As for that robot...

"Hello, my name is Genos, and I am a disciple of Saitama-sensei."

Sure enough, when he was looking for Saitama before, the robot had been following the two of them, and then even followed them to the family restaurant.

Tongzi guessed correctly, he is Saitama's disciple.


Kiriko and Genos shook hands awkwardly but politely.

"Well, Genos, do you mind if I ask you a question?"

Genos replied as if he knew what Kiriko would ask.

"Most of my body is mechanically modified, so as long as there are spare parts, it can be repaired in no time."

"Is that so..."

Genos was serious, saying something that made Saitama fly into a rage.

"By the way, although Saitama-sensei is very strong, he doesn't actually use any parts. The head of the teacher is bald. It's not a flesh-colored armor, but a real bald head."

Saitama blushed at that moment and argued.

"What is baldness? Can something about a hero be called baldness?"

Then came the incomprehensible words, "I'm not bald, it's just that my hair grows backwards".

For a time, the examination room was filled with joyful air inside and outside.

At this moment, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

"If there is something happy, tell us to make us happy too."

Two men in vests walked towards this side, and stared at Tongzi with lewd eyes.

"This beautiful lady, we are members of the Vest Corps. After the exam, do you want to find a place to have a drink together?"

"Saitama, Genos, see you later."

However, Tongzi ignored the two guys, but after greeting Saitama and Genos, she walked towards the women's locker room.

Because the physical fitness test in the hero test was originally intended to test the performance of the hero without the use of equipment...

Therefore, in order to obtain the most realistic data, candidates need to travel as lightly as possible.

Those two guys in vests originally planned to stop Tongzi, but the guards in charge of maintaining order in the examination room noticed the situation here and ran towards this side.

Noticing this, the vest duo had no choice but to walk away resentfully.


After entering the men's locker room, the vest duo talked while changing clothes.

"Brother, since the boss of our Vest Legion is the S-Class Hero Vest Venerable, why should we be afraid of those security guards?"

"Creating trouble in the hero examination room, are you fucking crazy? Even if the vested venerable is more loyal and defends the younger brother, you and my brother will also be kicked out of the vest army, do you believe it?"

"So that's how it is. As expected of a big brother, he really has a high vision, but that girl is really beautiful, and she really has no shortcomings except for A... As long as I think that I can spend a night with that girl, I will... just fine."

"You kid, you're really worthless, don't worry, with the abilities of you and me, it's definitely not a problem to be a C-rank Dangdang. When the time comes, I will use the vest legion as a backstage supporter. I'm not afraid that girl will be able to bear it... Don't worry." After thinking about that, I should concentrate on the exam in front of me, after the exam is over, what kind of girl can't be found?"

"yes, Sir!"


There are two main exams in the hero exam, namely the physical fitness test and the written test.

Both games are 50 points, totaling 100 points.

As long as you reach 70 points, you are qualified.

The physical fitness tests are left and right repeated horizontal jumps, 1500-meter long-distance running, weightlifting, shot put throwing, high jump, hamster-playing machine, punching test machine, etc...

The written test consists of multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, essay questions and translation questions.

There is nothing to say about the physical fitness test. Tongzi just got a full score in the physical fitness test just because she was very casual.

The real trouble is the written test.

The content of the written test is naturally the knowledge of this world, and Tongzi is not from this world, nor does he have the skills of a great sage who can cheat anytime and anywhere, so the written test is really very tough.

She had no choice but to resort to the magic weapon of the previous exam:

Three shorts and one long are the longest, and three longs and one short are the shortest.

Try to fill in every question, if you really can’t write it, just copy the question, at least one or two points will be given as appropriate, at least it’s better than leaving blank.

At the end of the examination paper, there is a translation question:

Please translate "Thousands of roads, safety first. Irregular driving, tears for loved ones" into English (15 points).

Tongzi frowned and thought hard for a while, then suddenly thought of something, and wrote down:

Road ten million tiao,safe No.1

Drive no guifan,family o(╥﹏╥)o

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