"Today is a big victory for the Fubuki team."

Shan Yuan's face was flushed from drinking, and he even pulled his tie to his forehead, as if he didn't know it yet.

"Our Fubuki team defeated several tiger-level monsters today, so everyone's ranking can rise a lot in one go."

Eyelashes, who usually look very stable, are holding a bottle of wine and drinking very crazy.

As for Blowing Snow...

She was sitting on the only sofa in the apartment, and she probably drank some wine, her face was flushed.

Tongzi frowned and pressed her temples.

These guys...

When you obviously didn't drink, you still looked like that, why did you change everything when you drank?

Tongzi clapped her hands, motioning for everyone to focus their attention.

"Please be quiet, I have an important announcement to make."

Tongzi yelled several times in a row, and stopped the harsh music, and finally quieted the room.

Having said that, the neighbors next door were so noisy, but they didn't complain. I don't know what they did.

After noticing that everyone's eyes were focused on her, Kiriko cleared her throat.

"From tomorrow onwards, you don't have to come here... To be precise, don't come here."

Everyone stared at Tongzi in a daze. After a while, they realized what Tongzi meant.

The crowd suddenly became uproarious.

And Fubuki's expression immediately darkened.

Although every time when Fubuki invited Tongzi to join the Fubuki group, Tongzi refused, or tried to divert the topic...

But everyone in the Fubuki group gradually regarded Tongzi as their own.

Especially the three cadres Shanyuan, Xilash, and Lily, who knew Tongzi's strength well, thought early on that Tongzi would definitely become the mainstay of the Fubuki team...

But, is it really just their wishful thinking?

"I understand."

Fubuki rarely said anything, originally Tongzi thought she would have a very violent reaction, but she just said something lightly.

"If this is your decision..."

Then she stood up and walked out the door.

Although she tried her best to cover it up, Tongzi saw through her thoughts at a glance.

She is trying to stay calm.

This queen of the Fubuki group, this woman who always gives others the attitude of a strong woman, this No. 1 hero in the B-rank, in fact, the calmness shown is completely fake.

The three cadres, Yamazuki, Eyelashes, and Lily also silently followed Fubuki. As for the rest of the Fubuki team, most of them looked at Tongzi with eyes of betrayal.

"Wait a minute."

When Fubuki's hand touched the doorknob of the apartment, Kiriko stopped her.

"Anything else?"

Fubuki turned her back to Tongzi, and she could be seen shaking from her back.

"I did say that you don't have to come here tomorrow, but I didn't say that you should leave."

"What do you mean?"

Not only Fuxue, but the cadres of Fuxue's group all looked over in a daze.

"Don't you guys think that this apartment is a little too cramped for the Fubuki group's activity base? I went to a housing agency during the day, and all the procedures have been completed. I can move in to my new home tomorrow. Then The sides are bigger, and..."

Before Tongzi finished speaking, Fubuki had already pounced on her. Accompanied by a gust of fragrant wind, Tongzi felt something soft pressed against her chest, squeezing her so hard that she couldn't breathe.

Coach, she hit someone with the ball.

I don't know if it's Tongzi's illusion, but she seems to have heard Fubuki's soft sobs.


The new apartment is indeed bigger, more spacious and more comfortable than the old one.

During the day, the Fubuki team was in another living room, holding battle meetings, or summarizing work, because Tongzi specially chose an apartment with good sound insulation.

Therefore, even if the Fubuki team was watching inside, the video of Tanaka Hime Suzuki Hina Official, or Kiriko playing games in another living room, would not be able to hear it at all.

Tongzi no longer has to worry about being disturbed.

However, Tongzi soon discovered that she encountered another problem:

She is tired of playing games!

Not to mention all the games in this world.

To be precise, it was the game that was launched three years ago to the present, whether it was on the computer or the console, she had spent the whole time day and night during this period.

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