
"I got it done."

When Kiriko anxiously returned the tablet to Akua, Akua just glanced at it briefly, then nodded.


"Is it really possible?"

Tongzi froze for a moment.

Originally, he thought that he would pass directly. Even he himself felt that this custom ability was a bit too much, but he didn't expect to be able to pass it.

"...Well, it's okay, don't worry."

Aqua reconfirmed the contents on the tablet.

"By the way, I forgot to say before, although I said that after reincarnation, the memory of the previous life can be retained, but the memory of this place must be deleted according to the regulations, so you will only keep it until you dream of being anal fucked of……"

Before Akuya finished speaking, Kiriko interrupted her emotionally.

"Please delete that memory too! Just keep it and watch "My Big O Sword"."

"I see, then I wish you smooth sailing in your new life, well, let's go."

A magic circle appeared under Tongzi's feet, and a bright light shone from the magic circle, covering him. When the light disappeared, Tongzi, who was sitting on the chair, also disappeared.

Akuya printed Kiriko's written ability on a piece of A4 paper. This is the contract of God. As long as the seal is stamped, the ability will be inherited by the reincarnated person.


"Who is Kirito (Grandpa Tong)? Look it up online."

Akuya searched on Google, and looked at the pictures that appeared on the search interface, and Akuya knew it clearly.

I see, is this Kirito (Grandpa Tong)?I didn't expect that boy to have such a hobby.

Akuya printed the pictures found on the Internet on the contract of God, then picked up her own seal, and pressed heavily on Tongzi's contract.


As Akuya, who has been selected as an outstanding employee every year by the Heaven Realm, she is naturally busy with affairs.

Not only are there PC games to play,

Both hands must be grasped, and both hands must be hard.

Tongzi was just one of the many reincarnators she handled, so she didn't pay too much attention to it.

After that day passed, Aqua continued to guide reincarnation work and play games.

It wasn't until she didn't know how many days had passed that she accidentally discovered that the gender assigned to Tongzi was wrong.

"Well, there shouldn't be too many problems."

Akuya originally thought so, until one time when she was drinking with the BOSS, the BOSS accidentally said something that chilled her when she was drunk.

"Damn it, Akuya, do you know? Recently, a so-called 'reincarnation rights organization' was established. This group of people is full of food, and they specialize in dealing with the affairs of reincarnators who have reincarnated into other worlds. Recently, they have complained more than me." Your head is getting bigger. Hello, Akuya, you are indeed an excellent employee. Among so many reincarnated goddesses, you are the only one who has made no mistakes..."

"However, Akua, you have to keep working hard. If even you make mistakes... You know that I expect a lot from you, so you definitely don't want to know the consequences of angering me."

After drinking with the boss for several days, Aqua has been restless.

Although she is a... goddess of wisdom, she also knows that if her mistakes are discovered, she will definitely die a miserable death.

"Damn, I'm afraid I don't even have to be a trainee goddess..."

Akuya, who was said to be quick-witted and panic-stricken, had a flash of inspiration in her mind and thought of a good idea.

Although reincarnated people who have been reincarnated to other worlds are like children who have already been born, they cannot be stuffed back into their mother's stomach.

But it is possible to arrange for her to go to another world.

As long as they are not in the same world and stay for too long, it will be difficult for reincarnation rights organizations to find out.

As long as it is not discovered, it is naturally not considered a work mistake, and the year-end bonus and outstanding employees can still continue.

In this case, what to do is obvious...

A look of "wisdom" flashed in Akua's blue eyes.

I, Aqua, Goddess of Wisdom.




Because of overtime work, the remaining nine chapters will start at 5:3 on May 20rd, so please know.

In addition, in fact, these two chapters are to explain the reason why Tongzi travels, and why Tongzi will continue to travel to other worlds in the future.

Chapter 66


Tongzi found herself standing on a street... to be precise, a modern city street.

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