I'm a little sleepy, I'm going to take a little rest, and I'll continue when I get up.

Chapter 71 Undocumented is the person I admire the most in One Punch Comics


In the headquarters building of City A Heroes Association.

The red warning light was on inside the building, and the piercing alarm sounded non-stop.

"A total of 26 C-level, B-level, and A-level heroes who just arrived at the scene...all lost! They have already retreated."

"Atomic Warrior, Pig God, Metal Bat, Venerable Vest are on their way..."

"But because Pig God couldn't squeeze into the special car arranged by the Heroes Association, he had to go there on foot, and it took more than 4 hours to arrive..."

"Because the signal is abnormal, I can't contact other S-level heroes so far!"

The people in black sitting around the long electronic table had very ugly faces.

What is displayed on the electronic long table is the electronic map of the entire city A. A small area has turned red, and the area that has become red is still spreading gradually.

"Not good... very bad..."

"In case the headquarters of the Heroes Association is captured..."

All the people in black were sweating profusely and panicked. They were originally in the elite class, but they were very different from the civilian class.

But now, their performance is not much better than ordinary people.

"No... don't panic!"

The man sitting at the head of the electronic long table, although his forehead was also dripping with sweat and his body was shaking, he tried his best to keep himself calm.

"Continue to call other heroes, whether they are B-level or A-level, as long as they are not C-level, let them try to buy time..."

"The C-level hero continues to be responsible for guiding citizens to evacuate..."

"Keep calling for the trembling tornado, and the metal knights, make sure to reach them!"

"As long as we can last until the S-level hero arrives in City A, we will all be saved, so hurry up and act!"

The people in black seemed to have found their backbone, and shouted in unison.



The suburbs of City A are already like hell.

"That's it, please try to delay the time."

"It's easy for you to talk, but in the end it's not you who are working hard outside."


"Forget it, anyway, this is also the duty of a hero."

Springbeard turned off the communication and put the phone away.

"Spring Beard, what does the Association say?"

Seeing that Spring Beard had finished his phone call, Shuangluoxia couldn't help asking.

"The association said that support is already on the way, let us delay it as much as possible, and make sure that no weirdo arrives at the headquarters of the association."

"Are you kidding? A total of 26 heroes have already lost. What can we do with just five of us?"

"No matter what, we have to stop him here!"

This time, it was not a spring beard who spoke, but an unlicensed rider in a bicycle suit, and he spoke righteously.

"The Undocumented Rider is right, if we get discouraged it's really over."

Xinyue Thick Eyebrows also agreed.

"What kind of people are my teammates? Can such a guy really be reliable? Speaking of it..."

Shuangluoxia couldn't help but hug his head and complain.

"You are undocumented, you are obviously a C-level, why come here to join in the fun, why don't you rush to evacuate?"

C-level heroes are basically ordinary people, or only a little better than ordinary people, but as a C-level hero, the undocumented knight did not flinch.

"No, I'm a hero too, and I want to fight too."

"I really lost to you."

"Okay, everyone, anyway, it's time for us to go."

Finally, among the group of people, Qing Yan, who was ranked the highest, ended the discussion.

About a hundred meters away, a guy covered in purple, who looked like Piccolo the Great Demon King who came out of the Dragon Ball film set, was walking casually on the streets of City A, which was already in ruins.

It seems to have noticed the heroes in the distance, but it didn't care, it just waved its arm casually.

It's so casual, like humans are chasing away flies.


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