-black tentacle had already swept Jack away, and it was tightly entangled, as if there was no intention of letting Jack go at all.

"Abby! Let me go! You want to make mom disappear, right!!!" Jack yelled, struggling to escape from the tentacles.

At the same time, Mordred, who chopped off his tentacles, seemed to have been robbed of his target, coupled with the stimulation of severe pain, his anger had already burned from it.

"Put that dead child down for me! I'm going to chop her up myself!"

Then, at the right time, Tatsuka Fujimaru carried out an operation to dissuade the hot-tempered Mordred.

"Mordred! Calm down, you are seriously injured now, I will replenish your magic power to restore your injury." However, Mordred stared at Fujimaru Tachika like a bad girl.

"Huh?! I have to chop her up!"

"At least you have to recover, so you can fight better, right?" He has already experienced a lot of wind and waves, and he has seen a lot, so Fujimaru Tatsuka just wiped off his cold sweat, and then gave Mordred his next words. down the steps.

Therefore, the knight girl just glared ferociously at Jack, who was wrapped up in tentacles and wanted to struggle.

At the same time, it also received magic power supplements from magic power crystals and command spells.

"Abby!? Let me go!!"

"Abby, what are you doing?!"

Jack and Yusheng Lianhua had already been wrapped up in black tentacles. Now, if they could move easily, it could only be Abigail who let the water go on purpose.

However, Abigail had already prepared her words when she saw the heterogeneous existence being continuously sucked into the door.

"...If big brother can stand the test of Father God, maybe there will be some changes, but big brother will indeed come back." However, if he can really come back, what changes will happen, even Abigail Er can't tell.

But Abigail concealed more things, that is, the probability that the big brother may never come back after passing through the silver key door.

It's a gamble.

After watching a large amount of flesh and blood begin to be sucked into the door, its volume became smaller and smaller. After that, even the door itself was gradually sucked into the void inside the door.

Then, it shrank smaller and smaller, until there was only a silvery meat ball left.

Immediately afterwards, even the meat ball itself seemed to have disappeared to nowhere, leaving only the traces of destruction left by the steam king and the unconscious humans.

All of this is like a dream, and the horrible, disgusting flesh and blood that covered the entire world no longer exist.

Chapter 7 The Dogma of Time and Space

Through, through, without any obstacles, after passing through the barrier between this world and another world.

In that world where all dimensions dissolve.

Everything has changed, and the heterogeneous existence seems to be adapted to the deepest part of the dream realm that has already arrived.

The essence of itself began to undergo the most fundamental changes, in order to adapt to this ultimate void that transcends all time and space.

In order not to be affected by this world where time and space are blurred, the heterogeneous existence began to want to shrink its huge flesh and blood in a material sense and reduce its size.

However, the thoughts and cognitions that come from the whole world that form the heterogeneous existence are so messy and chaotic, in this star-studded world that looks like the starry sky of the universe.

Wanting to vent the anger of being dragged here by force, fearing the moment when the door peered into his eyes, just a part of flesh and blood contains countless cognitions that are taken for granted.

Such cognition turns its thinking and consciousness into billions, but at this moment, it is difficult to achieve unity.

The meaning of time and space began to be blurred, and only a part of my consciousness seemed to have passed through hundreds of millions of years. The huge sense of time division, the strong loneliness and madness brought about, had occurred with the original normal consciousness. conflict.

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