The reason why they appear here is because the girl named "Tongzi" and the bald man who defeated the mosquito girl with one palm seem to be companions.

That's why the BOSS of the Evolution House sent them over to invite Tongzi to the Evolution House.

It's an invitation, but in fact, as long as you don't beat him to death, you can take it with you.

No matter how you say it, the mosquito woman is also a test product of the House of Evolution, and it is necessary to conduct anatomical research on humans who can defeat the mosquito woman.

In addition to the three of them, there is also the second-ranked Beastmaster of the Evolution House, and the third-ranked armored gorilla, who went to invite the bald man who defeated the mosquito girl with one palm.

"My telepathy has sensed the target, and she is in the room."

The slug man clicked his booger.

"What should I do next? How about introducing yourself first? Then lie to her?"

The frog man with the word "Dian" engraved on his shoulder looked at the other two men.

"Don't be kidding, what are you going to do so much trouble for? Just cut off the legs and pack them up and take them home. Anyway, what the doctor needs is to study her body."

The mantis man made a gesture of waving with his forelimbs.

"The legs are just decoration, and the big shots above won't understand."

"That's fine. How about Mantis Man taking the lead, and everyone will share the credit if they succeed."

The slug man suggested.

"Then it's settled."

Mantis Man nodded heavily, and the three men walked out from behind the stairs together...

Coincidentally, a large number of people in black who walked in from outside the residential area met head-on.

Dozens of eyes looked at each other, and the air suddenly became quiet.


I went to visit several days ago, and wanted to invite Tongzi to join the Fubuki team, but Fuyuki failed. After learning from the pain, I thought of a key problem.

Tongzi's reluctance to join the Fuxue group may be because she only brought the cadres of the Fuxue group instead of the entire Fuxue group.

So, today Fuxue brought the Fuxue group up and down, a total of 35 people, all of them.

As mentioned earlier, every member of the Fubuki team is a B-level hero.

When a hero meets a weirdo, it's like a sweet party meets a salty party. There is nothing to say.

It's over!

Thus, the Fubuki team eliminated three monsters.

"Master Tong, I'm here to disturb you again."

"Just find a place to sit down."

"Yes, then I'll just do it casually...Actually, I came here this time to ask for something, about inviting you to join the Fubuki team..."

"Fubuki, I recently found out that there is a game called "APEX Heroes", which is interesting, do you want to play together?"

City Z is still very peaceful today.


The scorching sun hanging in the sky radiated heat wantonly, making the asphalt road reach an astonishingly high temperature.

I don't know if it's Tongzi's illusion, but it always feels like the heat is so hot that even the air is a little distorted.

"It's so hot..."

Kiriko, who was wearing a T-shirt, pulled up the T-shirt, but it wasn't that cool.

That child, on such a hot day, is still wrapped in a mink, isn't it really hot?

Tongzi couldn't help thinking of Fubuki who came to visit her house every day.

Originally, at the very beginning, Fubuki still regarded herself as a guest, and after inviting Tongzi to no avail every day, she would leave very tactfully.

Then, for some reason, it suddenly became that she was sitting in front of the TV playing games, while Fubuki and the cadres of the Fubuki team sat behind her obediently, watching her play games.

And then……

For no apparent reason, Tongzi's house has become the activity base of the Fubuki group.

The members of the Fubuki group gather to check in every day, hold combat meetings, summarize and criticize after the crusade against monsters, and a series of activities, all of which are held at Tongzi's house.

Think about it, Kiriko originally rented an apartment for a single person with one bedroom and one living room.

What is a single type?

It is a house type with no extra space except for otaku and otaku figures.

Now there are more than 30 big men squeezed in at once...

It is not an exaggeration at all, this is not much different from a big man all over.

The only luck that can be said in misfortune is that fortunately, these guys still go back to their respective houses to find their own mothers at night.

If they have to sleep at Tongzi's house even at night, then Tongzi must consider using the "king's treasure" to drive them away.

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