"Hey, didn't you, Saitama, attend the interview?"

"No, I will come after the physical fitness test and written test. What is the interview?"

After hearing Saitama's words, Kiriko could not help frowning slightly.

"Could it be that if you fail the written test, you will participate in the interview?"

"Tongzi, do you think the written test is difficult?"

"To be honest, I'm not very good at written exams. I once took the civil service exam, but I failed to pass the exam after several years."

Saitama patted Kiriko on the shoulder and enlightened her.

"That's it, but don't be discouraged, everyone has their own good and bad points."

"As expected of Teacher Saitama."

At this moment, Genos also came in from outside the lounge.

"It's easy to get full marks for questions like the written test."

Even Saitama's disciple said that...

Tongzi couldn't help but hugged her head.

Damn, she suddenly had a bad feeling.

Could it be that she was the only one who failed the ranking?

If you want to say why you think so, isn't it justified?

Saitama thinks it is very simple, and Genos thinks it can get full marks...

I just feel a little overwhelmed...

After all, the famous Murphy's Law says this - if you worry about something happening, then it is more likely to happen.

After that, the three of Tongzi chatted in the lounge for almost an hour before a staff member from the examination room came in.

He respectfully handed three envelopes with his names written on them into the hands of the three of them, and then withdrew them.

Needless to say, inside the envelope must be the transcript of the hero test.

Tongzi nervously opened the envelope and took out the report card inside.

She closed her eyes first, then slowly opened them a crack.


Kiriko opened her eyes fully, and blinked again.

She stared at the "96 points" on the report card, a little in disbelief.

She knows that the physical fitness test is a perfect score of 50 points.

But what she didn't expect was that her written test score was 46 points.

Although not a full score, it is still a high score.


Is your own written test so good?

Obviously, I still feel that I did a poor job in the exam.

Three longs and one short are the shortest, three shorts and one long are the longest, plus construction site English, are these three combined so powerful?

As long as you have 70 points, you are qualified, and Tongzi's total score is 96 points.

This is no longer qualified, but excellent.

It is even more beautiful than Li Yunlong's wife Xiuqin, who used embroidery needles to show an iron embroidery flower on the embroidered shoes.

In addition to the test scores, his own hero ranking is also listed on the report card.

"Is it the 18th place in the S class?"

Janos next to him glanced at Tongzi's report card, although he showed Tongzi his own report card.

Tongzi was taken aback just by looking at it.

I go!

Janos actually got full marks in the test.

Horror so horrible.

As for the hero ranking, it is the 17th in the S class.

After all, his written test is higher than Tongzi, so it is understandable that he ranks one place higher than Tongzi.

"Saitama, why don't you speak? Could it be that you did too well in the exam? Afraid of scaring us?"

Tongzi suddenly thought, Genos is Saitama's disciple, and even the disciple can get full marks in the exam, isn't the teacher so high that he doesn't know where to go?

Unexpectedly, Saitama looked vicissitudes, as if the whole person was ten years older.

"Why, why did it become like this?"

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