In fact, it's not that Tongzi hasn't raised opinions with Fubuxue.

And Fubuki's response was very simple, she just regarded Tongzi here as the activity base of the Fubuki group.

Even the money is ready.

The rent is calculated according to the price of the meeting room.

Of course, Tongzi is not short of this money.

When it comes to money, Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne, plus T'Challa, the three of them are not as much money as Tongzi.

In fact, if Tongzi really wanted to chase Fubuki away, she didn't need to bother at all.

Just one sentence is enough...

As long as she told Fuxue herself that she should not bother her, that would be enough.

But Tongzi couldn't say it.

It's so troublesome...

Kiriko scratched her hair annoyed.

Forget it...

Don't you just like to come?

Come on, come on, at worst, change to a bigger apartment.

Change to the one with two living rooms, let their Fuxue group have a meeting in one living room, and play by themselves in the other living room


"Thank you for your love, old and new customers. The real estate agency has moved to XX Road. The consultation telephone number: XXX..."

Tongzi stood in front of the closed housing agency, looking at the words pasted on the glass door, a little confused.

She walked for almost an hour under the sun of at least [-] degrees - of course walking at a normal human speed, because she didn't want to reveal her strength - and then just to look at the glass door of the real estate agency, How bright is it?

Also moved to XX Road?

Sun Order Hall!Isn't that just next to the street where I live!

Forget it, let's take a taxi, I don't want to leave...

Originally, Tongzi felt that she stayed at home all day, and finally had the opportunity to come out, so she didn't take a taxi and had to go.

Or take a taxi.

"Well, I'm sorry..."

A voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Excuse me, are you in any trouble? Need help?"




Chapter 77


When Tongzi heard this voice, she subconsciously squeezed her dimensional bag tightly.

— This is purely an instinctive reaction.

There is no way, there are many tricks for liars, so it is necessary to be defensive.

Tongzi turned around and saw a young man riding a bicycle.

He was wearing a green cycling uniform and a hat that was required to be worn when riding a bicycle. However, his cycling uniform was a bit different from the common cycling clothing, and it looked a bit like armor.

"I am the righteous biker, C-class hero undocumented rider."


Tongzi tilted her head, and looked at this young man who claimed to be a C-level hero again.

Whether it's his appearance or his self-introduction just now, he doesn't feel like a hero, just an ordinary person.

As if he noticed something strange in Tongzi's eyes, the undocumented knight smiled instead, but in this smile, there was no feeling of inferiority or annoyance because of other people's eyes, as if he had seen too much.

"Laugh if you want, I'm only a C-rank anyway."

"Why am I laughing at you? A C-level hero is also a hero, and there's nothing wrong with it. Speaking of which, you just asked me what's wrong, right? In fact, it's like this..."

So Tongzi told the other party her troubles exactly.

"So that's how it is. It's indeed quite far away. Well... If you don't mind, let me give you a ride."

After listening to the undocumented knight, he suddenly realized, and then took the initiative to invite.

"Is it okay? But aren't you a hero? Won't it interfere with your work?"

"It's my job to help people in need."

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