Dozens of light spots suddenly appeared in the black and huge mosquito swarm like a hill, and then there was an explosion. The turbulent and terrifying explosion swept away the mosquito swarm and burned it to ashes.

The surrounding buildings and streets all showed a scorched black color, as if it was a city that had just been baptized by incendiary bombs.

"Seeing that you can speak human language, I thought your intelligence was the same as that of a human being. Didn't you expect that you are just a mere bug?"

The man's severed left arm did not bleed like ordinary people, but sparks, and it was not flesh and blood, but a robot-like circuit.

His right hand was emitting white smoke visible to the naked eye, and it was he who had just used this right hand to wipe out such a huge mosquito swarm.

"There are so many bugs gathered, let me burn them together. When I found you, I have already confirmed with the detector that there are no living things within a radius of 500 meters, so I can use all my strength to destroy them... ..."

"No, why are there two more strange signals in the detector? Could it be..."

Two figures, a woman and a man, appeared in his vision.

"What was that flame just now? It's so powerful."

"I think you are even more powerful. With such a powerful flame, the clothes on your body don't even show any signs of scorching."

"You too, your bald head is still so shiny."

"It's really irritating that he still drags English."

The man was shocked by the two people who appeared in front of him.

One of the girls was okay, but the other one was bald but didn't wear any clothes, and was completely naked from top to bottom.

who are they?Ordinary people?

As soon as this idea came to mind, it was rejected by the man.

If it is an ordinary person, it is impossible for him to be unscathed by the large-scale incineration cannon he just released.

But before the man had time to think deeply, a series of laughter in the air attracted his attention back.

"Stupid, because I don't need them anymore."

In the air, a humanoid creature resembling a mosquito, magnified countless times, stared at the man with cold eyes.

This is the target I fought with the man before, but now it is completely different from before. Now its skin color has become red, and its voice has become queenly, and it is not as waxy as before.

"After all, I'm already strong."

Mosquito Girl swung her claws to the side, and the entire upper half of the building was torn into pieces like a toy made of cardboard.


The man's face became very ugly.

This destructive power and attack power are much higher than before.

The result is indeed like this...

The mosquito girl seemed to teleport, appearing behind the man, and knocked the man into the air with one blow.

It seemed to be deliberately playing tricks on the man, instead of killing the man immediately, it tore his body apart bit by bit.

"So it turns out that controlling the blood-sucking of the mosquitoes can not only restore your own injuries, but also accelerate the evolution of your body, so that all aspects of your physical fitness will be greatly strengthened..."

"Although people in City Z are hiding because of the warning, those animals will not hide from the mountains outside the city and in the forest..."

"The large mosquito swarm it controlled earlier absorbed a lot of blood, and it obtained a lot of blood from the mosquito swarm, so its strength has greatly improved..."

"But it's too late for me to think of this now. In this situation, I can only blew myself up..."


The mosquito girl was shot directly onto the building, and a large splash of blood was immediately splashed, and the whole building was painted with a layer of bright red.

"Annoying mosquitoes."

Originally, when the man suspected of undergoing body modification was at a disadvantage, Tongzi planned to make a move, but she stopped after seeing Saitama's move.

Mosquito Girl is not weak, but Saitama is obviously stronger.

It is estimated that Saitama is what Fubuki said, the top S-level hero among all heroes.

But just when Kiriko thought that the weirdo had been resolved, and planned to leave with Saitama...

The rescued man looked up at Saitama.

"Wait... wait a minute, please tell me your name."

Saitama answered him without thinking much.

"My name is Saitama."

"Please accept me as your disciple."

Saitama subconsciously agreed.

Then after a while, I realized what the man just said.


After saying this sentence, Saitama didn't give the man a chance to speak any more, and ran away.

"Wait...wait, please wait..."

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