Wearing a green bicycle uniform, a rider on a bicycle walks peacefully on the non-motorized lane;

Carrying briefcases, office workers with sad faces walk slowly on the sidewalk;

Maids dressed in maid outfits are holding signs and handing out leaflets on the street;

There is also a man dressed like COSP..L..AY, singing in the street...

People coming and going looked at Tongzi with strange eyes.

But when they noticed the two swords on Tongzi's back, and Tongzi's black long trench coat, which was incompatible with other people, they consciously turned their eyes away, and walked away from Tongzi from a distance.

Only Tongzi was still in a daze, and after a long time, his brain gradually accepted the facts in front of him.

Have you come back through time travel?

Tongzi looked at the traffic lights in front of her, the surrounding high-rise buildings, and the huge poster hanging on the opposite building - "Backstreet Girls' New Song is Released"...

No, this is not my original world... At least, it won't be my original country.

Although Tongzi can understand the words written on the poster because of her "knowledge of the language", she can still distinguish Chinese and Japanese clearly.

Although I don't understand why I traveled through the world again, but when I called up the status magic and confirmed that my level, skills, and equipment did not disappear because of the world travel...

Tongzi still breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, as long as these are still there, no matter which world you travel to, you will not be afraid.

I don't know what will happen if Raphtalia and the others stay in the last world?

But it shouldn't be a big problem.

Thinking so, Kiriko took off the two swords on her back and put them in the dimension bag.

Although he is not sure whether the world he is in now is his original world, but Tongzi still hides the sword first based on his current cognition.

She wasn't afraid that putting the sword directly into the dimensional bag in public would attract the attention of others.

Because in this modern society where magic is dead and science is in full swing, no one believes in the existence of magic.

Most people will only subconsciously summarize incomprehensible things as "blindfolding" or "dizziness".

After putting away the sword, Tongzi looked around, then walked to the traffic light and waited.

She waited until the red light turned green before crossing the zebra crossing.

It's not that I'm afraid of being hit by a car, it's that I'm afraid of being hit by a car.

After crossing the zebra crossing, she came to a mobile stall selling ice cream.

Originally, he wanted to buy an ice cream, but after reaching into the dimensional bag, he realized that he had no money in this world.

But the boss is a kind person. Seeing Tongzi's embarrassment, he gave her one for free.

"Little girl, are you going to audition for this outfit?"

"You said yes."

After a brief chat with the boss, Tongzi knew that this was a place called City Z.

And this world is indeed not his original world.

At least Tongzi doesn't remember that in his original world, there were cities named after English letters.

However, just when Tongzi was about to ask the boss for more information, a panicked scream suddenly rang out.

"Weird, weirder appeared!"

The sound was like a spell, and the orderly crowd on the street immediately became chaotic.

"Weird? What's that?"

Tongzi, who was licking the ice cream, turned her head in a daze, and was about to ask the boss...

Then she was surprised to see that the boss had already packed up the mobile booth skillfully.

"Little girl, run away too, or you won't be able to survive when the weirdo comes."

As soon as he finished speaking, the boss pushed the mobile stall and ran away along the flow of people.

Two minutes, just two minutes.

The bustling street, which was originally full of people coming and going, became deserted.

What the hell……

Why are these guys so skilled?

How many times have they done it?

Heavy footsteps sounded slowly.

A guy who looks like Clayman from "Yu-Gi-Oh" appears.

It's about two meters tall, and its body is more like a toy than a human.

That thick fist smashed a promotional poster of an idol group from Saga pasted on the door of a bookstore with just one punch, and smashed the door of the bookstore to pieces.

After breaking the light box, the Nendoroid seemed to be looking for another target that could be destroyed. When it turned its small head, which was completely out of proportion to its body...

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