The man also wanted to get up and chase, but his body had become tattered and he couldn't even stand up.

"Hey, what are you still doing standing there stupidly?"

Saitama, who had already run a certain distance, saw that Tongzi was still standing still, so he ran back again, pulled Tongzi together, and ran out of the man's sight.




I can't stand it anymore, everyone, I'm going to bed first, good night.

Chapter 75 I Understand


However, although he rejected the strange man's request to become a teacher.

But Saitama still made a call to the hospital and asked them to send an ambulance to the man's location.

And this little episode made Tongzi firmly believe that Saitama must be an S-class hero.

Have you ever seen someone crying and shouting to worship C-level as their teacher?

After that, Tongzi and Saitama went to the restaurant he mentioned.

Of course, that restaurant was closed as a matter of course.

Tongzi suggested.

"If it doesn't bother you, why not just go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients, and go to your house to eat hot pot."

As soon as he heard that there was a hot pot, Saitama's eyes suddenly became bright.

"Nice idea!"

Just on this street, there is a supermarket that is not closed.

So Tongzi and Saitama split up.

Tongzi in her previous life had never eaten seafood because of her allergy to seafood. After crossing, she had no physical problems, so she naturally wanted to eat seafood hot pot.

So she picked out a lot of ingredients according to the seafood hot pot recipe on the Internet.

After choosing the ingredients, meet Saitama at the cash register.

To Tongzi's surprise, the ingredients Saitama chose were...

Chinese cabbage.

What a surprise.

It seems that Tongzi's eyes stimulated Saitama, Saitama explained eloquently.

"Cabbage is rich in a variety of vitamins, inorganic salts, cellulose and a certain amount of carbohydrates, protein, fat and other nutrients. It also has the reputation of 'the king of vegetables'. Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, which can increase the body's resistance to Infection resistance, and can also play a very good skin care and beauty effect. More importantly, cabbage contains trace amounts of molybdenum, which can inhibit the generation and absorption of amine nitrite in the human body, and play a certain anti-cancer effect. Cabbage The zinc content is also higher than that of meat and eggs, which can promote the growth and development of young children. Cabbage is rich in potassium and low in sodium, which will not allow the body to retain excess water and reduce the burden on the heart..."

"Okay, okay, I know."

Kiriko quickly waved her hand to signal Saitama to stop.

"You can say that poverty is health preservation, and you are also 6."

Finally, before leaving, Tongzi put the money on the cashier, but after thinking about it, she took a box of condoms from the cashier and pressed it on top of the banknotes.

Then Tongzi took the bought ingredients and went to his home with Saitama.

But what Tongzi didn't expect was that Saitama's home was actually in no man's land.

It was the area where the staff tried their best to stop her in the housing agency.

But I didn't expect Saitama to live here.

The cooking of the ingredients is done by Tongzi. After all, there is a "cooking" skill, so it is not for nothing.

By the way, the takeaway she usually eats is actually to let the restaurant deliver the ingredients instead of the finished products.

It may be that Tongzi invited Saitama to eat high-end food, or it may be Tongzi's big big... The cooking skills of the master's proficiency made Saitama too moved.

Therefore, when Tongzi left Saitama's house, Saitama offered to ask Tongzi to eat outside in two days.


"The steak is doing an event now, and these are our recommended dishes."

The sweet-looking waitress stood in front of the table, holding a small notebook and preparing to record the dishes ordered by the guests.

This is a family restaurant called "Jonasama".

It may be because it's not time for meal yet, there are not many people in the restaurant.

However, the environment is very elegant, and the guests sitting in the restaurant are all playing with their mobile phones and waiting, and no one makes loud noises that will disturb others.

But Tongzi noticed that just a few tables past the table they were at, there was a blond man holding a mug in his hand.

Since Tongzi followed Saitama into this restaurant, he also followed into the restaurant, and has maintained this posture all the time.

The man Tongzi recognized was the man who was rescued two days ago.

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