And what he was chasing was a mosquito.

"Hey, you're not..."

Although the other party changed into casual clothes that looked more normal today, but since the last time they met, Tongzi has firmly remembered that shiny bald head in his heart.

"Ah, who are you here?"

The other party looked at Tongzi suspiciously, as if he had completely forgotten who Tongzi was.

"My name is Tongzi."

"I'm Saitama, a hero out of interest."




Ninth more.

Chapter 74 Offended Baldy and Want to Leave?



Tongzi nodded secretly, if the other party was a hero, then the strange costumes she wore when they met that day would also make sense.

In the past few days, Chuuxue visited her every day, but it was not that Tongzi had nothing to gain from her.

At least Tongzi now knows what a hero is.

The heroes of this world can be roughly understood as being almost similar to the superheroes in Marvel movies.

It's just that the heroes of this world belong to an organization called the Heroes' Association.

The Heroes' Association was founded three years ago by the billionaire Algoni, and it mainly operates with funds raised from the public.

Heroes who belong to the organization can get corresponding rewards according to their contributions.

"Then what are you doing?"

Saitama hurriedly put away the insecticide in his hand. Naturally, he didn't have the nerve to say that he came here after chasing a mosquito all the way from his own home.

"Is it a hero activity?"

Hearing from Fubuki, among the heroes, the C-level heroes with the lowest level must carry out hero activities every week, otherwise they will be removed from the list.

B-level and above heroes do not have this mandatory requirement.

Saitama rubbed the back of his head and smiled guiltyly.

Seeing his appearance, Tongzi seemed to understand, and stopped talking about this, but changed the subject.

"Speaking of which, I haven't thanked you for what happened that day. How about I invite you to eat something?"

When I came out this time, I was going out for dinner, so Tongzi simply took advantage of the opportunity and invited him to join her.

Although the contact time is not long, Tongzi instinctively feels that although this bald man is relatively passer-by, he should not be a bad person.

"Bring me something to eat? Yes, yes."

For some reason, Saitama's mood seemed to become high all of a sudden.

"I know there is a good one, don't worry, I know the owner of that store, it won't be too expensive..."

Before Saitama finished speaking, suddenly an indescribably huge flame burst out in the distant sky.

Both Tongzi and Saitama's faces were coated with a layer of blood-like warmth.


Although it hasn't been long since he came to this world, Tongzi also knows that there are strange people haunting this world, and they appear very frequently.

"Sorry, it seems that I can trouble you to treat you next time."

Saitama's eyes immediately changed.

Like the eyes of a hero.

"You'd better go to evacuation quickly."

Tongzi suggested.

"It's all here, let's go and have a look together."


A large number of mosquito swarms, like a sandstorm, gathered overwhelmingly in the air, forming a huge black ball.

Then, the dense swarm of mosquitoes swept towards the man standing on the ground.

The huge mosquito swarm was like a flood, and even buildings were washed down.

It is impossible for any ordinary human being to survive.

But this man is not human.

At least not ordinary humans.

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