The mountain monkey continued.

"I can't rule out this possibility, but just yesterday, a woman rented a house in a real estate agency, and the registered name happened to be 'Tongzi'."

Blowing Snow smiled slightly.

"Shanyuan, you didn't just get the address from the real estate agency, did you?"

The mountain monkey also smiled.

"Of course, I'm the second in command of the Fubuki team."

The driving lashes are not happy anymore.

"Hey, I'm obviously the second in command of the Fubuki team."

Ignoring the rivalry between the eyelashes and the mountain ape, Lily, who was sitting in the back seat with Fubuki, snuggled up happily beside Fubuki, said in a voice that only she could hear.

"The second in command is yours, as long as Fubuki-sama is mine."

Trustworthy subordinates are vying for favor, which should be a happy thing.

But there was no joy on Fubuki's face.

Because in her mind, a person appeared...

Although her body is petite, she is much taller than her in terms of brain, physical strength, and superpowers...

That person is her sister.

In order to surpass her sister, Fubuki recruited a large number of B-level heroes to form the Fubuki team.

If that girl named "Kiriko" really has the strength that Lily said, and has a weird person who can easily knock down Lily but can't, then even if she is not a professional hero, she must have the strength of a B-level hero.

That's why Fuxue couldn't just sit idly by, and must win her into the Fuxue group.

AE86 stopped steadily in front of a small area.

"Master Fubuki, we're here."




From the manga..drama..plot to the latest manga..drama..plot, Z city has not changed, Mr. Saitama lives only in Z city. area, not the entire city of Z is an uninhabited area.

Chapter 69


"Is this where that person lives?"

Fubuki who got out of the car, crossed his arms, looked up at the apartment in front of him.

Although Fuxue didn't know much about real estate, this kind of apartment should be regarded as a relatively low-end type that poor people would live in.

"After all, she's not a professional hero, and she can't get paid from the Hero Association. She can almost rent a house like this with the money she earns from part-time jobs."

Perhaps seeing Fubuki's doubts, the eyelashes who followed him hurriedly explained.

I see……

Fubuki is more confident about being able to pull Tongzi to join the Fubuki group. Since the girl named Tongzi lives in such a tight situation, she must not refuse to join the big family of the Fubuki group.

A group of people went upstairs and came to Tongzi's door.

The mountain monkey rang the doorbell.

ding dong~~


There was a sound from behind the door, and after a burst of footsteps, the door was opened, and then an underage girl appeared behind the door.

When she saw the group of four in black standing at the door, she couldn't help being taken aback.

"Who are you and what's the matter?"

"Hello, little girl, I am Fubuki from hell."

Fuxue only said this sentence and didn't explain anymore.

It seems that the name "Fubuki of Hell" is as widely known as "One Punch".


Tongzi seemed to understand and nodded.

Seeing Tongzi's appearance, Fubuki couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Although in terms of personal strength, he is not as good as his sister, but as expected, the name of the Fubuki group has reached the point where everyone knows it.

Since even ordinary people have heard of it, then the next step will be easy...


The door was slammed shut in front of Fubuki.

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