"The Great Command Spell can only be used once. You can use this Great Command Spell to change the posture of the Lost Belt. As long as you want, you can use this planet as a toy, or become the king of this planet." On the contrary, Yusheng Lianhua's previously surprised mood became a little dissatisfied with the witch's temptation.

"...and I won't do that."

Gorgon, who was holding Yusheng Lianhua, also put down his snake hair, and continued to speak.

"...Really, that's pretty good." Although Lianhua was still hesitating, Gorgon discovered that Yusheng Lianhua no longer needed the blessing of the goddess to resist, no, it was completely integrated into this land. world.

Therefore, the effect of Abigail's Great Command Seal should be more than that simple on the surface.

"Speaking of which, can this body hear my words?" When Gorgon's eyes turned to the Beast next to him, it had completely changed into another posture, and it also became stronger than the goddess himself , which means that the master no longer needs to protect himself.

Although I don't know what kind of existence Abigail said about Getia, and I don't know what kind of existence my master, my lover, Yu Shengming has become.

It's just that the way that person fights next will affect him.

So all I can do is to let this body carry a sentence through.

Regarding Gorgon's question, Abigail tilted her head and said in puzzlement.

"What's the matter, big brother can hear it, but is there anything you want to say?"

"It's just... it's just a whisper to let him come back soon." The goddess of the snake who had always faced people with a cold expression began to show a slight smile.

Chapter 1 Fairy Tale Writers Can Create Anything

It was like hell, surrounded by high-temperature flames that burned the respiratory tract, and at the same time that the sudden appearance of the Demon God Pillar caused all these tragedies.

Chaldea, who came to this era in order to restore the singularity, even if he got help from most of the followers of the singularity, even if he got information about the "Holy Grail", all of this was still too much preparation. too short.

No one would have thought that in the Human Force Burning Style, the Demon God King and Gaitia would appear above the burning London city as the final boss. Naturally, under the judgment of Dr. Roman, the demon god pillars can already be determined that all origins are all demon gods. caused by the king.

"My Londinian...Damn it, that damned bald mole monster!" Watching the land of Britain being ravaged by the culprit who caused everything, as a knight and a servant, at this moment, he seemed extremely powerless. It is impossible to make this piece of hell disappear, and it is impossible to stop the twisted and vicious aura in the center surrounded by the Demon God Pillar.

At the same time, a strong anger surged out of his heart, that anger, that raging anger could no longer be suppressed, no matter who it was, the enemy would ravage his own land, everyone would be angry, and everyone would resist.

The name of the Knights of the Round Table was not created just to get cold feet.

So, Mordred had already held the evil sword, and rushed towards the Demon God Pillars like an enraged wild beast.

When it was too late to stop, Doctor Roman's warning sounded next.

"Mash, hurry up and use magic to protect Tachika Fujimaru."

"Ahem..." The painful cough sounded at the same time as the doctor's warning, and the voice of Doctor Roman also made Matthew start to turn his head.

Looking at the fragile representative of human beings, Fujimaru Tachika had already endured the reddened skin under the high temperature, and at the same time covered her mouth to try to block the high temperature from invading the respiratory tract. As long as she opened her mouth, she would be burnt instantly and become dumb. Lixiang started coughing loudly.

"Now the surrounding temperature has reached a dangerous critical point. This temperature is not as simple as skin burns. The servants who have magical power to resist this high temperature said otherwise, but ordinary humans cannot survive in this environment." Finally. , Mash realized that as a sub-servant, he was completely different from human beings.

Servants are fine in such an environment, but ordinary human beings cannot survive in such a high temperature based on common sense.

"Senior, are you okay!" So Mash panicked and took out the magic props that Da Vinci had stored for his shield, and prepared to use it for Tachika Fujimaru, the blue-haired boy beside him was already holding a quill in his hand. After writing a paragraph in the book.

Immediately afterwards, a faint radiance shrouded Fujimaru Tachika's body, which also freed the girl from the high-temperature hell instantly. When she took a big mouthful of air that was no longer scorching hot, the tingling sensation from her respiratory tract was so real.

"Thank you...Mr. Andersen." When Matthew confirmed that her most important master was fine, she nodded slightly to thank the blue-haired noble boy.

Then he just waved his hand as if troubled.

"It's just a little effort, just describe a paragraph more before describing the story." Although I am a heroic writer, I also have a treasure, and the treasure can do what such a small magic can do. .

Andersen also understands that his treasure has more than that effect on a certain person, but now he can't use the treasure to deal with that thing, the two culprits who caused all this.

"I knew that nothing in the world would go so smoothly." Even Andersen showed the distressed expression as if the deadline was approaching, and then he didn't even write a paragraph in the manuscript. In the end, Andersen had completely given up.

So the blue-haired boy began to speak to Fujimaru Tachika and his group in a clear and magnetic male voice.

"Now, people on the Chaldean side, let me tell you, this is the most unreasonable story. It is the story that the biggest demon king didn't guard the castle and wait for the dramatic end, but started to show up and destroy the heroes."

"If you are really fighting for human reason, then what you will face next is the biggest and worst enemy of human reason, human evil, the beast of disaster, the beast of restraint that devours human reason, Beast."

"In my opinion, you're only halfway through your singularity journey, you haven't grown up at all, so you're still too immature, and you're like delivering honey to a hungry bear that just woke up from hibernation. "The merciless judgment made Chaldea and his party even more depressed.

"However, because of this, if you want to escape and go back to Chaldea to spend the last good time, I will act as if I have not seen anything, and I will not say anything." Andersen's eyes began to look at the treasure. Even if Mordred's bursts of anger were not wiped out with the Demon God Pillars, it wouldn't take long for it to disappear in vain due to the exhaustion of magic power.

Without new powerful servants, facing two Beasts would undoubtedly lead to death. The only good thing is that the Beasts are fighting, which makes the situation not look so bad.

"..." There was a silence, only the crackling sound of flames when the surroundings were burning, and occasionally human cries for help could be heard.

"Andersen..." What Andersen said, even Matthew understands that Getia's goal is not with his group, so his group can live in peace, but if he rushes up now, it will undoubtedly prove what Andersen said immature.

Unlike Matthew who thought too much, Fujimaru Tatsuka did not hesitate, and proved his determination to Andersen on the spot.

"I will not run away, because I know that if I step back, the future of our humanity will no longer exist."

"Senior..." Fujimaru Tatsuka's resolute expression also made Mash understand that there was only so much he could do now.

In this kind of hell, the only surviving stupid "human" showed such an expression. It should be said that he is indeed the master of Chaldea who has restored the three singularities.

"...It's really like a hero in a third-rate fairy tale. However, if you pass the test, give me some time and I'll make a draft." As for Tachika Fujimaru, Andersen got a satisfactory answer, waved his hands and turned around to find a safe place The action of doing something aroused the surprise of the group.

"??? Mr. Andersen!"

"Also, what's the name of that one, Doctor Romantic?" Ignoring the others, Andersen started calling the doctor.

"It's Doctor Roman! Although my name does mean romantic! But you said that I seem to be like a playboy!" The doctor's complaints made the surrounding atmosphere gradually relaxed, and Matthew made a proper complaint.

"Although I wanted to say before, isn't Playboy a compliment to you? After all, the doctor has always been alone in Chaldea." It's just that the tongue is still venomous.

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