It's like a joke. In the time period where Chaldea was, a 29-year-old uncle, a man who was married and had a family, and a boy who will die forever in the winter of his seventeenth year are actually different. A person in the world.

It is also reasonable in terms of time. If I lived from the age of 2004 in 17 to the present, it would be about this age.

However, even so, it cannot explain why the boy became a "Beast".

"Abby, in our world, that is the "Beast" that Andersen said." Yu Shenglianhua recalled the world that had become flesh and blood.

In that huge carcass of flesh and blood, something, no, "Beast (beast)" is still waiting for the moment of birth.

However, apart from knowing that it was his younger brother's body, Yusheng Lianhua didn't know the truth.

Therefore, Yusheng Lianhua took this opportunity to question Abigail.

" what." Abigail slowly retracted Yusheng Lianhua's hand, her expression seemed to be sad and disappointed.

Then, as if ready to tell everything, Abigail ignored the group of people in Chaldea, but said to Yu Shenglianhua.

"You don't know... He is not a hero, and he has not made any achievements. If he wants to become a follower recorded in the realm belt, he can only be recorded in the realm belt in that way, on the Hall of Valor, but... ..."

"That alone is not enough, the "innocent monster" has too much influence, if under the influence of the Holy Grail, the "innocent monster" is eliminated, and if the body of the follower is lost and revived as a human being, no matter when and where, then Fragile souls will be affected and changed in everyone's cognition."

"If it's just that, it's fine. No matter how crazy the big brother is, you and I probably won't dislike him, but the magic that I bestowed to wake him up will make him look like he's crazy. , it was too easy."

"As long as he changes back to that state, everything is really hopeless, and no matter how much he summons after that, it will only be him who has gone crazy."

"However, if there is no "innocent monster", he cannot be summoned as a servant, nor can he be resurrected. In that case, the unborn "Beast" in that world is just a shell without a soul. .”

"It's like a dead end, if you choose one of them, you have to give up one."

"So, I prepared for this purpose, the most top-level spirit foundation made with my own body, which can manifest the "Beast" in the world alone!" That is, the real purpose of the witch of Salem.

At the same time, it is also the real reason for the birth of "Beast".

"Really, I understand..." Yusheng Lianhua patted Jack who was leaning on his shoulder, and transferred some of the recovered magic power to Jack.

When Jack woke up rubbing his eyes in a daze, Yu Shenglianhua also slowly started to stand up, and his outstretched hand began to hold Abigail's little hand.

In Abigail's calm expression, Usheng Lianhua continued to speak.

"Thank you, Abigail, it's been great to always be thinking about my brother." It was genuine from the heart, thanking Abigail for everything she did.

At the same time, it is an apology for my immature and incomprehensible gaffe.

However, I just need to make amends for my immaturity and the gaffes I made.

The girl in kimono stood up from the sofa, her previous confused and helpless girlish attitude had been wiped away from her expression.

Fujimaru Tachika had already heard Yusheng Lianhua's next words.

"Then, the next step is to eliminate everyone who knows about the 'Beast'." The eyes of the kimono girl have turned into those of the magicians in the clock tower, who will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

It also made Abigail start to squint her eyes and reveal a smile that looked extremely cute.

Chapter 4 Prepare to eliminate the insider!

"Boom!!!" In the dark night city filled with dense fog, the scholar's mansion with an unknown number of years of history burst into pieces in an instant.

It was as if something was expanding inside, filling up the space inside the mansion until it burst.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of purple-black tentacles, like the arms and legs of a deep-sea monster, shattered, and each tentacle was whipping everything around it vigorously.

Bricks and stones flew all over the sky in direct violation of the laws of physics, and furniture, glass, and books were completely damaged and shattered by the wriggling and whipping of the tentacles.

And the culprit that caused all this, Abigail was floating in the air at this moment, and had changed back into a witch's attire, as if to show that she had entered a fighting state.

Similarly, Yu Shenglianhua and Jack are sitting on Abigail's tentacles. While Abigail is protecting herself, they are also preparing to use magic to support Abigail.

However, Yusheng Lianhua, whose magic power had already dried up, became extremely reluctant just to provide Jack with magic power. At this time, even a little magic could not help much.

But Abigail didn't care that Yusheng Lianhua couldn't help at this time.

As Jekyll thinks, Yu Shenglianhua's magic talent can be said to be mediocre, even if he has an excellent magic circuit. And.

The pale face under the big witch hat, and the corners of the mouth that started to grin looked down on the ruined building.

It seems that there is no psychological burden on destroying other people's buildings.

Similarly, the sharp but extremely cute shark-like teeth were grinning in his mouth, and he made a mocking sound.

"Ia, Ia! Hehehe... You are really tenacious, as long as you die, nothing will happen~ If you die earlier, you won't have to suffer too much torture."

"I knew things would turn out like this!! You are just a bunch of paranoids chasing a certain character!" Andersen, who was instantly transformed into a fighting state by Matthew and was safe and sound under the protection of the giant cross shield, was directly dissatisfied. The witches in the air roared.

The writer can only show his strength verbally, but correspondingly, for "Beast", Andersen has already obtained enough information.

It took almost time to analyze and sort it out.

"Since you know, tell me the fuck!!!" Naturally, the witch's attack, as a hero who once existed and left a name, his instant reaction was enough to deal with everything.

So Mordred didn't need Matthew's protection to be safe and sound, but of course he felt resentment towards the writer. He wanted to use a sword to knock out Andersen's troublesome brain, but Abigail In the face of attacks, actions can only become words in the end.

Similarly, Fujimaru Tachika, who was guarded by Matthew and still in shock, faced a sudden attack. If Matthew hadn't reacted quickly enough, he would have died the moment the bubble-like light appeared.

Among this group of people, Jekyll was probably the one who suffered the most.

The ancestral house left by my father and grandfather has become like this, the research instruments and data have been destroyed, no matter how good-tempered Jekyll is, at this moment his hands are shaking like Parkinson's, and he is about to dig out his chest. Elixir...

"I don't care what will happen..." That small, whisper-like voice, naturally no one would hear it.

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