Fubuki, who was still smiling just now, suddenly became stiff.

"Damn, the second disease."

Tongzi, who didn't take it seriously, went back to the living room and picked up the handle again.

It is estimated that it is a new type of marketing method, right?

It's not that Tongzi can't understand the difficulties of these salesmen, but she also hopes that these salesmen can understand her a little bit.

In the last life because there was no


In the loud bang, the door fell down together with the door frame.

"You are too much, Miss Tong!"

Among the group of four, the mountain ape, the largest in size, walked in first.

"To tell you the truth, this B-rank No. 1 Fubuki-sama, this visit was intended to win you over to join the hero faction—the Fubuki group, but your attitude is too arrogant...You woman, Where have you been looking since just now?"

Shanyuan realized that Tongzi's eyes were not right, and kept staring at his feet. He also lowered his head involuntarily, and found that the door was under his feet.

"You broke it, I don't care, you have to lose money."

Tongzi put the handle gently on the

"Okay, okay, I'll pay, I'll pay for everything!"

Yamazuki looked at Fubuki, and after getting a signal from Fuyuki, he walked towards Tongzi with a smirk, then raised his fist, and punched Tongzi in the face.

Although Lily said that Tongzi defeated the monster she couldn't defeat, Lily's ranking in B-level heroes is not high, so this does not prove how strong this girl named Tongzi is.

And he Shanyuan is the third B-level hero, how could he lose...

Mountain Ape only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then a strong sense of weightlessness came, and then his head hit something heavily again.

When he came back to his senses, he found that his head was already stuck on the ceiling.

"Mountain...Mountain ape? You guy, how dare you give the mountain ape to..."

Surprised, Eyelash pulled out his own weapon—an eyelash scissors, and rushed towards Tongzi.

Then the mountain ape had another companion hanging from the ceiling.

But it's not over yet, Tongzi lowered her... head, dodged... the three-section cudgel thrown by her, and then reached out and grabbed it.


Lily, who was caught by the handle, suddenly turned pale, and then tried hard to pull the three-section stick out of Tongzi.

But no matter how hard she tried, her stick, as if being clamped by a vise, remained motionless.

Even with a little bit of force, Tongzi snatched her stick away.

Tongzi knew Lily, after all, she had only met Lily not long ago, although she didn't know her, but she felt that she should be quite a nice guy.

So Tongzi didn't throw Lily to the ceiling, but just made a magic trick for her.

Turned her three-section stick into a nine-section whip.

Lily was frightened and was at a loss, holding the nine-section whip thrown back by Tongzi.

"Although I don't know why you guys are picking on me, I'm in a pretty good mood today, so I won't embarrass you. As long as you pay me for the broken things, you should leave quickly."

"You... Huh, no wonder you are so rampant, you really have two tricks."

That's all for Lily, even the mountain ape and eyelashes who were only ranked lower than her were knocked down in the blink of an eye, which made Fubuki stunned.

But she's not ready to throw in the towel.

Neither she nor the Fuxue group would ever bow to others.

"Lily, get out of the way."

"Master Fubuki, are you going to use that trick?"

Lily, with a pale face, obediently walked to the depths of the living room.

"That trick?"

Tongzi looked at Lily, then tilted her head and looked back at Fubuki.

"Tongzi, I admit that I did underestimate you a little before, but next, I will let you realize how stupid it is to go against the Fubuki group."

As soon as Fuyuki finished speaking, a faint light appeared on his body, and a faint light also appeared on the bodies of the two who were stuck on the ceiling.

Then, it seemed that an invisible force grabbed them, and they slowly floated down one by one, and floated to Lily's side.

"Take care of them."

Then, everything in the room vibrated.

What happened, was it an earthquake?

Tongzi subconsciously turned her head to look over.

Outside the window, the originally clear sky became cloudy, with a large number of dark clouds mixed with countless rubble and gravel, floating in the air.

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