
This will definitely get full marks!

It's just that after the exam, Tongzi went back to the women's locker room to change back to her original clothes, and planned to go to the lounge to wait for her results, but was stopped by the staff.

The reason why he stopped Tongzi was simple:

In addition to the physical fitness test and written test, Tongzi also has to participate in the interview.


Here is a very spacious and empty hall, the floor of the hall is composed of black and white tiles.

The hall was empty, except for the interviewers and the chairs for Kiriko to sit on, there was nothing else.

There is no light in this hall, and the dazzling sunlight shines in from the glass curtain wall behind the interviewers.

Therefore, the faces of the interviewers cannot be seen clearly.

The chair on which Kiriko sat was placed in the shadows where the sun just couldn't reach.

"Please sit down, Miss Tong."

The only woman among the interviewers said indifferently.

"Don't be nervous, we will only ask you a few simple questions and conduct a mental test."

One of the interviewers had his white-gloved hand glued to his chin.

"Of course, if you don't want to, we won't force you. You can leave at any time."




The rewards are still going on, let's reward some monthly tickets and razor blades for the sake of the fifth watch, the family is almost unable to uncover the pot.

Chapter 81 Are all the mobile suits of the federal army monsters?


On the second floor of the hall, there were three other people in black suits, condescendingly looking at Tongzi who had already sat down on a chair and started the interview.

They are the cadres of the review department of the Hero Association and the real interviewers for this interview.

Many people only know about the Hero Exam, which includes a physical fitness test and a written test, but they don't know that there is also an interview.

Of course, interviews are only for newcomers who are identified as qualified and potential.

The hero examination system has drawbacks, and it cannot truly reflect a person's true strength.

The strength of many heroes has been underestimated or overestimated.

For example, Silver Fang, who is currently No. 3 in S class, was No. 77 in B class when he first debuted.

Another example is KING, known as "the strongest man on earth", although he ranks only seventh among the S-level heroes, there are six people ahead of him.

But his title of hero is enough to explain everything, and there is no need to explain further.

Therefore, the interview is for those newcomers who are recognized as having qualifications and potential. After passing the interview, the Heroes Association will directly award them A-level or even S-level rankings, which saves them from wasting time and working hard to get from C to C. The level starts to climb up.

As for what level Tongzi can break through the rules, it depends on her next performance.

The interviewers leaned on the handrails on the second floor and looked down.

"I've checked this person, whether it's elementary school, middle school, university, or hospital information, I can't find all the information, as if he came out of nowhere."

"Is it a black household?"

"Is she the one who wiped out the Vaccine Man with a disaster level of dragon? No matter how you look at it, she doesn't seem to have that powerful power."

"This is what Master Longjuan said personally."

"What, is that the trembling tornado that ranks second in the S rank?"

"Since there is the testimony of Mr. Tornado, we must pay attention to it."

"Anyway, it's meaningless for us to doubt now. If she doesn't have that strength, she will definitely regret entering this cruel circle."

"Speaking of which, there is another talent worth looking forward to in this hero exam, right?"

"The mechanical transformation man named Janos, I have already obtained his grades in advance, and it will be his turn after the girl's interview. Both the physical fitness test and the written test are full marks. And he also solved the problems we have been facing. The unstable factor that was observed in the dark - the house of evolution, he directly used powerful firepower to razed it to the ground, leaving nothing behind."

"Are all the newcomers this year monsters? Hahahaha... I can already imagine the panicked faces of those A and S grades after learning the exam results."

"You put it that way, I'm starting to look forward to it too, haha..."


After the interview, Tongzi met Saitama who was also waiting here in the waiting room.

"Why did you come out so slowly, Tongzi, is it difficult?"

Tongzi looked around and found that there were only the two of them in the huge lounge.

"No, I was asked a lot of questions during the interview."


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