If there is no girl in the windbreaker, Tornado will use his super power to tear that Piccolo Demon King into pieces...

Guarantee that it will never touch a single hair of his sister!


It has been a few days since she came back from City A. During these few days, Tongzi behaved like a dead house... To be precise, she didn't behave like a dead house.

It was originally a dead house.

Staying at home, playing games every day, or reading comics and novels, living a relaxed and comfortable life.

The only fly in the ointment is...

"Master Tong, please be sure to join the Fubuki team, please!"

Opening the door, Fubuki who was standing at the door, along with the three cadres of the Fubuki team—Yamazu, Eyelashes, and Lily, bowed down in unison, a standard ninety-degree bow.

For the past few days, every day Fubuki would come to ask Tongzi to join the Fubuki team.

It made Tongzi very disturbed.

Originally, on the day after defeating the Vaccine Man, when Fubuki came to visit for the second time, he brought what Kiriko asked for, the reward for defeating the weirdo, and the compensation for destroying the apartment.

Not only that, everyone behaved well, begging Kiriko for forgiveness in the posture of Doshizaza.

Since the other party has shown such sincerity, Tongzi is not a devil after all...

Of course I choose to forgive them.

However, after gaining Tongzi's understanding, Fubuki's next request is to hope that Tongzi will join the Fubuki team.

Tongzi naturally disagreed with this point.

I, Kiriko, just want to live a peaceful life.

But Chuuxue is also straightforward, coming every day, leaving if he disagrees, and then coming back the next day.

And Tongzi's response is also very simple. Every time she comes, she invites the other party to come in and sit down, and then let them sit and watch her play games.

Days like this lasted for several days until...


Tongzi picked up her phone and was about to order takeaway.

However, it was unexpectedly discovered that all stores today do not support meal delivery services.

what happened?

Is there something wrong with your phone?

So Tongzi restarted the phone, and even tried to turn off the WIFI and then turn it on again.

But still the same as before.

It seems that this is indeed not a problem with the mobile phone and the Internet, it should be that the store does not deliver.

But what can happen to make all the restaurants stop delivering food?

That had no choice but to go out.

Although Tongzi's current level has reached level 6666, all attribute values ​​have reached 666 million.

But it is a pity that Tongzi still needs to eat and drink, not a cultivator who can live happily without eating anything.

She took off the earphones and put them together with the handle

When Tongzi went outside, she was surprised to find that the street was empty.

Tongzi took out her phone and glanced at the time.

It stands to reason that at this time in normal times, the streets should be full of people, and the roads should also be full of vehicles.

But no one.

Not only was there no one there, but all the shops facing the street were closed, and some were not closed, but there was no one in the shop.

Fuck, did I mess up on the set of "I Am Legend"?

Tongzi walked along the street for a certain distance, and then she made a new discovery.

In front of a jewelry store, lay a mummy. This mummy looked like the real face of the mummy under the heavy bandages, but what surprised people was that the clothes on the mummy were too new.

Such new clothes, worn on at least a thousand-year-old mummy, seemed very inconsistent.

And next to the mummy, there was a huge package. The package was opened, and what was exposed from the inside were all dazzling gold and silver jewelry.

There is no doubt that this guy is a thief, and he wants to steal when no one is in the store.

It's just that I don't know what happened to make it like this.

Just when Tongzi was hesitating whether to move on or to visit the neighboring city...

"Hey, wait, we haven't decided the winner yet!"

On the deserted street, a shiny bald head suddenly appeared.

He held a bottle of household insecticide and sprayed it as he ran.

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