While talking, Fubuki calmly got into the car door that was opened by eyelashes. Yamazaru had already started the car, and after confirming that everyone was in the car, he stepped on the accelerator.

"I said, you just left like this, what about my room? Who do I ask for money?"

A voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Outside the car window, Tongzi was riding a bicycle, driving side by side with AE86.


Although he was surprised that Tongzi had caught up so quickly, Fubuki was not so surprised this time because Tongzi had avoided her special attack before, and quickly calmed down.

"We're going to deal with the weirdo, we don't have time to talk to you."

"What about my compensation?"

"When we come back, we will pay you back."

Tongzi very flatly refused.

"That won't work, what if you run away?"

Fubuki was a little angry.

"Then what do you want?"

Tongzi thought of a nice idea.

"Go to City A, right? I'll be with you."

"Ordinary people rush to take refuge, and don't get involved."

It didn't feel right after I finished speaking, and it was impossible for an ordinary person to be able to perfectly avoid his nirvana, so Fubuki quickly added another sentence.

"You're not a hero, why are you here?"

"Follow Kangkang."

Seeing that Tongzi couldn't be persuaded by Chuuxue, she simply gave up.

However, she smiled slightly as if thinking of something again.

"Well, if you can keep up, just follow along."

"Shan Yuan, drive to City A at the fastest speed."

"it is good."

The mountain ape who got the order also smiled slightly, pressed the handbrake, shifted gears, and stepped on the accelerator to the end, all in one go, he is a hero among drivers.

Although it's just an AE86 rented from a tofu shop, this car has definitely been modified.

The AE86's engine made a hungry sound like a wild beast, and immediately drove the entire body, and drove away at an extremely violent and violent speed.

Just in the blink of an eye, Tongzi and her bicycle have been thrown far away.


"Shan Yuan, you are so tall and big, you can't see that your driving skills are so good."

Hearing Fubuki's praise, Yamazuki couldn't help showing a look of complacency.

"When I was young, I used to like drag racing. Someone took a video and uploaded it on a certain website, and was nicknamed 'Mr. 91 Mountain'...Of course, after joining the Fuxue team, I only Fubuki-sama and the Fubuki team are united."

Glancing in the rearview mirror, the mountain ape had a stiff expression.

Because in the rearview mirror, there is an object approaching at high speed!

It was the girl on the bicycle.


how can that be!

The speed of AE86 has reached the peak, and it can't go any faster.

How could that bike keep up with such a fast speed?

Doesn't she feel tired?

So on the streets of City Z, there was this shattering scene:

An AE86 with "Fujiwara とラふ店" written on its body was running on the street at an unimaginable speed.And an extremely ordinary bicycle bites tightly behind the AE86 at the same speed.

Such a scene naturally attracted the attention of the traffic police in City Z. The traffic police hurriedly chased after him in a police car and called the headquarters for support.

Then at the other end of the headquarters, after listening to the traffic police report, he couldn't help but lose his temper.

"Taiyang Lingtang! Forget about AE86, and the bicycle is still racing? How many times have I said that drinking alcohol is not allowed during working hours, especially fake alcohol!"


"Don't talk anymore, I still want to chase "I, Tongzi, the Fraud Sealer". Don't call again if there is nothing important."




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