That was too conspicuous.

There is no way, I can only hope that in this world, there are also shops that recycle gold.

"Well, I'm sorry..."

Tongzi casually pulled a passerby who passed in front of her.

"I'm a foreigner and I'm not familiar with this place. May I ask if there are any shops selling gold and silver jewelry on a street?"

Being pulled by Tongzi suddenly, the passers-by were a little dazed, maybe they didn't expect that they would be stopped for questioning.

Having said that, this passerby's attire is a bit strange...unconventional.

First of all, he has a shiny bald head.

Secondly, he is wearing a yellow uniform with a white cape, red gloves and boots...

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a social person's dress.

Even though she was wearing a black windbreaker and was similar to COSP..L..AY, Kiriko was not qualified to say that.

"Go there, turn left, go through three traffic lights, then turn right, go straight, and you're there."

"thank you."

According to the guidance of the bald passerby, Tongzi soon arrived at the commercial street he mentioned.

Sure enough, as the bald passer-by said, this street is full of jewelry stores.

Starting from the jewelry store closest to her, Tongzi asked all the way.

After asking several companies to confirm the market, Tongzi found a medium-sized jewelry store and told the boss that there was a batch of gold that she wanted to sell.

The price of the gold sold in the store is different from the gold recovered in the store. Even if you buy it from his store on the same day and return it the next day, you will not be able to get it back to the same price as the one you bought yesterday. .

There is no alternative.

The gold that Tongzi brought out was so much higher in purity than the gold in the boss's shop, so the boss saw that Tongzi looked underage, so he wanted to fool around...

After hearing those words, she didn't refute. She picked up the soda can on the counter—this can was put on the counter after the boss finished drinking it.

Tongzi picked up the bottle of soda can without using much force, and then the soda can was squeezed into a small iron ball by Tongzi under the horrified eyes of the boss.

There are many people who can do this, and everyone can do it as a B-level hero.

But this also shows that the underage girl in front of her has the strength of a B-level hero.

The thoughts in the boss's heart that shouldn't have disappeared immediately.

In the end, this gold brick was sold by Tongzi for 400 million yen.


In a well-lit office, a man in a black suit is reporting the situation.

"Master Fubuki, I checked, but I couldn't find any information on the official website. That girl named 'Tongzi' shouldn't be a professional hero."

Sitting on an office chair, the woman in a plush coat had a playful expression when she heard the report from her subordinates.

"With such strength, but not a professional hero... Interesting, go investigate and find out her address for me."

"Master Fubuki, what do you mean..."

"Eyelashes, don't you think our Fuxue team has a little less recruits recently?"




Chapter 68 Can This Be Six?


With the money in this world, renting should be next.

The staff of the real estate agency, very enthusiastic and careful, offers a lot of options.

But in short, the more spacious the place, the more expensive the closer to the city center; the smaller the place, the cheaper the farther away from the city center.

But when Tongzi turned to the last few pages, she was surprised to find that the price of the place provided on the last few pages was so cheap that it couldn't be cheaper.

It's so cheap that even the landlord dare not collect rent.

"Guest, if you can, please try not to choose these places."


"Because these places are no-man's land."

After patiently explaining by the staff, Tongzi finally understood why the rented houses on the last few pages of this brochure were much more expensive than the previous ones.

This is because in the past few years, the number of weirdos in this area has increased dramatically, so the residents have all moved away from here.

The rent in no man's land is the cheapest, even for the largest house, the rent is also the price of cabbage.

Of course, even though this is said, in fact, the landlord does not dare to come to the house to ask for rent.

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