Water, electricity, and natural gas also cost nothing.

At the beginning, Tongzi was still attracted by the words "no money".

But then, she thought that she was not short of money.

"Well, I understand, let's change it."

The staff breathed a sigh of relief.

Although if the tenant insists on living in the no-man's land after their detailed explanation, it's none of their business if something happens.

But try to avoid it if possible.

Thinking of this, the staff couldn't help but recall that a long time ago, there was a young man with hair who insisted on living in no-man's land despite dissuasion...

I don't know what happened to that young man.

Because no one dared to collect the rent in the no-man's land, and the water, electricity and natural gas were not stopped, so the young man chose to live there without hesitation, but since then, there has been no news of the young man.

In fact, Tongzi is not afraid of those so-called "weirds".

What she is afraid of is the loss of water, electricity and breath.

The staff said that there is no water, electricity and gas bills.

But as long as you think about it, you know that this kind of life without any fees cannot last forever.

Of course, Tongzi can also live in the no-man's land first, and then move out after the water, electricity and gas are cut off, and then live in a normal house...

However, Tongzi doesn't like change very much.

She was like this in her previous life. For example, she likes Hedgehog Cat in novels. If Hedgehog Cat doesn't have it, she would rather not read it.

If you don't have money, then it's another matter, but now that you have money after all, there's no need to wrong yourself for this little money...

In the end, Tongzi chose an apartment with one bedroom and one living room with a kitchen and bathroom, complete appliances and facilities, and you can move in directly with your bags.

Although it is also possible to rent a more spacious one, I just feel that it is not necessary.



"Am I not mistaken?"

"That's right, that's the hero faction—the Fubuki group!"

"Everyone is wearing black suits, so cool!"

Under the envious and admiring gazes of the onlookers, Fubuki and the three cadres of Fuyuki's group walked towards the stretched black Lincoln sedan parked by the side of the road.

The four walked to the Lincoln sedan very naturally...

Then get into an AE86 parked in front of the Lincoln sedan.

"The Tangtang Fuxue team doesn't even have their own exclusive car, so they can only rely on renting a car. It's really outrageous."

Fubuki, who was sitting on the back seat with her arms crossed, grumbled dissatisfiedly.

"But we don't have the money to buy a car."

Eyelashes sitting on the driver's seat said.

"Everyone gathers together, it should be almost the same. Doesn't the Heroes Association give a fixed salary every month?"

Fubuki asked strangely.

"Relying on our salary, it is really not enough..."

Sitting in the passenger seat, Yamamon lowered his head in shame.

"If it's not enough, find a way to make money. To buy a car, only about 500 million yen is enough."


"Now there are 35 people in the Fubuki team. Everyone works together. It should be very easy to earn these."

"But... But, how do you earn so much money?"

"There should be a lot of people with good income... In short, please take this as the development of the Fubuki group, and help me tell everyone that we need to get it together by next week."

Fubuki clapped her hands, signaling everyone in the car to cheer up again.

"Okay, now let's get down to business."

"Yes, Master Fubuki."

Sitting in the passenger seat, Shan Yuan took out his mobile phone from his suit pocket and opened the files he had prepared before.

"Last time, Mr. Fubuki, you told us about the matter. Eyelashes and I investigated day and night, but no matter how we searched, we were still unable to find out any information about the girl named 'Kiriko'. Like popping out."

Eyelash, who was in charge of driving, raised his hand.

"I should add, speaking of popping out of rocks, I recall that there is a co-production film later this year..."

Fubuki ignored the eyelashes directly.

"Could it be a pseudonym?"

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