Seeing that there are humans who are not afraid of death appearing again, and they are still blocking his way like those guys who called themselves "heroes" before, the weirdo couldn't help asking.

"who are you?"

Tongzi replied calmly.

"A passing card face to play."

"Huh? Card face to play? What is that?"

The weirdo was amused.

"I was born in an environment constantly polluted by humans... Vaccine man! The earth is a complete life, and you are the pathogenic bacteria that erode life on the earth..."

"In order to destroy human beings and the harmful civilizations you created, I was born with the will of the earth to destroy human beings on behalf of the earth!"

While speaking, the vaccine man's body began to swell. It seemed to be the unreasonable mutation of the virus in "Resident Evil". The upper body swelled rapidly, and the face became hideous.

Even the arm that was severed before has grown sharp minions again.

The transformed Vaccine Man's voice was also a bit harsher than before.

"You said you were just a card face? Although I don't know what it is, how dare mere human beings fight against the apostles of the earth?"

"Pollution and other things are already being treated. What's more, what you do is no different from human beings. Don't laugh at a hundred steps if you take fifty steps."

"To shut up!"

The sound of steel piercing the air suddenly sounded.

The sharp minions of the Vaccine Man turned into a phantom of steel, and launched continuous attacks on Tongzi.

The waving minions are impenetrable and continuous, and the gravel and rubble scattered on the ground will be torn apart as long as they are slightly touched.

Not to mention that every time it is swung, the air waves it brings up are gusts of wind.

In this intensive continuous attack, Tongzi remained calm, like a dancing butterfly, always able to find a gap in the attack, so as to avoid the fatal swing.

Vaccine Man faintly felt that the girl in front of him seemed a little different from the heroes he had encountered before, but what was the difference, and with his IQ, he couldn't tell.

"I'm tired of playing, and it's almost time to end."

Kiriko held the black sword in her right hand, and drew out the white sword in her left hand.

"Starburst Air Slash!"


Fubuki stared blankly at the picture in front of him.

She couldn't believe her eyes.

On their way to City A, they had already received a message from the Heroes Association that the level of disasters raging in City A had risen from ghost level to dragon level.

Dragon class, what is that concept?

That is a crisis that may lead to the destruction of several cities!

Only the apex of heroes - S-class heroes can deal with it!

Fortunately, the Heroes Association didn't make things difficult for them, but just asked them, B-level heroes and A-level heroes, to delay as much as possible until the S-level heroes arrived at the scene.

Fubuki thought so, and she originally planned to do so.

But what she didn't expect was...

The monster who was judged to be a dragon by the Hero Association was actually dealt with by that girl named "Tongzi"?

How it was solved, she couldn't even see clearly.

In fact, when the weirdo who claimed to be the "vaccine man" attacked Tongzi, Fubuki began to lose sight of it.

She could only see a black phantom, moving around in a group of purple phantoms, and then, for some reason, a dozen black and white flashes suddenly burst out...

Then the vaccine people become Doubanjiang.


what just happened? !

Fuxue was stunned, and then he watched Tongzi stretch out his hand to him.

What does she mean?

Tongzi's face was a little impatient, and she spread her hands again.

But Fubuki still didn't understand what that meant.

Tongzi seemed to understand something, and walked towards herself slowly.


The weirdo has been dealt with, but she is still walking towards her, what is she trying to do?

Fubuki was so frightened that his whole body became stiff. Although he could barely keep standing, he couldn't even take a step.

She's coming, she's getting closer and closer to me...

She walked in front of her...

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