Is it really a robot?

Obviously the last time we saw each other was still a tattered body, but now it has been completely repaired.

In addition, I don't know if it is because mechanical armor is very common in this world, but the blond man's mechanical arm, which is obviously not human, has not attracted the attention of others.

This blond man has been tailing behind the two of them ever since Tongzi picked him up from Saitama's downstairs. He not only followed them, but sometimes took out a small notebook to record something.

If it were someone else, they would probably regard him as a pervert.

But Tongzi doesn't think so.

Because Tongzi still clearly remembered that this blond man wanted to worship Saitama as his teacher a few days ago.

And with Saitama's strength, it is impossible not to find him.

In addition, Tongzi once read such a story in a book:

A long time ago, a defeated human warrior met a Pippi Shrimp and worshiped Pippi Shrimp as his teacher.

But Pipi Shrimp made the human learn from the cat.

Then this human warrior grows to the point where even the gods can't match.

So Saitama must be the same.

It is not oral teaching, but a higher-end teaching method—that is, let the blond man observe and learn by himself, so that the knowledge obtained in this way is more ingrained than the direct transmission.

Saitama is worthy of being an S-class hero. Not only is he outstanding in strength, but he is also very good at teaching his disciples.

"Anyway, please give me two copies, the cheapest."

"Two 150g steaks?"

"No, it's this one."

Saitama's red-gloved hand pointed to the menu, which marked 299 yen for French fries.

"Okay, two fries."

The girl quickly wrote it down in a small notebook, and then continued to wait for Saitama's order.

"These will do."

Saitama's meaning is obvious, the order is over.

"Cough cough..."

Tongzi, who came back to his senses, grabbed the menu and pointed to the 300g steak on the menu to the waitress girl.

"Two more copies of this, please."


The girl put away the menu and walked away.

"I'm sorry, it's clear that I invited you."

Saitama rubbed the back of his head, a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, I understand."

Tongzi nodded with a smile.

Saitama really wanted to ask what Kiriko understood, but he opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't ask anything.

Although Tongzi doesn't understand why Saitama is such a powerful hero, why he has to live such a poor life.

But she can probably guess, maybe Saitama is out of training for herself.

For example, the monks in "Dungeons and Dragons" can only hone their extraordinary strength through the practice of mind and body.

Perhaps, Saitama's strength comes from this.

And not far away, the blond man seemed to be thinking deeply, took out the notebook he carried with him, and began to write on it.




This is the first update.

Chapter 76 The legs are just decoration, the big shots above won't understand


"This should be the apartment where the target is."

Under Tongzi's apartment, three non-human beings were sneaking behind the stairs, talking to each other.

A mantis, a frog, a slug.

These three are obviously the most common creatures on the earth, but they have the same size as humans.

Because they come from a place called "The House of Evolution".

The so-called house of evolution is a holy place to guide the whole human being to a higher level.

And they were born in the house of evolution, and they will replace human beings in the future, and succeed human beings to rule the earth as the new overlord.

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