Saitama showed the report card to Kiriko.

I saw it said, 50 points in the physical fitness test, 21 points in the written test, a total score of 71 points, and the hero ranked 388th in the C-level.

Genos looked very angry, and he made a gesture to go out.

"There must be something wrong, I'll go to the person in charge to complain."

Saitama quickly grabbed Genos.

"Forget it, don't go, it's so embarrassing."

At this time, the radio rang in the lounge.

"Mr. Genos, Ms. Tong, and Mr. Saitama, there will be a briefing session for qualified candidates at 16:[-], please go to the third lecture hall."




Chapter 82 This result is too real


This is a shooting location for a crew.

"Okay, CUT!"

The actors who were performing on the stage breathed a sigh of relief.

"Take a break first, and then shoot in five minutes."

The director graciously ran to one of the young and handsome actors, and respectfully handed out a bottle of mineral water.

"Mr. Sweetheart Mask, thank you for your hard work, drink some water to quench your thirst."

"um. Thank you."

Sweetheart took the mineral water with a smile on her face, unscrewed the cap, took a sip, and returned it to the director.

When the director walked back to the front and back of the table, the assistant director rubbed his hands flatteringly and said.

"Director, please sell me your bottle of water."

The director quickly clapped his hands away.

"Shut up, I'm going to take this back to my wife. Hmph, other people just ask for Mr. Sweet Mask's signature. Look at how romantic my husband is, and bring my wife the water that Mr. Sweet Mask has drunk. "

On the other side, the assistant held the mobile phone and handed it to the sweetheart mask sitting on the chair respectfully.

"Mr. Sweet Mask, I have your call."

"um. Thank you."

Sweetheart Mask took the phone and glanced at it. The caller information displayed was "Heroes Association".

After thinking about it for a while, he guessed the reason for the call from the Heroes Association.

"Now is the break time for filming TV series, please make a long story short."

On the other side of the phone, the cadre of the Heroes Association said very politely.

"Yes, I'm really sorry to trouble you, Sweetheart Mask. In this hero exam, there are two people who we have been paying attention to, and they both came to take the exam. Based on their previous performance, we decided to make an exception and promote them to S rank. According to As usual, let me report to you."

"Well, there's no problem. I've already read the files you delivered. When the filming of the TV series is over, I'll go there myself and tell them how they got around in this circle."

Sweetheart Mask's eyes fell on the two documents on the table.

These two documents are the physical fitness test evaluation sheets of Tongzi and Genos. Unlike the transcripts that only write the results in general, the physical fitness test evaluation sheets contain more data.

The reason why Sweetheart Mask also exists is because Sweetheart Mask is not only the first hero of A-level, but also a super popular idol among the people. As long as there are concerts and TV dramas of him, he will definitely become popular.

Because of his overwhelming popularity, the Association of Heroes appointed him as a consultant for the selection of talents for the Association of Heroes. Basically, whenever it was a hero exam or when improving the hero ranking, the association would ask for his opinion.

The most eye-catching thing on the document is that the physical attributes of Tongzi and Genos are outlined in pentagons in a concise and easy-to-understand manner. In these two documents, the five sides of Tongzi and Genos The shape is full, and both of them have the highest value of 100 points.

Out of the corner of the eye of Sweetheart Mask, he noticed that the actors who were resting had returned to their positions, and the director looked at him pitifully, and he made a gesture of "coming soon" to the director.

"Okay, that's it. The rest time has passed. I'll contact you later if you have anything to do."

"Yes, then I won't bother you."


The so-called briefing session for qualified candidates is mainly for the seniors who have worked in this industry for a period of time to explain to the juniors the precautions about heroes.

This time the Hero Association recruited Sneak, who was ranked No. 38 in the A-level.

The main reason is that other A-level heroes are unwilling to come, only he is very free, and just wants to put on airs of a senior in front of newcomers.

But unfortunately, no one listens to his BB at all, whether it is Tongzi, Saitama, or Genos.

Originally, it would be fine if it was just explaining the precautions, but this guy just talked about it, and it turned into bragging about his personal heroic deeds.

For example, in his eyes, tiger-level monsters are nothing more than chickens and dogs, and even ghost-level monsters are just for sale.

No matter how strong the weirdo is, he is only the fluorescence of rotten grass, no more than the bright moon in the sky like him.

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