As for those games that were released earlier, because of problems with the graphics and operation methods, I really have no patience to pass the level.

With no games to play, she felt even more sad than being thrown into limbo.

so boring……

Kiriko was lying on the tatami in a large font, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

It feels like life in this world is not as good as the last one.

Although there were no games in the last world, but the last world was boring, you can go to the wild to fight monsters.

But this world is a world similar to modern society, and there are no monsters, where to go...

and many more!

Tongzi suddenly felt a flash of light in his mind.

Although there are no monsters in this world, there are existences similar to monsters.

Moreover, isn't what Fubuki and the Fubuki group do every day just to fight monsters?

Thinking of Tongzi here, he got up from the tatami and ran to another living room.

"Fubuki, how can I become a professional hero?"


"Is this the test room for the hero test?"

Kiriko raised her head and looked at the huge egg-shaped building in front of her.

It is said that the number of people taking the hero exam this time has reached the largest number in history, so six exam rooms had to be arranged to accommodate such a large number of candidates.

At the same time, because of the large number of candidates, I heard that the standards of this exam will become very strict.

The reason why Kiriko is standing here is because she also intends to take the entrance examination for the hero high school...professional hero.

Heroes in this world are a bit like hunters in full-time hunters. If you become a hero, you can get a lot of convenience.

Because of this, she registered online and arrived at the examination room today.

The guard at the gate, after seeing Tongzi's admission ticket, let Tongzi enter the examination room.

"Ah, is Tongzi? Hey, Tongzi!"




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Chapter 80 What is baldness? Can something about being a hero be called baldness?


Hearing someone calling her, Tongzi turned her head and looked over.

Then she saw a shiny bald head emerging from the crowd, standing with a robot.

As if afraid that he hadn't seen them, the robot waved at him.

"Saitama? Why are you here?"

Tongzi walked over with a puzzled face.

"Aren't you an S-class hero? What are you doing here? Are you an examiner?"

Hearing Kiriko's words, Saitama was stunned.

"Who do you say is an S-class hero?"

"Aren't you?"

"Are you talking about me?"



The three faces looked at each other immediately.

After some conversation, Tongzi realized that she had made a misunderstanding.

It turned out that I thought he had such strength before, so he must be an S-class hero.

But he didn't expect that Saitama was not a professional hero at all.

What he said before "a hero driven by interest" is really an interest.

However, he recently realized that his popularity was too low, and he just realized that there is even a Heroes Association.

Only those who have been certified by the Hero Association are heroes, and those who call themselves heroes are just perverts in strange clothes.

Therefore, in order to increase his popularity, and in order not to be called a bald pervert, he came to the examination room to take the hero examination.

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