"As Abi said, although it's my fault, you who know my brother's identity are very dangerous, and you can't always trouble your brother's girlfriend to solve you." Yusheng Lianhua's attitude towards her elder sister is already very clear.

Although the situation has become like this, Yusheng Lianhua also has the path of ignoring Chaldea and continuing to do her own thing.

However, Yusheng Lianhua had a feeling that if Chaldea and his party were not eliminated now, these people would be like brown sugar, and sooner or later they would be entangled endlessly.

So, it's better to get rid of it as soon as possible, because all this is for my younger brother!

When the eyes of Yusheng Lianhua and Abigail met, they seemed to understand the meaning of their eyes.

Then, as more billions of lights appeared like bubbles, the purple-black tentacles with a diameter of tens of meters pulled towards everyone present with a pressure of nearly a hundred tons.

A large number of tentacles focused on attacking Andersen and Fujimaru Tachika, who were protected by Matthew.

That's right, the servants that emerged from the magic mist were only temporary after all. Apart from the fact that Andersen had to die, these two humans and sub-servants from Chaldea were Abigail's real goals.

Immediately, Matthew's pressure increased greatly. Under the frantic waving of the tentacles, every heavy blow did not show a trace of hesitation. It was simply the power to smash himself and everyone into meatloaf.

Just when it was about to be unable to support, at that moment, the sword light flashed, and the tentacles from the void were cut off, and when blue-green blood splashed out, it released a stench of blood.

Mordred shook off the blood from the evil sword in his hand, and at the same time, he turned his face sideways and said loudly to his fellow servant, Andersen who was hiding under the Matthew Cross shield.

"Hey!! Even if you are a writer's servant! At least give me a few Noble Phantasms to buff your magic!!"

However, Andersen waved his small fist and directly rejected Mordred's request for support.

"Resolutely oppose physical labor! And I've put in a lot of effort! I mean mental labor!" Release the Noble Phantasm?Or magic?No, Andersen would not do such a hateful thing.

Because after doing it, the attack on oneself will become more violent, so oneself will die.

Then everything will be over.

However, Andersen's refusal behavior was directly regarded by Mordred as just wanting to paddle.

"Is your so-called contribution directly regarded as a turn-off!? Damn it!!" During the roar, more purple-black tentacles from various directions had already smashed over.

In the end, Mash had to protect Tatsuka Fujimaru and Andersen who were being targeted, and it seemed that he was the only one who could fight now, but Mordred just complained about this, and was going to kill the witch on the spot with the evil sword in his hand Time.

However, in the environment filled with dense fog, the white-haired girl is ready for a sneak attack once again. The target is naturally Mordred, whose intuition is blinded by the dense fog, and the source of magic that drives her to act is naturally the rain The Command Seal on the back of Sheng Lianhua's hand was originally one of the Command Seals linking him and his younger brother.

At that moment, Jack the Ripper held the sharp daggers and moved out under the cover of the fog. This time, the dense fog, night, women, and conditions were met, and now he was fully capable of killing Mordred easily. kill.

It can also solve the toughest problems for Yu Shenglianhua and Abigail.

At the same time, after a young nobleman drank a certain potion, his mild and rational green pupils had now turned into bloodthirsty and cruel blood-red pupils.

""Dangerous Game"!" The effect of the elixir is not only that, it seems that even the power has become stronger, as if it directly turned the youth into an inhuman existence.

That's why he was able to block Jack's full attack to assassinate Mordred with the protective dagger that he carried with him. At the same time, Mordred looked at the person who was similar to Jekyll in surprise, but his personality was different. As if it was directly reversed.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! That beep beep guy Jekyll has already asked me for help with a sad face!!" The young man was still laughing wildly, as if someone had finally conceded defeat and was relieved.

"Jekyll?!" Mordred said subconsciously.

"My uncle is Hyde!! But I don't dislike such a flirtatious woman like you, so I will help you!!" Said the young man who used to be Jekyll and is now Hyde.

Then looked at Jack and made a defiant sound.

"Come on, come on! Come and kill me if I have the ability!"

"It's so annoying." Jack only felt irritated by Hyde's obstruction.

"Even if one person is added, the situation hasn't changed in any way~" Abigail expressed his admiration for the courage of human beings to use some means to forcibly enhance their abilities to become an existence against followers.

However, it's almost time to get tired of playing, now get rid of everyone in Chaldea and go directly to the Chaldea base camp.

Just when ready to do so.

In the magic mist, there was a familiar wave of magic power.

"...What?" Even Abigail stayed subconsciously for a while.

Chapter 5 The Arrival

"Thanks to your existence, the release of the magic mist has been accelerated, and now the magic power flooding the entire London is enough." Looking at the huge steel machine "Angelboda" in front of him, after the death of the maker After that, there was still a roar of steam that was still full of vitality.

And the magic mist that condenses the magic power to the extreme is continuously discharged to the ground of the city through various pipes.

This means that the mechanical operation is very healthy, and the loss of that follower will not affect anything temporarily.

Through the compound eyes of the worms and demons that I drive, I can understand that on the top of the sky above my head, on the ground hundreds of meters higher, in just a few hours, the entire city of London has been filled with enough water to overwhelm people. Deathly Mist.

Such a fast progress is naturally indispensable for the help of Paracelsus.

That's right, when he made a certain determination, the legendary alchemist used the prototype of the Azoth sword made from the Philosopher's Stone, which is also the treasure of Paracelsus.

As long as the "Sword of Paracelsus" is used, the problem of lack of time is easily solved.

That efficiency is so high that it has already proved that his friend did not try his best.

Because, if the legendary alchemist really wanted to help him, it would only take one day, and all the humans in this singularity would be easily killed by the magic mist.

In that case, I don't have to spend a lot of time preparing and waiting.

However, Maqili didn't blame his friend for hiding such methods, rather, because of that, after spending hundreds of years clinging to his ideals, the long-lost feelings that had cooled down revived again.

That's right, it's like going back to the time when we became friends hundreds of years ago, and at the same time regaining the rarest friendship between magicians.

"No need to thank you, my friend, my master, everything is ready, now you just need to do what you want to do." The slender scholar just said softly to Maqili.

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