So let's put the point first so that Getia can't retreat.

"Of course, if you choose to run away, I will receive your treasure, that is, the light wheel in the sky. For me who was just born, the light wheel accumulated over thousands of years is quite nutritious. Maybe it will become my best sacrifice." The outstretched index finger pointed to the crimson sky, and the halo still existed.

It's just that the red sky that had previously been turned red by the fire suddenly began to turn dark.

No, there is something huge blocking the shadow, as if there is another thing outside the world watching, looking down on the universe.

That figure was blurry, like a phantom-like existence looking at him, and the pressure it brought was unparalleled.

Just like a real god, as long as he comes or escapes, whether it is the planet itself or his plan for thousands of years, his long-cherished wishes will all be reduced to nothing.

The descendant does have such capital to say such words, not to act now, just because doing so will see the result that he does not want to see.

It's just that you have to submit yourself to someone other than King Solomon...

"Stop being as arrogant as a human being!!!" Surrendering to an existence that does not belong to this planet, surrendering to someone other than King Solomon, even Gaetia, is unacceptable from the bottom of his heart, so a large number of Demon God Pillars began Born, began to join the trend of flesh and blood.

And Getia itself has already been thoroughly enraged.

"That's good, that's good, let me take a good look at your self-esteem as a Beast." The huge magic power of the spirit foundation, which he used to be the master, can tell, no, he already knew it.

That is the magical reaction that will occur when the treasure is released.

Sister (Yusheng Lianhua)'s appearance reference

In fact, at the beginning, I really thought about the character design according to Lianhua's (funny) appearance. It happened that pretending to be Lianhua was very popular at the time, so I thought it would be okay to write it.

But, the fuller the description, the more inappropriate it is to find, so I never put the picture of Lianhua, just when I saw the fictional reasoning (I still think it’s pretty good.) When I saw a picture, I I think my sister should be like this.

Chapter 0 The Rights of the Lost Belt

In a world that has been distorted and alienated,

Beast finally fully awakened, and the awakening scene was so huge that the surrounding humans who lived as usual realized that something huge had appeared on the other side of the mountain range.

It should be said that the "God" of this world is finally born, even if it is only an incomplete body without any consciousness, as long as this symbolic existence representing "God" is born, the concentration of magic power in the whole world will also increase. start to rise.

Magicians from all over the world have monitored some data to rise through various methods, and a large amount of data proves that this is a sign that the mystery that has already faded will gradually recover, that is to say, the Age of Gods is about to reappear.

No, unlike the age of legends where mortals and gods coexisted, the mystery we know now is also the root of magic. The world's magic foundation has long been modified to become a symbol of some kind of madness. It can be said that when this When the film world is truly completed, it will completely turn into a crazy and chaotic era.

Abigail, who gave birth to Beast, led the birth of Beast, and walked towards that era, was floating in the air at this moment, still wearing a witch costume that was too revealing for ordinary people, and her white to pale face was purple with evil Pupil, looking down at the fantasy tree that runs through the sky and the earth, and the huge lake formed by the collapsed mountains under its roots.

Because the heterogeneous magic liquid in the flesh and blood egg that bred Beast began to leak, the amount of magic liquid was enough to directly fill the empty giant pit formed by the collapsed mountains, and formed a mountain lake.

In the heart of a blood-red, bubbling lake.

With a height of more than [-] meters, the Beast, like a giant, was wearing the fetal clothing brought along with him when he woke up, and subconsciously covered up most of his distorted real appearance, and the body that was not covered by fetal membranes was due to the magical power Sufficient to overflowing, the whole is exuding a crystal clear light-colored red gem-like texture.

It can be clearly seen that the glowing blood vessels are flowing, and the huge crystal-like bones support the Beast's body.

Under the black distorted halo behind his head, under Beast's face covered by the cloak of fetal membranes, tens of thousands of pupils stared energetically at the Salem witch who led her birth and revived her.

Abigail -

If tens of thousands of lines of sight are all looking at normal people, they may suffer from pupil phobia on the spot, and these densely packed pupils unknowingly release the power that can attract madness. Just a glance, the possibility of going crazy on the spot Not for nothing.

But for Abigail, the Beast she was born on purpose has never been something scary to herself.

Abigail took off the witch hat decorated with a lot of bows, and then shook it. After shaking out a large amount of dust, after all, the large underground cavity collapsed before she had time to react and her whole body was dirty.

So Abigail put on the witch hat again, and after adjusting the angle, she stared at her pupils in unison. The innocent girl looks very cute.

"Everything is really going well. Maybe you are not conscious now, and you can't understand what I said, but you and I have succeeded, and this is enough." The Salem witch was not so impatient. Use the silver cross key to open the door to the parallel world, but whisper to Beast who has awakened.

At the same time, Abigail caught a glimpse of the snake goddess flapping her golden wings and calmly flying to the ground on Beast's shoulders, and Husheng Lianhua, who was holding a princess hugging posture and whose eyes were blocked by snake hair, the faint brilliance It also represents that the Gorgon uses the blessing of the goddess to protect the rain-born lotus from being affected.

Because Gorgon is alert, even if Yusheng Lianhua has absorbed part of his own divine blood, even if he is close to Beast himself, Yusheng Lianhua still belongs to the ordinary humans of this planet in essence.

Therefore, it is impossible that Beast, who looks directly at the unconscious and exudes a crazy breath, will not be affected.

"Gorgon, Lianhua~ I don't need to worry about anything else, as long as I open the door and let this "body" go to that world, and then I need to hand it over to the big brother to deal with it." It was as if he was full of confidence , Abigail patted her small chest and said such words.

"Wait, I want to follow..." As if understanding what Yu Shenglianhua wanted to say next, Abigail interrupted Yusheng Lianhua's words.

"You don't need to say anything." Immediately afterwards, Abigail floated in front of Yusheng Lianhua, who was temporarily unable to see everything because her eyes were blocked by snake hair, and then she held the remaining one. A command spell on the back of the right hand.

The witch began to speak.

"I know what you want to say, but that's not important. All we can do next is wait."

"Then, Lianhua, now I have a gift for you. Well, it's not a bad ability, but a kind of blessing." Abigail is very self-aware, so before, she only stimulated and strengthened the magic circuit It was already the best thing Abigail could give Yusheng Lianhua.

And now it was finally possible to hand over the gift that was already prepared and most suitable for Lianhua.

"The timing wasn't right before, because this piece of "The Lost Belt" only had the nature of the Lost Belt, and the king who was actually in charge of the Lost Belt was not born and conceived, so I couldn't give this thing to you before. But now, I can finally give this thing to you."

"What? It hurts...!?" As a magician, Yusheng Lianhua was extremely dull, but when the pain on the back of his hand began to occur, the command spell that was only left on the back of his hand gradually began to expand, and Some kind of beautiful red lines are formed.

Immediately, it felt as if he was really connected with this world and with his younger brother.

Yusheng Lianhua understood that this was a gift from Abigail.

"You have persisted from the moment you became a magician until now. You have worked really hard. The blood relationship and family relationship you value are the most important bonds for both parties, so I present you with a new Command Seal."

"It's not a simple Command Spell for commanding and commanding followers, but a "Great Command Spell" that can do whatever you want with this "belief of lore", because this is the proof of your bond with your brother, and at the same time, you Will be the voice of the Stability Belt."

"So, as long as you exist."

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