"This... Did you do it?"

"Hmph, even if you beg for mercy now, it's too late."

In a violent crash, the fragile window could not be stopped at all, and the shattered window frame and broken glass in an instant, with the rubble and rubble outside, rushed towards Tongzi fiercely like a storm. .

A violent storm swept through the entire room, except where Fubuki herself and her subordinates were located, rubble, rubble, and other sundry debris, like shrapnel, left a deep hole in the room. deep scratches.

even on the table

Outside the apartment, an otaku wearing glasses typed "No

The next one




Sensitive characters are taken.

Fifth more.

Chapter 70 Old driver, I want to get off!


The raging wind gradually subsided.

On the 4K TV screen, countless cracks were scratched, and the screen placed in front of the TV

In short, the room was in a mess, as if a typhoon had passed through.

In a sense, it is indeed a typhoon passing through.

However, the range of the nirvana that Fubuki released just now was limited to this room, and even the aftermath did not go beyond this room.

After all, she still remembered that this was a residential area.

"Don't worry, I've already controlled my strength to the point where I can't kill you, so you should calm down and clearly realize how stupid it is to think of going against the entire Fubuki team by yourself..."

Before he finished speaking, Fuxue was stunned.

Because she didn't see the miserable appearance of that arrogant underage girl who fell to the ground after eating her special attack "Hell Lane".

"I said..."

A voice came from behind her.

Fubuki turned pale with shock, quickly took a few steps forward, and turned around to have a look.

Sure enough, Tongzi was standing behind her original position.

"I don't remember where I offended you, I even saved your companion before..."

When she said this, Tongzi pointed to Lily who also looked confused.

"The money you have to lose now cannot be settled with a few banknotes."

"You... how did you... when exactly?"

Fubuki felt his back soaked in cold sweat.

The other party unexpectedly appeared behind him without anyone noticing, but he didn't know it at all.

Could it be that the opponent is not a B-level hero at all, but has the strength of an A-level hero?

No, it's impossible!

Fubuki shook his head, throwing away this crazy idea.

At present, there are less than 40 A-level heroes recorded in the world.

How could it be possible to have the strength of an A-level hero just by meeting someone casually?

However, it is also a fact that his ultimate skill, "Hell Lane" is ineffective against her.

what happened?What exactly is going on?

Could it be that the other party used some tricky method to avoid it?

The room suddenly fell into silence, but it didn't take long before there was a vibrating sound that broke the silence.

Lily blinked her eyes before she realized it. She took out a mobile phone, looked up, and then her expression changed.

"Master Fubuki, it's not good. There is a suspected ghost-level weirdo in City A. The Heroes Association has called all the heroes and rushed to City A for support."

"City A? Forget it, let's call it a day. You escaped, but next time you won't be so lucky."

Chuuxue rushed out of the room as if fleeing, and the three people who came with her also left the room after her.

The four hurried down the stairs, and it didn't take long for them to get out of the residential building.

"Master Fubuki, your coat."

Yamape ran to start the car first, and Eyelash was very considerate, and went to pick up the fluffy coat that was blown away when Fubuki was performing his special attack.

"Well, by the way, Lily, call immediately and contact all the members of Fuxue's team, and ask them to hurry to City A. We will gather in City A when the time comes."


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