When the arm is swung, the huge shock wave generated hits the heroes overwhelmingly.

One didn't pay attention, the 97th B-level Shuang Luo Xia was directly blown away by the shock wave, and the other heroes were just struggling to support.

"This... what a terrifying power is this?"

"Damn, we can't even connect close..."

"Just waving your hand casually, there is such power..."

"We can't stop him at all... Even if it is an S-class hero, can it really stop him?"

"Fortunately, the evacuation of citizens has almost been completed, we only need to..."

But at this moment, a cry sounded.

Among the ruins, a little girl in children's clothes was crying alone.

"Father, mother, woo woo woo woo..."

The faces of the heroes suddenly became ugly.

"Hasn't the evacuation been completed?"

"Why is there a little girl there?"

What made the hearts of the heroes even more chilling was that the purple weirdo was also attracted by the little girl's cries and walked towards the little girl.

"not good!"

"Stop him no matter what!"

Spring Beard took out a handkerchief, flicked the handkerchief lightly, and a silver rapier appeared in his hand.

He strikes a fencing stance, the rapier spinning in a helix in his hand.

"Take no violence!"

The stabbing sword was obviously only one meter long, but it stabbed a distance of hundreds of meters and stabbed fiercely at the strange man's head!

"Come on, righteous shrimp catcher!"

The undocumented rider rode a bicycle, walking on the ruins of the street, and quickly approached the strange man.

Qing Yan, who was sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, crossed her hands and aimed at the weirdo with her right hand.

The blazing flames immediately spurted out from his right hand with the flamethrower, and swept towards the strange man.

Spring Beard was the 33rd A-level hero, and Qing Yan was the 6th A-level hero. Facing the simultaneous attacks of the two A-level heroes, the weirdo didn't dodge or evade. He stood in place and took the attack from the two.

It just stretched out its two fingers, and it caught the rapier blade protruding from the spring beard.

Facing the flames sprayed by Qingyan, it blocked it with one hand. Its body was much taller than ordinary people, and its palms were naturally thicker than ordinary people.

The flames licked on its arms, just adding a layer of charcoal to its purple palms.

As soon as it exerted a little force, it held the blade of the rapier, together with its spring beard, and swung it aside.

The undocumented knight and Qing Yan had no time to dodge, they could only watch helplessly, and then were hit by the spring beard that flew over.

The three people and the car overturned directly and fell heavily into the rubble of the ruins.

So far, there is no heroic obstacle between the weirdo and the little girl.




Seventh more.

Chapter 72 When I draw the second sword, no enemy can still stand in front of me


The little girl was still crying.

She didn't notice the fierce battle behind her, and she didn't notice that the incomparable weirdo was already standing behind her.

The weird man stretched out his hand towards the little girl. Its palm alone was as big as the little girl. With its strength, the little girl would definitely not be able to survive with a little force.

But at this moment, a black light suddenly flashed.

The weirdo lowered his head in doubt, looking at his severed arm that was continuously gushing out purple blood.

For the first time, a blank look appeared on its face.

It seemed that he couldn't understand why his arm would suddenly break off.

Then, it looked at a girl in a black windbreaker who suddenly appeared next to the little girl.

"Chuixue, the little girl will be taken care of by you."

Tongzi picked up the little girl by the collar, like picking up a kitten, and threw it in a certain direction.

"Wow, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa——"

The little girl who flew into the air couldn't help letting out a series of screams, but soon, she felt as if she was being caught by something, and she was slowly moving away.

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