So I would like to ask readers and friends, if you can click on the automatic subscription, even if you are fattening, you can also click on this button. I don't expect other authors to be as popular and profitable as other authors.As long as it can give me a part-time salary that is equivalent to a part-time job and at least allows me to live on, that's fine.

Finally, I should talk about the important thing, which is the practice of hedgehog cats, offering rewards on the shelves.

On the premise of updating 4K words every day, 50 knives, or 50 monthly tickets plus 1K words, the upper limit of adding more words is 10W.

The purpose of setting an upper limit is to give yourself an achievable goal. Instead of setting an unachievable goal and then repaying the debt, it is better not to set the goal so high at the beginning.

Finally, to reiterate:

The reward standard is - 50 knives, or 50 monthly tickets plus 1K words, plus a maximum of 10 words.

Thanks in advance!

Chapter 65 Same Nine Years, Ru Hexiu


"I shouldn't have saved the money to buy explosion-proof steel plates! Wait... What do you mean by being scared to death? Isn't it because of that?"

"No... Haha... No... You fell asleep too sleepy while reading a novel, and then dreamed of yourself..."

The index finger and thumb of Akua's left hand formed a circle, the thumb of his right hand passed through, and the two fingers of his left hand formed a circle.

"What do you think you are, and then you died on the spot in your dream..."

Not only did the female psychopath laugh, she also slapped the table vigorously, making the table bump loudly.

"To be honest, I've seen a lot since I was in charge of leading the job of reincarnation. I've seen people who were stabbed in order to protect the younger generation; I've seen engineers who burst their livers to death; I've seen expelled members pushed down On the subway platform…”

"But I have never seen such a fresh and refined way of dying. I have to say, Mr. Tong, your way of dying is really creative. You are more good-looking than Zhong Shenxiu, who is desperate for Saburo Shixiu and wearing Victorian underwear. -"

The so-called "goddess" made no secret of her piercing laughter, which was so arrogant and indulgent.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, shut up, I don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear it!"

Tongzi desperately covered her ears.

Just being teased by this crazy woman for 10 minutes, the crazy woman had had enough laughs, and finally started to talk about business.

"In short, your last life is over, but don't be afraid, you have two choices next."

Aqua held out two fingers.

"One is to reincarnate into another world and start a new life for human beings again; the other is to stay in the Paradise Nursing Home and live a life as the name suggests."

With the huge heart unique to the dead house, Tongzi instantly accepted the setting of her own death on the spot.

"I want to ask, what does Paradise Nursing Home mean?"

"Didn't I say that? As the name says, it's a place for you to retire. In the past, you could only bask in the sun and brag with your ancestors. Later, the higher-ups decided to improve the environment and bought a few tape recorders. So Some old men and women don’t even bask in the sun, dancing in the square all day long.”

"Where's the computer? Where's the mobile phone? What kind of paradise doesn't even have these?"

"What do old men and old ladies want computers and mobile phones for? They don't know how to play games. Why don't you save some money and use it for me... It's better not to waste that money."

"You seemed to have slipped your mouth just now, you definitely slipped your mouth just now."

Aqua coughed twice and changed the subject.

"Now, let's make a choice. Do you want to go to heaven, or be reborn as a human being and start a new life in another world?"

This question is simply a waste of time to ask, without a computer or a mobile phone, I can only hang out with the old men and women dancing in the square all day long, if everyone knows how to choose.

"I choose to go to another world."

Aqua showed an expression of "I knew you would choose this way".

"Okay, usually, reincarnation into another world starts as a baby, and all the memories of the previous life will be thrown away. But because you are so beautiful...just kidding, don't be I It can specially let you reincarnate with this body, and you can keep all the memories of your previous life. Not only that..."

"You can also choose to take something to another world, whether it's a powerful force or an epic weapon, it doesn't matter."

Akuya stepped forward and put a tablet computer in Tongzi's hand.

What is displayed on the tablet should be the ability Akua mentioned.

Among them are "Excaliber", "The True Eye of the Evil King", "A Gay Guy Opened My Pants Chain", "98K" and so on...

But at the bottom, there is another line - custom ability.

Tongzi clicked on the "custom ability", and found that after clicking in, it turned out to be blank.

Is it true that there is nothing and everything is set by oneself?

Tongzi glanced at Akuya, only to find that the mentally handicapped goddess took out a bag of potato chips out of nowhere, and was eating potato chips boredly, as if paying attention to him was better than paying attention to potato chips.

Never mind him, let's talk about it if it doesn't work.

So Tongzi started typing on the tablet.

Ability Name: Sword Art Online (Sword Art Online)

Ability effect:

1. Allows the holder of this ability to automatically increase the level even if there is no need to do anything (the level has no upper limit);

2. Every time you upgrade 5 levels, you can get a new skill;

3. For each level up, the acquired skill proficiency will increase by 1 level (there is no upper limit for proficiency);

4. The holder of this ability will automatically change into the appearance of Kirito (Grandpa Tong).

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